
"Wolfberry Fu", handing you a Ningxia "red name card"

"Oh man, since ancient times, there is no medicine for eternal life, only I would rather be the most trilled!" This beautiful sentence praising Ningxia goji berries comes from "Wolfberry Fu", written by Wang Zhensheng, pen name "Red Willow", who is now serving in the discipline inspection team of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee appointed by the Ningxia Discipline Inspection Commission.

"Wolfberry Fu", handing you a Ningxia "red name card"

Wang Zhensheng, the author of "Wolfberry Endowment", uses a thousand words to trace the roots, from form to god, describing the diversity, compatibility, inclusiveness, and anti-birth of wolfberries. Let's enjoy this masterpiece describing Ningxia goji berries!

《Wolfberry Endowment》

Wang Zhensheng

Goji berries, Materia Medica Sacred Fruit also. The red fire infects the land of the five continents, and the roundness and moist nourish the life of the four seas. It has not grown old for thousands of years, and has prospered for thousands of years.

Its source is leisurely, and the text is transformed into a. The treasure of God, the prince has a preference; the leader of the medicine, the cloth is more loved. The Queen Mother is decorated with a fall, and the people are worried about the sky. Qizi Yao oracle bone, Chinese civilization. The origin of the Kaoqi seed is prehistoric, native to China, Shennong first planted, Yin Shang Pu Hong. Poetry praises, the way of the immortals; ancient texts, the wind of the gentleman.

Thorns and stems, so it is called wolfberry. Whoever is of the highest quality will gather the qi from heaven and earth, and concentrate on the red sun. Helan Luo Mountain is a group of deserts, and the Yellow River is clear and moist. Ningxia goji berries are in the world, expensive in the authenticity; authentic goji berries are guizhongning, unique treasures. Qi Zi first entered the "Thousand Golden Formula", and the medicinal effect was early published in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". The king of the hundred grasses, the only one who has entered the canon; the wind and things are fragrant, and the lone seed of landmark protection. If the trade winds and rains, the strong man sweats; or the blue sky of the day, the old and the young are busy picking stars. Covering the vigorous village village bi, reflecting the sky and blanket household red. Nian Huang Tian is thick and generous, Si Di is fortunate; the five treasures of the Kui Xi, Jiahe is famous.

"Roots and flowers, clean up without discards." Spring-leaved celestial grass, summer flower longevity, autumn fruit goji berries, winter root bone skin. But the old fairy grass, healthy medicine delicacy. Eye benefits, liver benefits protection, cold is resistant, heat is good, bone is strong, light body is less, the evil qi of the Lord's five inners; qi can be filled, blood can be replenished, yang can be born, yin can be long, fire can be lowered, rheumatism can go, and it has the wonderful use of perfection. Its magic is miraculous, and it is both edible and medicinal. It should be fresh and dry, and it can be soaked in wine and cooked in soup. The proverb "is a three-point poison of medicine", but goji berries have no side function. Matched, versatile and medium!

The one who is born against the other, the flowers bloom disorderly, and are outstanding in all things; the fruit is full of seasons, and it is absolutely similar to its product. Bathing in the scorching sun, enduring drought and thirst, turning leaves into needles; resistant to barrenness, good pioneering, alkaline soil first. There is no deception of the weakness of Artemisia arvensis, and there is no tenderness of the green willow. Not more tenacious than the poplar, not the mixin of the jujube. Wang Xieyan entered the ordinary household, and Xiu Pan cordyceps was jealous of ginseng. Unavoidable nature, can be ice heart. The cold wind makes songs, self-improvement is endless, and there is no search; the sand is in the company, and the thick virtue is not meritorious. Guanghua feeds the sun and the moon, and it is a favorite of all kinds of hardships.

Send the health of the Riba people, and the elegance of the flowing water of the mountains. Always give gifts, but also reach the people. Riding the sweat and blood BMW out of the plug, riding the snowy eagle over Kunlun. Chinese treasures, accompanied by Su Ziqing Pastoral Festival Beihai; Oriental Sacred Fruit, help Zheng Sanbao Xuan and westbound. Li Lehua medical gold jade, Chi millennium ancient road; celadon green tea red goji berries, shun wanli sea breeze. Watch the Haohao Dragon Banner pass by, and wait for the yo-yo camel bell moon to listen. Spices with cooked sheep, the world's treasures, the eight treasures cover the bowl condensed good taste; chimes lead qiang flute, DongQi Xi Portuguese, Helan Mountain Under and high tone. The soul cherishes the homeland, and the end of the country overflows with nostalgia.

Resist chronic diseases, alleviate terminal diseases, new insights in qigong; increase vitality, strengthen immunity, and its gods are glorious. Keep the fundamentals, flourish and fruitful; open up new paths, and be righteous and magical. Thousands of gold and a bucket of family wealth, a hundred sails compete for years and years. People have been passed down for a long time, and the virtue is thick and deep. Qi Ren is in the state, taking the Belt and Road to build dreams; Qi Ren is in Kang, helping the revival of Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine. Ningxia, a healthy world. Wan Qingdan fell on the photo plug, priceless ruby unlimited.

Gou enjoys this thing, its health is like pine; Gou accompanies this thing, its age is like spring; Gou bells this thing, its luck is like gold; Gou cherishes this thing, its momentum is like a rainbow.

Oh man, since ancient times, there is no medicine for eternal life, only I would rather be the most trilled!

Wang Zhensheng is good at lexicography, and has published more than a dozen works in authoritative journals such as "Chinese Dictionary", including "Chinese Character Fu", "Shaanxi Fu", "Three-Sided New Seven Strokes", "Ningxia Yinghuang Ancient Irrigation District Fu" and so on. Focusing on the study and research of traditional Chinese studies, history and culture, and folk art, he has created and completed more than 2 million words of various literary works and theoretical articles such as lexicon, novels, history, aesthetics, essays, folklore, etc. In 2017, during his work at the Ningxia Water Conservancy Department, the "Application for The World Irrigation Project Heritage Application for the Ancient Irrigation Project in Ningxia Yinhuang Ancient Irrigation District" was a complete success, and Ningxia achieved a breakthrough of "zero" world heritage. (China Daily Ningxia Reporter Station Hu Dongmei)