
From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

author:Stir up the movie

The strongest Chinese film emperor in history, this title is not something I took randomly. Five Hong Kong Film Awards Film Emperors, two of the best supporting actors, and three Golden Horse Awards. He is the record holder of the number of awards won by Chinese film stars.

And his pair of electric eyes, it can be said that he is well-known to everyone, and is also known as a man who can tell stories only by looking at him, let's talk about the strongest Chinese shadow emperor in history, Liang Chaowei.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="169" >01 first act </h1>

Leung was born in Hong Kong in 1962 into a happy family, but everything changed after his father became obsessed with gambling.

His parents quarreled all day for money, and once the quarrel was too strong, his father would run away from home, sometimes disappearing for months, sometimes up to a year, and then even disappearing, and his mother alone raised him and his sister to grow up.

In the social climate of the 1960s, there were not many single-parent families. This made Liang Chaowei feel quite inferior, afraid of being asked about family-related topics. Therefore, even if he is studying, Liang Chaowei does not like to contact people and becomes very withdrawn.

In such a growth environment, Liang Chaowei formed a personality that was not sociable and liked to be alone in the future.

The joy of a bitter childhood was that on Sunday afternoons, her mother would take her and her sister to the movies. But it's not because he likes movies, it's that when he watches movies, no one talks to him.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

Unlike Liang Chaowei, who only wanted to escape from watching movies, his good friend Zhou Xingchi at the time was a boy who loved movies and always wanted to be a big star like Bruce Lee in the future.

Born in a broken family, with only five days left on their birthdays, two people who like kung fu movies like the same thing play together every day.

Once Zhou Xingchi said that he wanted to make a martial arts drama, he forced him to play a villain, to be a hero himself, and to take on all the behind-the-scenes work.

That was also the first time in Liang Chaowei's life that he acted.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="168" >02 was the male lead for the first time</h1>

At the age of 15, Liang Chaowei dropped out of school and delivered newspapers while doing odd jobs at his uncle's grocery store.

Later, I found a job in an electrical appliance shop, and if there were no accidents, my life should have been like this.

As a result, his friend Zhou Xingchi has always felt that he has no dreams, and is no different from salted fish

I have always advocated that he go to the TVB actor training class together, and tell him, "How good acting is, in addition to making money, you can also learn a lot of things." ”

The results of the two people's application were very dramatic, half pushed and half on the back of Liang Chaowei's examination, and Zhou Xingchi, who was full of excitement, was a famous Sun Shan.

In the face of his mother's opposition and cursing, Liang Chaowei still quit his stable job in the electrical appliance shop.

Joining TVB's actor training class, he unexpectedly found that he actually enjoyed the feeling of hiding behind the character.

He can talk to people very lively, and he doesn't have to worry about someone talking about the family.

It's also natural to get angry or cry when you're ridiculed, but it's okay to just follow the plot anyway.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

In the world of performance, he can naturally express the feelings that have been suppressed in the past, but it is like being in a relaxed environment.

At the same time, Wu Zhenyu recalled that every time the teacher would always praise Liang Chaowei for acting very relaxed and natural.

But no one knows that in order to stay in this comfort zone for him, Liang Chaowei tried to practice in front of the mirror as soon as he returned home.

Because he knew that if he lost the driftwood of acting and went back to the depressed and unhappy life of the past, he might go crazy.

His excellent performance in the training class allowed Liang Chaowei to get many opportunities to perform.

By the time he graduated in 1983, he was already the leading actor at the age of 19.

In 1984, TVB launched Lu Dingji, adapted from Jin Yong's novel, a heavily funded Hong Kong drama originally scheduled to be played by Andy Lau as the male protagonist Wei Xiaobao.

However, due to Andy Lau's desire to develop into the film industry, TVB turned its attention to Liang Chaowei, who has begun to receive attention but is not well known, when the renewal of the contract has not been discussed.

In order to grasp this best opportunity since he entered the industry, he read the original novel 20 times before and after, and even touched the historical materials of the Qing Dynasty thoroughly, and even dreamed that he was wearing Qing Dynasty costumes when he slept.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

The eccentric Liang Chaowei paired with Andy Lau, who has the temperament of Wang, made Lu Dingji very popular after the broadcast, setting off a wave of enthusiasm, and was commented by Jin Yong as his most satisfactory version.

The police drama Xinzha Brother, co-starring him and Maggie Cheung, caused a sensation in Hong Kong, with an average rating of 58.

The Zhang Weijie he plays is a hot-blooded and righteous character, and his growth after joining the police force and his relationship with Maggie Cheung have become the focus of everyone's pursuit. The soaring popularity is also known as: No one is not Wei Xiaobao, and everyone loves Zhang Weijie.

Liang Chaowei, who was appointed by the media as one of the five wireless tigers at a young age, was subsequently praised by TVB and starred in a number of Hong Kong dramas, becoming a first-line popular student in the Hong Kong television circle.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="167" > has won numerous awards at a young age in 2003</h1>

After 1985, Liang Chaowei gradually shifted his acting focus to the film industry and began to try some more challenging roles.

For example, in Director Er Dongsheng's debut film Epilepsy, he played a psychopath, and he did not fall behind in a group of old actors.

In the underground affair directed by Guan Jinpeng, he plays a young master of Mipu, circling between three women and starting a love game.

At the age of 25, he was shortlisted for the Hong Kong Academy Awards, which is a no-brainer.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

The young and vigorous Liang Chaowei was very unhappy after losing to Zhou Runfa's heroic nature, so he took a lot of plays as a practice.

However, the audience in the TV circle and the film circle is different, the way of interpretation is also different, and he is not good at media communication, so that he encountered a period of hitting the wall.

The box office appeal is far lost to Zhou Runfa, Xu Guanjie, Jackie Chan and other first-line celebrities, even Lin Zhengying plus a bunch of zombies can hang him, and five consecutive cooperative plays have made him lose money, and has been publicly commented by Wang Jing as unable to bear the box office.

Although the road to business has been bumpy, in terms of acting, Liang Chaowei has been growing steadily and gradually keeping up with the rhythm of the film circle.

Relying on the two works of "Bank Storm" and "Killer Butterfly Dream" to win the best supporting actor of the Hong Kong Academy Awards, his acting skills have been affirmed by the industry.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

In 1992, he was again shortlisted for the best supporting actor for his undercover role in Gun God.

However, he believed that whether it was the role or importance of the film, he should be qualified as a male protagonist, so he rejected the nomination, causing an uproar.

In fact, to be fair, Zhou Runfa, who has a gun in his hand, is like Dragon Fifth, and his aura is invincible.

But in the acting part of "Gun God", Liang Chaowei's play can be above Fa Ge.

A scene of several emotional switches after shooting back is very impressive.

If he accepts this nomination and wins the award, he will be the actor who has won the most Academy Awards in history for supporting actor.

Openness and the jury are on the bar, but it takes a lot of courage and determination.

At that time, Wu Yusen, the director of "Gun God", and the male protagonist Zhou Runfa both jumped out to support him.

This has also indirectly contributed to the change of the Hong Kong Film Awards, and the nomination rules have been changed to be registered by the producers, rather than subjectively selected by the jury.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

I'm ashamed to say that when I was just a child, I can be said to have completely failed to watch acting skills.

The impression of Liang Chaowei is probably in the video store.

Many of his Hong Kong dramas were picked up, and then he was also a singer. His day a little love and be trapped by love and many people love a little, and boys my age should have sung in the KTV.

In addition, the impression of his acting in movies is not known why it is all funny.

At one time, I thought he was a comedian who could sing love songs, and I didn't know how many times Wei Xiaobao had broken through the love affair.

In particular, the power of his combination with Zhang Weijian and these two generations of Wei Xiaobao together is really not covered, and it is too late to laugh, and there is no time to watch the acting skills again.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="166" >04 electric eye is trained in this way</h1>

In 1989, Hou Xiaoxian planned to make the movie "Sad City", because investors did not want to lose too much money on this movie, and asked the film to give first-line Hong Kong stars to support the box office.

Leung was invited to the set, and after a few weeks of running-in, the two sides found a problem, that is, his Hong Kong accent was really difficult to hide.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

Hou Xiaoxian did not want to use dubbing, so he simply switched his role to the artist Chen Tingshi, who was victim. At the age of eight, he fell from a tree and caused hearing loss, and he could only communicate with people with eyes, expressions, and movements.

Unexpectedly, such an adjustment made Lin Wenqing, played by Liang Chaowei, become a bystander of the times.

When a group of aspiring young people were indignant, he sat quietly and watched wordlessly. Although he wanted to stay out of the matter, he was helplessly caught up in the torrent of history.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

During this time, Liang Chaowei, while sealing the language, instead groped out a unique set of performance methods, using a lot of eye and body movements to convey the plot. It adds a lot of style to "City of Sorrows" and plays the role of threading the needle.

I think this is definitely an important key to the qualitative change in his acting skills later.

"City of Sorrows" won the highest honor, the Golden Lion Award, at the Venice Film Festival, which caused heated discussion and repercussions.

When I was young, I still couldn't understand it, and I only felt that the plot was dull and not important, but many years later, when I looked back and re-watched this film, I was moved by the real emotions of the little people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="165" >05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar-wai</h1>

After working with Hou Xiaoxian in the city of sorrow, Liang Chaowei, who returned to Hong Kong to shoot films, has been in a state of mild depression.

Obviously, he is already an actor who has won two Academy Awards, but he has always been very dissatisfied with himself, thinking that how to act is not right, how to work hard can not improve, and even once said that he will quit the show business at the age of 36.

At this time, Wong Kar-wai performed in the morning, which was originally set for the first two episodes of "The Legend of Ah Fei".

Although the next episode was ruined due to the early use of the budget, and his role was reduced to just over two minutes, it was a play of great significance to him.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

The reason is this:

Wong Kar-wai knew in his heart that Liang Chaowei was a rare good actor, but he always thought that he was too skilled, used too many techniques, and was not real enough to act.

In order to grind a scene of eating pears, he let Liang Chaowei NG 27 times, how to be dissatisfied, and can not say why.

This made Liang Chaowei, who was already in a low ebb, depressed, and returned home to cry and scream while doing housework, and he made a fuss for a whole week.

Moreover, that scene was eventually deleted by Wong Kar-wai, but at this time, Liang Chaowei seemed to understand something.

Although NG still eats non-stop, the proportion of each NG performance is a little less, and the natural proportion is more.

By the end, he has become one with the characters, bringing out the background of a person's story without speaking.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

A shot of more than two minutes, no lines, manicure, dressing, combing, and throwing cigarette butts in one go, and the acting skills have also been elevated to a new level.

In 1994, "Chongqing Forest" was released, and the chemical effect between Wong Kar-wai and Liang Chaowei was displayed in front of the world.

Liang Chaowei, who regained his enthusiasm for acting, got rid of Wei Xiaobao's leper-like appearance. With an image of admiration, loneliness, fragility and melancholy, the love story between urban men and women is interpreted.

The policeman he plays is always waiting for the flight attendant girlfriend to come home, just like him in real life, always with a sense of loneliness. Talk to soap and towels at home and immerse yourself in your own world.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

Rather than saying that Wong Kar-wai developed Liang Chaowei's acting skills, It is better to say that Liang Chaowei began to learn to take out a part of his own heart and attach that characteristic sense of loneliness to the role.

The audience saw the 663, who was outwardly depressed and used to keep a distance from people, like the dripping towel of his house, but also a person with rich feelings.

This way of expression is perfectly integrated with Wong Kar-wai's stream-of-consciousness narrative style, becoming an irreplaceable classic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="164" >06 to start the legendary journey of the movie emperor</h1>

Liang Chaowei broke through himself and opened his own legend of the Film Emperor.

Since "Chongqing Forest", he has cooperated with Wong Kar-wai on "Fancy Years" and "2046", which have a melancholy flavor of the 60s, each of which is a classic in literary and art films.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

The acting skills he showed in the play made Wong Kar-wai, who was overly perfect in standards and always thought that it would be better to shoot again, have nothing to say.

In major film festivals, it has won awards and won soft hands, becoming synonymous with acting skills among Chinese actors.

At the moment when "2046" was finished, Wong Kar-wai took the initiative to shake hands with Leung Chao-wai because he thanked an actor from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

He thought that if it were not for his appearance, this work that took five years would not have been able to be filmed at all, and praised him as a:

Actors who can tell a story with only a pair of eyes do not need lines, simple actions, and can interpret the plot without a word.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

Speaking of Wong Kar-wai, it is impossible not to re-release the East Evil West Poison and the East into the West in advance.

At that time, the gold lord came to the door with a lot of money, only requiring an all-star lineup, and the first and second episodes were to be released in the New Year's Eve file, and the others were left alone, allowing him to play.

And because the hot-blooded man and Ah Fei are spreading the limelight, Wong Kar-wai also called on all kinds of first-line stars, and even Lin Qingxia, who played the undefeated and popular in the East, was invited.

Everything seemed so beautiful, and as a result, the filming of the last episode "East Evil west poison" had only started for more than a month, and Wong Kar-wai was stuck, and every day he came to the set with only two pieces of paper called the script, and even the actors did not know what they were acting.

Liu Zhenwei, a partner at the company who saw that it was almost the New Year, nervously asked him what to do. Wong Kar-wai replied to let me be quiet first, and you should first take the actors to make a funny film.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

So Liu Zhenwei, who did not even have a script, had to come to the set with a hard scalp, casually break a plot, and let these big stars play on the spot.

Originally, when filming the east and the west, they had already been wong Kar-wai, and the actors who were bored to the point of not being able to do it, as soon as they heard about the situation, they let go of their own nonsense.

Who knew that this chaotic Dongcheng West was actually particularly smooth, with box office and word-of-mouth success, and unexpectedly became a super classic comedy.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

As for the east evil and the west poison, in the end Wong Kar-wai still dragged his feet to finish the film, and also took a bunch of awards.

But believe me, when your mind has been polluted by Liang Chaowei's Ouyang Feng, it is actually difficult to enter the state to watch him play with the same wave of people.

I always unconsciously wonder if he will suddenly come to a ah-ah-ah-o-

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="163" >07 All-rounder play road is getting wider and wider</h1>

At the end of the 20th century, Leung Chao-wai's mainstay accompanied the audience through the golden age of Hong Kong cinema.

In addition to the literary and artistic films and funny films just mentioned, whether it is ghost films, gambling films, romance films, action movies, and ancient puzzle boys, he is not absent.

The all-round drama path and the wide range of performances are breathtaking.

What is even more admirable is his high degree of cooperation that can cope with any situation.

Next, I will take Du Qifeng's well-known work "Dark Flower" as an example. You may not believe it, but this is another film that has not even been born with a script at the beginning of filming.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

By the time screenwriter Wei Jiahui came to the crew to report, Liang Chaowei had already finished filming a bunch of scenes. He had to use this material to break out the next story and rush to another set.

Halfway through the film, Du Qifeng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said that Wei Zai you still shaved your head seems to be good. Although Liang Chaowei was dumbfounded, he could only smile bitterly while letting the director perform the hair-dropping ceremony.

As a result, in the later stages, Du Qifeng cut a cut and found that the set was only 80 minutes.

Wei Jiahui, who was worried about not knowing how to explain to the investor, rushed back from another set to fight the fire, said to prepare some mirrors, asked Liang Chaowei to pose inside, and delay the time.

As a result, when Dark Flower was released, this mirror battle was also commented as a very creative famous scene.

I can only say that the filmmakers of Hong Kong films who can respond to these clever responses and can also bring out a big dish are really strong. But the actors who can keep up with this kind of shooting rhythm are also professional enough.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="121" >08 swept the peak of major awards</h1>

In 2002, "Infernal Affairs", directed by Liu Weiqiang and Mak Zhaohui, brought in Andy Lau and Liang Chaowei.

In the way of double male fighting wisdom, it laid a shot in the arm for the Hong Kong film market that was in a downturn at that time.

Although the theme is still the best police battle in Hong Kong movies, the plot is no longer just fighting and killing, enmity and hatred, but focuses on the psychological changes between the characters struggling between good and evil.

Chen Yongren, played by Liang Chaowei, brings together his character traits in works such as "Tricycle Driver", "Gun God", and "Dark Flower" to portray an undercover police inspector who is psychologically tortured and involuntary.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

Although his temperament and appearance have been assimilated during the ten years of the gang, from his repressed eyes, you can still feel an inexplicable righteousness.

Liang Chaowei's killing move of using his eyes to convey emotions is vividly expressed in "Infernal Affairs".

Chen Yongren's reaction when Huang Sir fell from the building is certainly the most enjoyable passage.

But I also very much appreciate the dialogue between him and Silly Qiang in the car, the director simply with his close-up and back, it is enough to show his brotherhood touched and helpless, sweeping the major film awards of that year can be said to be deserved.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="170" >09 evolve again</h1>

In 2007, Ang Lee finally got what he wanted, saw the opportunity to cooperate with Liang Chaowei, and launched the spy thriller "Color Ring", adapted from Zhang Ailing's novel. Through the perspective of a woman, the historical face of the war was restored.

It was a masterpiece of artistic and commercial success, which not only won Ang Lee his second Golden Lion Award, but also sparked widespread discussion in the Chinese community.

If we pay attention to Liang Chaowei's acting skills, we can find that he has evolved again.

This time he is not as relaxed as playing wong Kar Wai movies, because the role of Mr. Yi is not at all similar to his nature.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

He must dig out the darkest part of his heart, and in the midst of this restrained and sensitive role, he plays the cruel, cold, rough and conquering intelligence chief.

There is no need to add additional torture shots, as soon as he appears, you can feel the strong sense of danger in him.

Just by looking into his eyes, his heartbeat will involuntarily quicken, and the perfect performance is hailed as his best performance in recent years.

If it were not for the Hong Kong Academy Awards not allowing "Color Ring" to participate, I am afraid that Liang Chaowei, who has already won five film emperors, would have set a new record.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="171" >10 into the mainland market</h1>

In 2013, Wong Kar-wai finally released the film "A Generation of Grandmasters", which he had been preparing for ten years. In order to shoot this film, Leung Chao-wai, who played Ip Man, studied Wing Chun with Ip Man's apprentice Leung Shao Hung for three years, and his hand was broken twice.

However, Zhang Zhen in the same group is more exaggerated, practicing eight pole boxing to win the championship, but the scene has not yet been filmed, perfectly interpreting a martial artist who has been delayed by acting.

"A Generation of Grandmasters" is definitely a good work, and many of the lines in it are full of martial arts ideas and life philosophies.

But perhaps the plot is more focused on depicting Gong Er played by Zhang Ziyi, and in terms of the audience's high standards for Liang Chaowei, this time he can only be regarded as fulfilling his duty.

In addition to the action scenes played in person, there are not too many amazing places, which is a bit of a pity.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

With the changes in the Asian film market, after the 21st century, Leung Chao-wai has also participated in many films directed by mainland directors.

For example, the epic martial arts film "Hero", directed by Zhang Yimou and nominated for an Oscar for foreign language films, and the historical war blockbuster "Chibi" directed by Wu Yusen.

But his role in it is more like a foil and consolidation of the box office, even if another person to play, the impact is not large, in this side I will not repeat it.

Incidentally, although I obviously know that there are many points to watch in the two episodes of Chibi, there is the super handsome Jin Chengwu, and there is Lin Zhiling with Liang Chaowei.

But whenever I think about this film, I have not been able to enter the state, probably for the three kingdoms and other themes, I have not been very cold.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="172" >11 success, is it going downhill</h1>?

In recent years, the reputation of liang Chaowei's participating works has declined very seriously, and some have been withdrawn or cancelled for release.

This has made many viewers criticize him for not being old and short of money and wanting to come out and earn pension fees.

But I think his state of mind is different from the past, and the purpose of taking over the drama is not to prove himself, but may just want to act in a relaxed film to mediate the mood; or pay off the debt.

Just like this year, Liang Chaowei joined the camp of the Marvel Universe and played wenwu, the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, in "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings", just to realize his dream of making a Hollywood movie.

But don't be too happy too soon, because Liang Chaowei believes that the Chinese have little room for development in Hollywood.

It's just that when I worked with Ang Lee before, I envied the feeling of working in a world-class film team, and I wanted to make a film to feel it.

So "Legend of Shangqi and the Ten Rings" is likely to be his first and only Hollywood work.

From the film 40 years, get the award to get soft, the strongest Chinese film emperor is how to refine 01 the first acting 02 The first time when the male protagonist 03 years old repeatedly won the award 04 Electric eye is trained in this way 05 When Liang Chaowei met Wong Kar Wai 06 to start the legendary journey of the film emperor 07 The all-round drama road is getting wider and wider 08 The peak of the film emperor sweeping the major awards 09 Evolving again 10 Entering the mainland market 11 Success is going downhill

He once said: I envy those older actors, their hair is white, their skin is wrinkled, but they still shine, and their bones are full of a kind of intellectual aura.

I don't think I've accumulated enough life experience to reach that level, so I look forward to having a moment like this and performing better works.

As the strongest Chinese film emperor in history, I am nearly a year old, but I still want to continue to improve on the road of acting, which makes me sincerely grateful for having such an actor who appeared in my growing years.