
Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

Compared to the voluntary dating of middle and high school, college is really a "magical" place!

The people of the South China Sea and the North gathered together, and were randomly manipulated by the hand of fate, randomly opening any blind box.

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

If you are lucky, you can get together with people with the same interests, and the four years of college can be as happy as a love apartment, taking classes together, cooking together, and turning the sky together.

However, if you are a little careless and are cared for by the "god of mildew", you will live in the depths of the "Zhen Huan Chuan", and all kinds of fights will occur in the open and in the dark, which makes people feel tired...

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

Especially now that the epidemic is repeated, many schools have adopted lockdown measures, living in such a small space, and spending more and more time with their roommates.

Many details and dissatisfaction have become the fuse of the dormitory's contradictions, making some of the already shaky dormitory relationships worse.

There was a hint of gunpowder in the air, and how to survive in the cracks became a great science!

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

College is a small society, and compared to the original youth and immaturity, we begin to approach a qualified adult.

Not only do you have to learn professional skills, but you also need to deal with complex interpersonal relationships.

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

No one is an island, everyone wants to live happily in the group, and whether or not you can handle the relationship with your roommate is related to the happiness of university life.

Please put away this dormitory survival tips below! I hope that when faced with choices, Xiao Wen can help you


A guide to collective survival

First of all, we must adjust our mentality and clearly realize that the dormitory is a collective, and the members of the university dormitory often come from all over the world.

The growth environment is different, the habits are also different, so it takes some running-in time and learns to think differently.

You can first share your living habits, be honest with each other, and develop a dormitory life table based on everyone's feedback.

For example, lights out time, study time, cleaning the daily table, so that everyone will have a sense of participation, and work together to create a good living environment.

Those with special living habits can also buy some physical equipment for themselves (eye masks, earplugs, blackout curtains) so that they can greatly protect their privacy space, if the roommate occasionally forgets the rules, remember to remind in time~


Dormitories lie down en masse

The basic rules of survival have been formulated, everyone knows each other's habits, and when there is no entertainment activity during the school closure, they can take the initiative to initiate a dormitory night chat.

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

Private celebrity gossip can all be taken out to chat, at this time to open their hearts and close to each other.

You can also watch a Douban Top 10 movie together during the weekly break, bringing a little fresh vitality to the dull school closure life.


Give companionship and warmth

The dormitory is equivalent to our home at school, and each member of the dormitory is our partner who wants to get along day and night, so when the roommate encounters difficulties, we must help in time to let the other party feel our concern.

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

In the harbor of the dormitory, everyone may encounter some small storms, as long as they help each other, everything can be solved!

During this period, we may also receive a few precious friends to accompany us through the next stages of life.


Establish a circle of independent living

Everyone is afraid of being lonely and likes to be social, but we also have to have our own circle of life, and a good relationship is not to stay together all day, but we all have our own direction and goals.

There is no good learning atmosphere in the dormitory, you can go to the library to study at a fixed time every day, establish your own independent space, distance produces beauty, time together is less, and the opportunity for contradictions and friction will be much less.

Top-secret "Dormitory Survival Manual", compulsory for school sealing!

In a sea of thousands of people, living in a dormitory is a great fate, and the relationship between housemates will most likely determine our university happiness.

Under the same roof, I hope that everyone can meet the right and measured roommates.

The image comes from the Internet

| EDIT: Bubble |

| Review: Yuzu |

| Producer: Wang Feng |

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