
The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

On the second day of the second week of the regular season of the 2022 LPL Spring Season, the UP team, which lost both games in the opening round, met the EDG team of the 2021 World Championship. EDG won with a large advantage in the first set, and UP did not let anyone slaughter, in the second set through a strong play to win a round, but in the decider or EDG's team cooperation and operational decisions were better, and finally defeated UP 2-1, unlocking the opening three consecutive wins!

First innings

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

UP: Crocodile, Blind Monk, Sindra, Kasha, Titan

EDG: Male Gun, Zhao Xin, Ruizi, Ember, Dawn

The three people in the EDG started to enter the LGD field together to make eyes, but they did not expect that the UP crowd was ambushing in the grass, directly gathering fire to take away the blood of dawn, and embers handed over two moves to escape to the limit. EDG then began to operate as usual, trying to control the first dragon, but the blind monk deftly entered the dragon pit and grabbed the dragon. Some of the advantages taken up in the early stage did not bring more benefits to UP. With solid line-to-line skills and skillful operation, EDG has still achieved economic leadership, while using the good vision of the layout to encircle the blind monks in the upper road. The second xiaolong regiment battle EDG is even more 2 for 4, completely opening the gap with UP.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

Under the pressure of EDG' steps, UP could not find any opportunity to fight back, and sat back and watched the balance of victory fall to the other side little by little. In the early 20 minutes, UP finally set fire to kill dawn, with a fighting mentality began rush dragon, C bit of EDG how can it be easy to with it, three C in the river repeatedly cooperate with pull, and finally the male gun a desperate road to win four kills, EDG regiment extinguished UP, naturally got the big dragon Buff! This big dragon also basically laid the winning trend of EDG, and the economic gap between the two sides quickly opened up to more than 10,000 pieces.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

EDG destroyed Radha and launched a push towards the high ground of UP, UP Beat Force kai replaced the male gun with a blind monk, but EDG's spiritual decision was directly driven by Ruiz to the dragon pit to get the dragon soul. By the time EDG regrouped to advance to the road, UP had no chance of any reversal, and the EDG crowd rushed up to defeat up the UP bulldozing base and taking a 1-0 lead.

Second inning

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

UP: Barrel, Crown Prince, Sindra, Kinks, Dawn

EDG: Cogas, Zhao Xin, Victor, Erpheus, Lulu

Dawn and Jinkes took advantage of the weakness of Thepheus level, directly went forward to fight, Erpheus's purification was too early to untie the ignition, flashed to the tower to escape, Jinx flashed to follow up and wanted to make up for the last flat A, but Lulu's extreme treatment just raised the amount of blood, Jinx was surrounded by creeps, and was killed by Lulu and Flash. Meanwhile, the Crown Prince attacked in the middle of the road and cooperated with Sindra to kill Victor. UP's downside was still very active in the case of an unfavorable start, and Dawn took advantage of the opportunity of LuLu's previous consumption to decisively flash the first hand, and chased all the way to help Jinx cut down the double kill.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

Because the three Cs of EDG are all heroes of late development, there is no way to face the fierce offensive in the early stage of UP, and they frequently lose their heads, but they are also constantly looking for opportunities to regain resources in the gap between attacks, slowing down the rhythm of UP, so that UP has never been able to widen the economic gap. About 25 minutes, EDG hugged the group to put pressure on the middle road, Zhao Xin was beaten in order to drain the real eyes in the grass, the barrel grabbed the moment when EDG Zhongfu went forward E flash R opened the group to kill the two, EDG losses will be forced to give up the big dragon Buff to UP, and take down the dragon himself.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

Third inning

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

UP: Gwen, Crown Prince, Youji, Kinks, Minotaur

EDG: Barrel, Blind Monk, Silas, Ember, Dawn

Both ADCs handed over flashes in the first-level matchup, the blind monk saw the invasion of the wild area and reversed the upstone beetle, but he fell into the siege of jinx and the bull's head, and was forced to hand over the flash, and then EDG Nosuke still tried to invade the wild area, but UP was prepared this time, killing the blind monk in the wild area and getting a blood. EDG is still constantly looking for opportunities in the case of losses in the early stage, looking for up flaws through excellent operation, continuously controlling three small dragons, bringing a lot of resource pressure to UP. About 25 minutes, EDG won a wave of team battles in the middle of the road, gradually expanding its economic advantages.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

29 minutes of fire dragon soul refresh, EDG in the river and UP launched a very tragic tug-of-war, UP each C bit is also the output pull full, the two sides of you and I played 2 for 2, EDG took advantage of the opportunity of the death of the prince to get the fire dragon soul, thrilling escape from the pursuit of UP double C. EDG people carrying the fire dragon soul just arrived at the middle of the road to find the rush to the front of the UP down road combination, dawn decisively opened the group, EDG people to keep up with the output will be Jinx seconds off, the bull head also has no way to escape, the up that lost the duo is powerless to compete with EDG for the dragon, can only retreat. EDG got the Big Dragon Buff and began to press towards the high ground of up.

The Holy Gun Brother Male Gun desperately won four kills, and EDG's 2-1 victory over UP unlocked a three-game winning streak

EDG advanced down the road to the high ground, UP backwater battle forced to open the group but the effect was not good, Ember opened the perfect curtain gun into the soul to break through UP's fragile defense line, EDG a wave ended the game, with a 2-1 score to win UP, to get the third win of the season!

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