
A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

author:Chinese Net Culture
A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

▲ The Kennedys

On the morning of November 22, 1963, just after a light rain, at 11:37 CENTRAL Time, the U.S. Air Force One Presidential Plane landed at La field, 11 kilometers northwest of Dallas. The youngest president in U.S. history, John F. Kennedy, and his wife, Jacqueline, came to Dallas, Texas, to prepare for re-election in the following year, in November 1964.

According to the original plan, the president, accompanied by Governor Connery and others, will drive to the central neighborhood of Dallas, be welcomed by 500,000 Dallas citizens, and then go to the scene of the Dallas Trade Fair to deliver a speech.

Just after 12:00, the president's army drove through the city of Dallas at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour, crowded with welcoming crowds everywhere it went. When Kennedy's convoy turned onto Elm Avenue, an accident occurred — John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president of the United States, fell under the muzzle of gunfire in the street.

There have been 36 versions of the Kennedy assassination, but the truth remains elusive. What is even more incomprehensible is that 188 people related to Kennedy's assassination have died mysteriously so far. And just a new round of investigations could lead to the inexplicable death of some people.

So, who assassinated Kennedy? Was the assassination an act of an individual or was it manipulated behind the scenes? Is there still a huge conspiracy behind the assassination?

Let's first understand the situation at that time. The president was in a 1961 Lincoln Continental luxury convertible. Inside the car on the right was Agent Roy Kleiman; on the second row sat Governor John Connery and Governor's wife, Nari Connery, who sat to his left; Kennedy and Mrs. Jacqueline sat in the back seats, with Kennedy on the right.

The sedan was originally fitted with a bulletproof cover, but in order to give dallas citizens a glimpse of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, and to show the president's trust in the citizens of Dallas, Kennedy asked agents to remove the bulletproof cover.

The police car that opened the lane in front of the convoy belonged to the Dallas Police Department and was equipped with communication equipment to maintain contact with the president's car, which was carried by the president's agents. The president's Lincoln sedan was right behind the police car.

Among the welcoming crowds along the road, a small number of groups and individuals who came to protest held up various protest slogans and demonstrated, but the atmosphere was generally friendly, and the presidential motorcade did not have accidents throughout the trip.

At about 12:30 p.m. CST, the President's motorcade approached the Texas Textbook Warehouse building, turned right at the entrance to Dealey Square and headed onto Houston Avenue, facing the tall Textbook Warehouse Building. Immediately after, the convoy turned left and went up Elm Avenue, the side road to the right of Dealey Square, which is lined with small trees. There is a railway overpass in front of it, and there are fewer citizens watching.

At the time, the president's motorcade was still moving slowly on Elm Avenue at speeds of 15 to 20 kilometers per hour. At this point, no one could have imagined what would happen next.

A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

▲ The Kennedy couple rode in a luxury Lincoln convertible

The president was assassinated.

The first shot was fired at around 12:30:30 p.m., and President Kennedy immediately covered his neck with his hand as if he had been hit in the throat. But it wasn't over, and then two more gunshots rang out.

The second shot hit President Kennedy in the back of the head, his head slamming backwards, the bullet knocking off part of his skull, spurting blood and brain plasma. At the same time that Kennedy was shot, Governor Connery, who was sitting in the front row, was also shot and seriously injured.

It's a shocking video recording of a Dallas tailor with an 8mm home camera while he happened to be photographing the president's car on the side of the road.

After the shooting, the president sped away from Dealey Square in a car and along the Stymons Highway to Parkland Memorial Hospital, 6.4 kilometres away. At this time, the crowd in the square was still in shock, and many people had not yet reacted to what had happened.

At 13:38 p.m. CST, CBS host Walter Cronquette was the first to report the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on television.

An hour after Kennedy's assassination, there was chaos in the United States, with people huddled in front of televisions in malls and prayed silently. Schools in the United States and Canada have let students out of school early. In some places, traffic has also become nearly paralyzed as news of Kennedy's assassination spread.

Three local dallas television stations canceled the normal program time for 3 days and began 72 hours of non-stop coverage of the assassination.

A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

▲ Kennedy was assassinated

All the people are waiting for the murderer to be found. The first suspect finally surfaced 80 minutes after the assassination.

Lee Harvey Oswald was born on October 18, 1939, cuban-American. He joined the U.S. Marine Corps at the age of 17 and has a reclusive personality and excels in shooting. In 1959, he moved to the Soviet Union after a year of communism, and two years later returned to the United States with his Belarusian wife. Two months before the assassination, an attempt was made to enter Cuba from Mexico to support the local communist revolution. He was not allowed to enter the country, then returned to the United States and found a job at the Texas Textbook Warehouse in Dallas.

At 13:50 that afternoon, the CIA captured him in Dallas City, first accusing him of killing Dallas police officer J. Lee. D. Tippett, later accused him of shooting president Kennedy on the 6th floor of the textbook warehouse building.

But Oswald himself denied shooting the president and declared: I am only a scapegoat. Oswald, however, was not retried and prosecuted. Is he really the murderer? Some say he's not. Because, a passerby at the scene of the assassination provided a photo to the police. This photo was taken a few seconds before the assassination. You may not think there's anything special about it at a glance, but look closely at a man who looks a lot like Oswald standing in the crowd on the side of the road a few seconds before Kennedy's assassination.

The photograph and passers-by's testimony seem to indicate that Oswald was not on the 6th floor of the textbook warehouse building at the time of the assassination. However, the authenticity of this blurry photo is difficult to discern.

Two days later, on the morning of November 24, 1963, the Dallas City Police Department prepared to transfer oswald, the suspect in the assassination, from dallas police headquarters to the county jail. The transfer of such a major suspect is naturally heavily guarded, but journalists flock to the president's assassins in order to have a chance to get a close-up shot of the president's killer. But at this moment, a catch-me-up happened — Oswald was suddenly killed.

The unsuspecting murder took place in front of 70 Dallas police officers and countless journalists. And at the time, NBC was broadcasting live escorts of criminals. As a result, the scene became the first live broadcast of the murder scene on television.

Police quickly confirmed that Oswald had been shot and killed by a man named Jack Ruby. Who is Jack Ruby?

Jack Ruby runs an equestrian club in Dallas, a local mafia gangster who spends his days doing drugs and gambling. Although he is a small character, he has a gun and dares to use it.

But why did he kill Oswald? Is it his personal behavior? The investigation proved that there was no such possibility, and he was at best a small role in the dragon suit. So, there must be someone behind him.

On November 29, 1963, five days after the shooting of the suspect Oswald, President Lyndon Johnson personally appointed a special committee chaired by then Chief Justice Earl Warren to thoroughly investigate the murder.

The Warren Committee directly interrogated Jack Ruby, during which Ruby said, "I'm going to Washington, and you can do whatever test you want me to do." It's important—gentlemen, unless you let me go to Washington, you won't get anything from me. If you understand why I'm saying that, you're going to have to ask me to go to Washington and do the tests—gentlemen, if you want more testimony, you're going to have to ask me to go to Washington right away, because it has to do with you, Justice Warren—when are you going to Washington? Does that make some sense? ”

It can be felt that Jack Ruby is anxious to leave Dallas, and he seems to know with certainty some shocking truth, perhaps directly related to the assassination of the president. But Justice Warren was in no hurry to hear what he was about to say, which was doubtful.

Jack Ruby was sentenced to death on charges of premeditated murder for shooting Oswald. In January 1967, Jack Ruby died of cancer in prison. At this point, it was less than a few months before his case was reopened.

Later, the prison police revealed that Jack Ruby had said that someone had injected him with cancer virus. An important clue that claimed to know the truth behind the assassination was thus cut off by Sheng Sheng.

A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

The first suspect, Oswald

After a 10-month-long forensic investigation, the Warren Commission handed over a report called the Presidential Council's Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy, also known as the Warren Report.

In the Warren Report, Oswald's motives for committing crimes are summed up in a deep-seated hatred of all authority and a belief in Marxism and communism. The conclusion also excludes the possibility of soviet and Cuban intervention, as well as the participation of the United States government and other agencies.

That is to say, Kennedy's assassination was just an accidental "accident", quoting the FBI as saying that "this was a tragedy in the United States from beginning to end, the personal behavior of two mentally unstable people in one hundred and ninety million Americans".

But as soon as the Warren Report was published, it was attacked by many kennedy assassination researchers. However, the U.S. government seems to have turned a blind eye to this and fully supports the Warren Commission's findings.

Indeed, there has been a constant barrage of evidence and witnesses from the beginning of the assassination, and there are many doubts about the fact that Oswald was the sole murderer of President Kennedy.

At the time of the assassination, the tailor Zaprud took an image of himself using an 8 mm amateur camera, from which we can see that the whole process of bullet firing lasted almost 6 seconds.

It was a 6.5 caliber Italian Carcano M91/38 manual rifle. It was the gun that Oswald had used when the police found on the sixth floor of the textbook warehouse. Is there any difference between 3 bullets and this gun?

In the movie The Assassination of Kennedy, investigators conducted a reproduction test to confirm the number of shots fired. Experiments have shown that this gun can't shoot three shots in six seconds. And Roger Craig, the deputy sheriff who investigated Kennedy's case at the time, also said that it was not the gun found on the sixth floor at all, but a 7. 65 caliber Mauser gun. But this information was not taken up by the Warren Committee at the time.

So, putting aside 6 seconds of time, does the claim that the Italian manual rifle fired 3 bullets hold water?

The Warren Report concluded that the bullet was fired from the 6th-story window of the textbook warehouse building. Of the 3 bullets fired, one also injured Governor Connery.

First, the first bullet hit Kennedy in the throat and injured Governor Connery. The second did not hit the target, but hit the ground with cement that injured a man named James Tiger, who was standing 270 feet or 82 meters away from Kennedy's car, near the three-dimensional underground passage. A third bullet hit Kennedy in the head and was also a fatal shot.

However, Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison mentioned such a situation in his 1988 book The Assassin's Trail, mainly the first bullet to injure both Kennedy and Governor Connery, because the bullet left seven wounds on both of them.

One bullet hit seven wounds, and this bullet is also amazing.

According to where Kennedy and Governor Connery sat in the car at the time. This miraculous bullet first shot head down 17 degrees into the president's shoulder from behind, the first wound. Then moved up, pierced out from the front of the president's neck, and left Kennedy's body, which was the second wound.

The bullet then turned in the air from right to left and then into the right armpit of Governor Connery in the front row, the third wound. The bullet then went straight down another 27 degrees to the governor's ribs and then went out from the right side of the chest, which was the fourth wound.

The bullet then turned right again, passing through Connery's right forearm, which was the fifth wound. Then turn again and enter Connery's wrist, which is the sixth wound. And then there was the last wound, another magical turn, and the bullet shot deep into Connery's left thigh.

Seven wounds for one bullet. It seems to have a mind, it can control the trajectory and go where it wants to go. However, no one who has ever been a soldier or has a little common sense will believe that there is such a bullet.

The Warren Report refers to the assassination as a personal incident, which is not convincing, and the entire investigative report is full of loopholes, and it is difficult to believe that this is an "isolated incident". If not an act of the individual, then who was behind Kennedy's assassination?

Two of the 36 versions of the Kennedy assassination claim seem more believable. One of the claims comes from the mistress of the main client, Madeleine Brown, who had been Johnson's mistress for more than 20 years and who, before her death, had said that her son was actually Johnson's.

On November 21, 1963, American billionaire Clint Murchison hosted a banquet at his home in Dallas. The guests attending the dinner were extraordinary, most importantly Richard Nixon, who would become president, and FBI Director J-E. Hoover, and oil tycoon H-L. Hunter. Among the many guests attending the dinner was, of course, Madeleine Brown.

Hoover, Nixon, and Johnson had gone to a separate meeting in a room during the banquet, and when they came out again, Johnson looked very uneasy and immediately left the banquet with his mistress Madeleine. The next day, Johnson called Madeleine Brown and told her about the meeting she had held in her room last night.

A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

After the 1990s, madeleine's relatives had died, and madeleine Brown, who had no worries, finally told reporters the truth about the meeting. At that night's meeting, Johnson was already told about the plan for Kennedy's assassination, and the person most likely to bring the news was ——- J. Kennedy. E. Hoover.

So, a few hours after Madeleine Brown received a call from Johnson the day after the banquet, the Kennedy assassination occurred.

However, some people objected that a woman, still a mistress, could not be trusted.

If Madeleine's words were not credible, but there was a document. A telex dated November 17, 1963, may further prove what she said. The telegram clearly showed that Hoover had already learned of Kennedy's assassination.

It is even more certain from the contents of the urgent telegram that the news that President Kennedy was going to be assassinated at the party that night was already known.

Of course, it is not that everyone at the banquet was a participant in the assassination plot, but they knew the news and did not take action, so what is the crime?

Another document shows that President Kennedy has decided to withdraw his troops from Vietnam. Kennedy's decision first hurt the interests of the big business groups in the United States, especially the military-industrial complex. Therefore, it is very likely that they also joined forces to plot the assassination of Kennedy.

So, does it really need to kill Kennedy? What good will his death bring to these people?

First, if Kennedy is re-elected as president, it means that there will be no more wars within four years, and the interests of those who want to make a windfall from war will suffer great losses. Second, look at Vice President Lyndon Johnson, who has always been his dream to climb to the presidency. Especially at the time, because he was mired in a super-scandal, his protégé Bobby Baker was accused of abusive relationships and improper financial manipulation. Bobby Baker's case is a lot of murder, and Johnson certainly can't get rid of it.

On the day of Kennedy's assassination, the Dallas newspaper alone had three articles reporting that Johnson was in a deep scandal, and the paper was almost out of the heat. But just as Johnson was about to collapse, Kennedy was suddenly assassinated. Johnson was well aware that the president's death would save him.

So, no sooner had the assassination than Lyndon Johnson was hastily sworn in as president on Air Force One. Johnson may be in such a hurry to become president before anything goes against him. After that, the scandals that were raging did come to an abrupt end.

On November 26, 1963, new President Johnson held an emergency meeting in Washington, D.C., and he eagerly signed an important document, which led to a sharp reversal of the U.S. Vietnam policy. This important document is the National Security Memorandum No. 273.

The first mention in the document is that assisting the "Vietnamese people" and "government" in defeating the communist conspiracy under external guidance and support remains a central purpose of the United States in South Vietnam. All decisions and actions of the United States should serve that purpose.

This document completely changed Kennedy's wishes, and the War between the United States and Vietnam was settled. But as soon as the new president's new policy comes out, some people should secretly laugh. The Vietnam War would create a huge business opportunity for those military-industrial entrepreneurs who built bombs, built airplanes, built everything that was needed for this war. And as more and more soldiers participate in the war, the military supply will be higher than the wave.

But in the end, the war plunged the United States into the quagmire of the Vietnam War, with 50,000 American soldiers and 200 billion military revenues in Vietnam, and the data made us understand everything.

The last thing President Kennedy wanted to see in his lifetime happened. The morning after his body returned to Washington, everything related to him was thrown out of the White House. The people who wanted to drive him away were really impatient. In a private letter written by Kennedy's wife, Jacqueline, to Khrushchev, there are the following passages:

"Dear President, I thank you for sending Mr. Mikoyan as a representative to my husband's funeral. I was deeply moved. So on the last night I stayed in the White House, in the last batch of letters written on White House letterhead, I sent you this letter.

You and my husband are rivals, but you are allies because you are all determined not to destroy the world. You respect each other and can come and go. I am sending this letter because I am deeply aware of the importance of your relationship with my husband. ”

The tone of the letter made it clear that Jacqueline knew that her husband's death was not the work of the Communists. So, who else could have been involved in the Kennedy assassination plot?

Geelong Beach, located in the southern part of las Velás province in central Cuba. On April 17, 1961, with the assistance of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Cubans fleeing to the United States launched an armed attack on the Revolutionary Government of Cuba led by Fidel Castro.

The battle was called the Bay of Pigs incident by the Americans. The Bay of Pigs incident marked the first peak of U.S. anti-Cuban action. After 72 hours of fighting, the Cuban army completely annihilated the 2506 Brigade surrounded at Giron Beach, a total of 114 mercenaries were killed by the Cuban army, and the remaining 1113 were captured. The CIA pleaded bitterly for Air Support from President Kennedy, but refused. The Bay of Pigs incident was a complete failure.

Those who survived, especially the CIA agents, blamed President Kennedy for abandoning them when they needed them most. So, he hated both the president and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy. It would be most appropriate to arrange an assassination for the president.

A tailor's camera captured the scene of his assassination, and 188 people involved died mysteriously

▲ Kennedy Jr. raised his hand at the funeral

President Kennedy's funeral was held at the White House on November 25, 1963. Representatives from more than 90 countries and thousands of members of the public came to the memorial. There was a child at the funeral that attracted attention. This child was John F. Kennedy Jr., kennedy's only son. At his father's funeral, he broke free of his mother Jacqueline's hand and stubbornly raised his small hand to his forehead to salute his father's coffin procession. He didn't know that his father had left him.

It was the day of the burial of Kennedy Jr.'s father, and it was also his own third birthday. This famous image has caused countless Americans to cry, and it is enough to move us.

The assassination of President Kennedy shocked the world, and in the short three years since, 18 key witnesses have died one after another, 6 have been shot, 3 have died in car accidents, 2 have committed suicide, 1 has had his throat cut, 1 has his neck broken, and 5 appear to have died naturally. Let's see what kind of people are these people?

Lina Roberts, Oswald's landlady, looked like she had died of a heart attack.

Tom Howard, Jack Ruby's lawyer, died of a heart attack.

Amazingly, when Jack Ruby shot oswald, lawyer Tom Howard was at his side.

Roger Craig, who was the deputy sheriff investigating Kennedy's case at the time, lost his job by refusing to change his testimony about the discovery of the 7.65-caliber Mauser gun on the sixth floor of a Texas school textbook warehouse, leaving his wife away from him. He was shot more than once, his life was a mess, and he finally shot himself at his father's house.

Dorothy Kilgaren is a television journalist. She interviewed Jack Ruby alone. After leaving there, she said to her friend: I want to make the truth public, this is the biggest insider of the century. However, a few days later it was found that she was dead. The causes are heart disease, suicide and unknown circumstances.

Lee Bowles, who worked at the railroad depot behind the Texas School Library, had seen three cars from the depot tower on the day of kennedy's assassination bypassing the parking lot behind the leather pier fence, which shouldn't have been there. He also told the Warren Committee that a light or smoke had been seen at the scene of the assassination. But his testimony was not adopted. Later, one day, while driving, he suddenly burst out of the road and was killed, and doctors said he died in a "strange shock" state.

Isn't it strange that immediately after the Kennedy assassination, there was such a series of people dying one after another? But that wasn't enough, and in 1967 the U.S. government decided to start a new round of investigations, but another group of people associated with the Kennedy assassination died one by one.

In the early 1990s, the U.S. government again re-investigated the Kennedy assassination, but it was ultimately closed. It seems that there is a mysterious force that has been blocking the emergence of the truth. (Excerpt from the bound edition of Writers' Digest) Source: Wenhui Network

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