
How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

author:Bi Dao

Hello everyone! Golden autumn to send cool, double eleven is coming, looking at you only add shopping cart but singles' day of vigorous enthusiasm, presumably has been out of the single to find a partner, right? Is the relationship still going well?

This is not my unfounded worry, it is really a friend who reflects that love is too boring, every day only know to greet you good morning, good afternoon and good night, like a punching machine without emotion, this year your mother does not do so

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Or just ask what's good about what you've eaten? Usually dating is also in addition to eating or eating, talking about a relationship is the same as feeding pigs, feeling that what you are looking for is not a rice friend, very boring

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

I am very sad to face this situation. Don't young people today even talk about love? How can my fans be so ignorant! Therefore, I decided to refer to my rich experience in love and find something for your fledgling couples to do and break the boredom! Single dogs can also learn first, and they can always use it in the next life.

Three principles to avoid boredom

The key reason for being bored in love is not knowing what to do. Here I propose three principles of daily behavior, everyone follows it, it should make love fun, and not break up for fifty years!

Principle 1: Integrate into life and expand intersection

What is love? It is "you" and "I" who become "we", and it is the life of two people that blends together. Different species and reproductive isolation, you fart intersection is not that still love a fart!

So you have to try to integrate into each other's lives and brush up on the sense of existence. For example, participating in ta's hobbies, Jiang Naoshu is married to Yuan Xiangqin and can still be her needle mouse, what can you do when you are still in love?

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Like every time Yaqing practiced boxing, I would be a sparring partner, and the relationship between the two of them heated up rapidly in the punches and kicks. Even sometimes I get dizzy, it must be the sweetness of love that makes me dizzy!

Or become a useful tool person at a critical moment, such as helping the other party change papers, doing ppt, so that he feels your care. A friend of mine has helped three objects to do Pre, the reputation is very good, it is estimated that two more can rely on excellent PPT technology to raise tens of billions.

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Principle two: actively share, have something to talk about

Love is talked about, and two people need a steady stream of topics to communicate, including but not limited to words, voice, limbs, etc.

So what's the point? Those who are still in school can spit on homework exams, and those who are studying for a phD can share shit-like data, or broken instruments. Anyway, the instrument is old and bad, and you can spit 30 times in 1 month.

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Hit the workers even more to talk about! At night in the same company, you can review the work together and complain about the boss, as the saying goes, the strongest feelings are generated when people hate the same enemy, and the boss is your glue. It's okay in different companies, you can spit on two bosses, and be happy twice.

Principle three: increase interest, create surprises

When the relationship tends to be stable, it is inevitable that it will be a little flat as water. At this time, you need some ingenuity to make the most ordinary things the most abnormal effect.

For example, daily walking, you walk directly on the side of the car to protect the girl is very boring, my suggestion is to walk in a snake-like position, from time to time to refer to the scenery as the reason to go inside, and then pull the girl over, cleverly create physical contact, show your graceful posture, so that she can find the feeling of the heart

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

In the cold winter, don't put the other person's hand into the pocket, you should look at the world from another angle, directly put your pocket on her hand, and the domineering action is accurate to make her fawn bump

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

In this way, your object will definitely have a new understanding of you. That's the freshness that love needs!

Some specific activity suggestions

In addition to integrating into each other's daily lives, doing things together can also deepen the bond between two people. For example, having a pet together, being very loving, and experiencing the feeling of fighting for custody of a child when you break up. So a lot of couples around me have two

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

In addition, there are many common activities without the risk of segmentation, which are shared for your reference.

Cook together

As the saying goes, to grasp a person's heart, you must first grasp a person's stomach. Cooking together is a great way to warm up couples' relationships. She helped you tie up your apron, and you helped her pull up her long hair around her ears, how wonderful!

But don't touch the girl's bangs, in case her dangerous hairline is exposed, the love film may turn into a martial arts film in seconds.

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

In order to enhance interaction, I recommend that you eat crabs, shrimp, walnuts and other shelled things, so that the object has no way to start, and can only rely on you to peel her to eat.

Walnuts, in particular, are great for showmanship. Why is it better to shoot cucumbers than cucumbers? Because it was "filmed". The same is true for walnuts, which are inferior when opened with pliers, and you must crush and feed them to the object with your bare hands to show your heroism, who can not be moved?

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Or let your object clap at you with your bare hands

In addition, please remember which ingredients she is allergic to before cooking, so it is convenient to dial 120 in time.

Travel together

Everyone stays in one place and does not move the nest, which is naturally easy to be boring. Traveling allows us to see new worlds, unlock new events, and feel fresh.

The place of travel can be selected according to the subject's preferences. Some people love mountains, so you take her to the museum at the foot of the mountain; some people love the sea, you take her to the museum in Haikou. Don't ask me why it's all a museum, because museums don't allow you to take pictures, you can avoid a lot of photo tragedies.

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

If you really want to shoot, we can change the goal of shooting, let the male ticket help the female ticket to shoot the handsome man, and the female ticket to help the male ticket to shoot the beautiful woman. Not only to avoid the ugly fights of personal photos, the friendship between the two can also go further in helping each other. Recommend to everyone.

Quarrel together

You may think I'm stirring up your feelings, but I didn't. Proper quarrelling is actually a kind of fun, such as criticizing the other party for staying up late, seemingly quarrelling, but actually expressing your concerns about her body.

But everyone must remember to find harmless topics to argue, absolutely can not scold each other ugly, otherwise not only quarrel your feelings will fall apart!

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

When arguing, do not overheat, and accept it when you see it. If the other party is about to cry, you must cry out first, and she will naturally lose the desire to cry when she sees your ugly appearance. If she's already crying, then you can climb a tree nearby, and she'll definitely call right away to save you, and the fight will naturally stop

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

Watch a show and watch a movie together

Watching a drama is happy, and when you are happy, it is pleasing to the eye to see who is good, so couples are very suitable for watching drama together.

Some people will say, but I and my object's preferences are not the same, ah, how to see this together? It's really different, you like women, she likes men, but it doesn't affect your being together! (Didn't say you have to like women)

So there is still a solution, we can take a one-for-one model to watch the drama.

For example, I would first pull Yaqing to see Zeta Ultraman, explain the love and hatred of the Ultraman family, and show me my profound knowledge. And Yaqing will also choose to be patient, because she knows that after surviving these 20 minutes, I will have to accompany her to watch Li Jiaqi's live broadcast for six hours. I was embarrassed to stop her when she bought something.

How to learn to fall in love? At least don't be good morning all day, good afternoon and good night

It's a win-win situation! Isn't love such a process of mutual tolerance and mutual accommodation?

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