
"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete


"#Youth Pig Head Boy# Won't Dream of a Beautiful Girl" is a work to recommend to you in this issue. The first time I heard this name, I sighed that it was long, and I thought it was a flood of harem themes, so I looked for a theatrical version to see.

This is a science fiction theme of youth love story, there is a teenager's fear of the future, there is a girl's attachment to love, more is the protagonists of the positive youth for the interpretation of youth, for the future of a better life yearning. Not limited to the setting of easy love in the past, this theatrical version can be described as a "knife" everywhere, creating a crisis between the "future" and the "past", allowing teenagers to make their own choices.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

This uses the concept of "quantum mechanics", not to travel through time and space, back to the past and the future, but to "reach the future in advance". The play attributes this result to a strange event caused by adolescence syndrome, the different ideas between "wanting to be an adult" and "continuing to be a child", so that the "future self" and the "present self" exist in the same time and space.

Because I didn't watch TV animation, I watched it directly from the theatrical version, and I was dizzy when I saw it in front of me, and I didn't even explain the basic information. It must be said that the screenwriter is still of a standard, and the plot can be understood without watching TV animation. The content of the theatrical version begins with the TV animation content, so the encounter between the main male and female protagonists is skipped, and a new story is added, which is slightly depressed.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

Shota and Mai are a small couple who get along very sweetly, but suddenly one day there is an "uninvited guest" at home, Shoko, who is Shota's first love. In fact, this statement is not quite right, Shoko is more like a life mentor to Shota, which makes him cheerful in junior high school and has a great impact on his future life. So on the eve of Christmas, in order to be able to date Shota, Shoko moved into Shota's house, and Mai also lived in.

The ex-girlfriend and the current girlfriend not only met but also lived together, which was a disaster for Shota, and the three of them were on the same stage as Shura Field. At first, I saw that here was very disgusted with Shoko, like an unpopular "little three", in order to date Shota to the extreme, and Shota did not directly refuse, this plot makes people "dog bloody", too ruined three views.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

Until another character appeared- Shoko as a junior high school student, Shōko, who was plagued by illness and had no future.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the first twist: both large and small xiangzi exist</h1>

In the same world, Shoko from college appeared in the world of Shota and Mai at the same time as Shoko as a junior high school student. It's from here that the story gets confusing and interesting. In order to facilitate reading, Shoko in college is called Daixiangzi, and Shoko in junior high school is called Xiaoxiangzi.

At first, Shoko made Mai, Shota, and Futaba think that she existed at the same time because of the adolescence syndrome, but because Shoko's wish list inexplicably appeared a lot of plans, in fact, Shoko did not live long because of congenital heart disease, and she did not have plans and expectations for the future. So what's going on with this big shoko?

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

Oh Shoto tries her best to go on a Christmas date with Shota, hoping to go with him to see the lights, but Shota still has Mai, and he is caught in a dilemma. After discovering the secret of Shoko's wish list, O shoto tells him the truth: on Christmas Day, Shota will be hit by a car, and after brain death, she donated her heart to save Koshiro, so she has a future for O shotko.

When Shota faints, there are scratches and blood on Shota's heart; Shota regards Shota as a life mentor, and Shota also regards Shota as a life mentor, because it was Shota who saved her, and met her childhood self in the "now" world to give her strength and warmth. When Shoko was in junior high school, she said to Shota, "Say thank you, cheer up, and like it the most", which is actually what Shota said to herself. Here is a bit like "Want to See You" in the male protagonist because of a sentence of the female protagonist to try to become what she likes, the female protagonist because of the male protagonist's kindness to help, let himself become better, meet the male protagonist like the male protagonist.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

In different time and space (not well described, but somehow defined), two people heal each other.

After the truth comes out, Shota is faced with two choices:

No one will let go of the good life, and the people he likes will die regardless of it, but he has no reason to deprive Shoko of his life, and Shota is in a dilemma, but in the end he still chooses to date Shoko and follow history.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the second twist: Shoko chooses to save Shota, and Mai replaces Shota and is hit by a car</h1>

The meeting between Ko Shota and Shota was facilitated by Shota, but in the end, he must date Shota in fact to save Shota, and when Shota understood it, he ran wildly, and then history immediately reappeared, and Mai who came to save him at the moment of being hit, and he was killed on the spot. Before it was over, Mai also signed an organ donation letter and saved Shoko with her own heart.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

Daishiro is still there, Shota is still there, mai is gone. There is nothing wrong with all three of them, and all three of them are gentle and think of each other. Although the appearance of Mai saved Shota, it also made Shota regret it, and although the attitude of "knowing how to cherish it when it is lost" made Man man look a bit scummy, he himself was also willing to "die" so that the world of Oxiangzi could be realized.

Mai is an idol, her death caused quite a stir, and Shota is also caught in self-blame, he thought of dying alone in Mai in the world, but he could not accept that he was alive without Mai. To be honest, if Mai's death had not turned, the screenwriter would have really been sent a knife, which is even more regrettable than Shota being hit again.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

In this way, after being stabbed, Shoko came to support her again, asking Shota to go back to the past to save Mai.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the third turning point: Shoko's death, Mai and Shota's happy life</h1>

Shota travels back in time and asks "herself" to change her decision to die, then goes to Mai to make him give up the idea of sacrificing for himself. "I may love you more than you think, and it doesn't matter if I don't get the happiness you give." To tell the truth, in this theatrical version, Manga always feels that Mai loves Mai more than Mai loves Mai more.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

In the end, a compromise method was chosen, and the future Shota went to save the past Shota and was hit. Because the future Shota herself does not exist in this world, it disappears, and the driver hits a lonely person. In this way, Mai and Shota both survived, while Shoko disappeared because she did not have a transplantable heart. History is changed and love is consummated.

In the end, only Shoko's world suffered, but what was wrong with Shōko?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > the fourth turn: Shoko is saved and the world is complete</h1>

This twist only appears at the end of the plot, and the follow-up Shota and Mai also think of ways to return to The World of Shoko to save her, but this means that Mai and Shota will no longer know each other, and everything they have now will not exist, which is difficult, but both of them choose to believe in each other, believe in their love for each other, and want to try.

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

Later, they saw Xiao Xiangzi's wish list, which had traces of being smeared, which meant that everything that happened later was actually known to Xiao Xiangzi and would appear in her mind in another way - dreams. She chose no future. Fortunately, in the end, Shoko survived, and everyone had a future, whether it was in the world of the "future" or the world of the "past".

This is not a simple love fan, in the final analysis, it is still a positive energy fan about youth. All this is only because of the resistance to the future, do not want to become an adult, but because of the gentleness and kindness of others to get a new life. As the screenwriter said, "The accumulation of small gentleness and kindness of all kinds of people will change their destiny." I finally understood Shota's "gentleness and kindness." It is not the love of sacrificing oneself for the masses like a saint and a gentleman, but a little gentle kindness can also save people. ”

"Want to See You" anime version, love all depends on quantum mechanics, a wave of three folds of the first turn: the size of Shoko at the same time there is a second turn: Shoko chose to save Shota, Mai instead of Shota was hit by a car The third turn: Shōko died, Mai and Shota Happy Life Fourth turn: Shōko was saved, the world was complete

For the audience, this little bit of gentle kindness is enough. The twists and turns of the plot really do not earn less tears.

#Anime##Want to Meet You##日漫 #