
Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

author:Listen to the snow and tell the shadows

He is an outcast of the sky, and at the same time a single wizard who has not met in a hundred years, not only looks ugly in middle age, but also fat out of the sky, more than 300 pounds of weight like a moving hill, fat is fat, hair is still very thin, the top of the head of the barren land, most of it has not been born.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

And an ugly and fat man does not have money, he guards his 60-year-old mother life, but his old mother is much more popular than him, there has never been a lack of boyfriends around her, and he himself has become an abandoned child abandoned by love, in life, he has suffered from the white eyes and insults of others because of his body shape and appearance, and at work, his colleagues have not regarded him as a normal man.

They mocked him unabashedly, saying that he was not a complete man at all, so he was very inferior and he could only silently avoid the gossip of others alone, but such humiliation was only exchanged for the intensification of the gang.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

His name is Foss, living in Iceland, where there are gloomy days and cold winds, his life is like this gloomy day, like a piece of ice that can never melt, life for him, just repeat the mechanical work every day, live, for love he does not have any illusions, he understands his situation and understands the taste of the public, but although he has a face that makes people look disgusted, his heart is very simple and kind.

Since there was no one to interact with him on an equal footing, he had to enclose himself in that small world, he was not good at words but he liked to be very fond of handicrafts, every day in addition to work, he liked to make sand table models, galloping and fighting on his simulated battlefield, he also liked the military, he perfectly copied the famous El Alamein battlefield during World War II at home.

Music is also a kind of enjoyment for him, he likes rock and roll very much and loves heavy metal, in the small world of music, he lives like a fighter, but also like a wild and uninhibited poet, he often listens to music quietly by the river when night falls, music and sandbox is all his life, he likes them, and his heart has romance and passion like ordinary people.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

It is not that he does not have a friend, there is a little girl downstairs is his little fan sister, the little girl has only recently moved in and has few playmates, she saw that this big man has so many sandbox games, she took the initiative to start a relationship with him, but his appearance is really reminiscent.

The girl's father was afraid that he would hurt his daughter and warned him to stay away from him, but in the eyes of the child, there was no such thing as three or six, some only thoughts and fun, she liked to stay with him, liked to fight with him on the battlefield, the little girl was like a warm and clear spring, she made Fox feel that life was not only gloomy but also sunny.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

Foss was really a poor man, he was automatically turned away from the door of the heart just because of his appearance, and in the eyes of the world, ugly looks were equal to ugly hearts, although they knew that this might hurt him by mistake, but who cares? No one cares what he thinks, and no one really wants to understand his pure heart, the world is like this, and many preconceptions affect people's later judgments.

However, God is also fair, because of The kindness of Fox it gave him a chance to enjoy love, at a gathering to learn dance, he met a woman named Xiu Fen, Xiu Fen in her thirties although she looks very ordinary, but she looks cheerful and enthusiastic, on that rainy night, Xiu Fen took the initiative to get into Fox's car.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

Later, she took the initiative to invite Fox to her house, but Fox, who knew nothing about love, was completely overwhelmed when facing women, he only thought of refusing at first, but when his car reached the halfway point, suddenly he seemed to have a trick, he seemed to understand Hugh's intentions a little, and finally, he drove the car back, this time he plucked up enough courage to knock on the door.

Xiu Fen was very gentle with him, he thought that this was love, but fate made a joke with him, it turned out that Xiu Fen simply thought that he was a good person, but because of Xiu Fen's appearance, his heart set off a huge wave, in his more than 40 years of life experience, for the first time there was a woman who was so good to him, she was like an angel, which suddenly ignited his fanatical heart.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

Although Xiufen rejected him, he was still as good as ever to her, in fact, Xiufen this woman is not easy to live, she is sick is a depressed patient, so many years she also closed herself in a small space, after she met Fox, her depression attacked again, she locked herself in the house to try to fend for herself.

But soon Foss discovered that something was wrong with her, his kindness made him extend a warm hand to Hugh Fen, he warmed Up Fen with his own actions, he cooked for her, fed the cat and worked for her, under his meticulous care, Hugh Fen finally came out, she was touched by him.

She treated him like a lover, they finally had the first physical contact, after which, Hughes asked him to move over, Although Fox was reluctant to his old mother, but under the magic of love, he still decided to do everything for love, but when he settled the old mother and gave his sand table to the little girl downstairs, when he came to Xiufen's house with all his things, Hughes fell ill again, and she rejected Fox again.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

Although Foss's heart was like a knife, but this time he did not lose heart, because his life was already perfect for him, he was a kind-hearted person, although his colleagues often bullied him, but he never paid attention to it, he was still the help he should help, the zealous enthusiasm, although life treated him like a poor beggar, but he did not complain about life.

Xiu Fen this woman, although she is capricious to him, but he does not complain about her, it is she who let him taste the fruit of love for the first time, it is she who let him understand the beauty and passion of love, the world is just a process of life for him, in this process he is very satisfied, family, friendship, love he has already had, he is satisfied, finally, he helped Xiu Fen buy a candy store that she has always longed for, and another person bought a ticket to a distant place.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

On the plane, Foss changed the humble look of the past, he looked out the window confidently, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, he had insight into this real world, the future for him there are many beautiful things to imagine, this time he completely out of his own closed heart, he has overcome the confusion brought to him by appearance, this time he as a person, a complete person strong out of the way.

"Virgin Mountain" was released in 2015 is a drama film, the film changed to the handsome and beautiful eye-raising mode, but a ugly but kind-hearted middle-aged man as the protagonist, in his body we see the beauty of the soul to bring people shock, his kind and warm character and his open-minded personality, how many people can really have it?

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

Although he was humiliated everywhere, he did not repay him, he never considered personal gains and losses, but rewarded the little warmth of others, magnified by a hundred times the light, he lived a life of self-amusement in a dark corner, although life was always raining on him, but he extended his umbrella to those who did not have an umbrella.

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

His kindness and innocence are like a light that illuminates the cold and thin world of Iceland, in "Jane. There is a passage in "Love" that says, "Do you think I am poor and plain looking and have no feelings?" I swear to you: If God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make it as difficult for you to leave me as it is for me now. God did not arrange it this way, but our spirits are equal, just as you and I walked through the grave and stood before God equally. ”

Born as human beings, we are all equal, although our appearance is different, but we all have the same heart, equal and independent, in the secular world, there may be some extremism and malice, but kindness is always the motto of the noble, so, warm yourself to care for others, the world will definitely change because of your kindness!

Fat and ugly don't deserve love? "Virgin Mountain" looks at how this man achieves a reversal

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