
Rizhao: Write the answer sheet for high-quality development with hard work

author:Qilu one point

From January to November last year, the city's 842 regulated industrial enterprises achieved a total output value of 329.186 billion yuan, an increase of 18.2%; fixed asset investment increased by 2.7%; import and export increased by 13.1%; and general public budget revenue increased by 8.0%. The city's economic operation has shown a good trend of stability and reinforcement, quantity and quality.

All levels and departments of Rizhao City have transformed the convictions, confidence, enthusiasm, and passion aroused by the study and education of party history into a powerful driving force and practical action to promote the construction of a modern coastal city, overcome difficulties, start a business, and actively act in promoting high-quality development, deepening reform, and guarding the bottom line of safe development, thus creating a new situation in development.

The "main theme" of catching up with learning and striving to be the first is passionately sung on this hot land.

The project is king, gathering new momentum for high-quality development

Walking into the factory area of Rizhao Huatai Group in Juxian Economic Development Zone, on the one hand, the natural color pulp and paper production line with an annual output of 240,000 tons is running at full capacity, a busy scene; on the other hand, the high-end packaging paper project production line of paper substitute plastic is being debugged, tense and orderly.

In the workshop of the R&D and manufacturing project of Yingjiduo intelligent fitness and rehabilitation equipment in Rizhao Economic Development Zone, more than 40 mechanical arms are waving in an orderly manner and stepping up the production of orders. Ingidore has its own R&D team, with a total of 143 patents, ranking first in the industry in the development and design capabilities of high-end intelligent fitness and rehabilitation equipment.

On the Olin electronic metal evaporation mask production line in Rizhao High-tech Zone, the charm of scientific and technological innovation is displayed everywhere. This production line is independently developed and constructed by the company's team, which can realize the localization of metal mask boards for OLED evaporation and break the international monopoly of this key raw material.

One by one, the project sites in full swing and the red-hot construction pictures are constantly injecting new vitality and adding new impetus to the wonderful and gorgeous "butterfly change" of Rizhao.

2021 is rizhao's "project breakthrough year". The city screened and identified 600 key projects in provinces, cities and counties, and emerging industries and short-board projects accounted for 70%.

According to the data provided by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, from January to November last year, the city's 272 key projects in the implementation of provinces and cities completed an investment of 87.22 billion yuan, accounting for 159% of the annual investment plan, and the progress of the overtime was 67.3 percentage points. Among them, the annual investment completion rate of provincial key projects is 167.1%, ranking second in the province. The municipal key projects completed an investment of 58.99 billion yuan, accounting for 155.4% of the annual investment plan, and the progress exceeded the order by 63.7 percentage points.

Project construction should not only be fast, but also "new". Accelerating the layout and development of strategic emerging industries is an important direction for local governments to establish the advantages of core industrial development and achieve "lane change and overtaking". A large number of "four new" projects have been started one after another, injecting new momentum into the future development of Rizhao.

Among them, after Great Wall Motor cracks the chip restrictions to reach production, the annual output value is expected to be more than 15 billion yuan; 13 key projects with a total investment of 64.4 billion yuan such as 500,000 tons of cultural paper in the Asia-Pacific Senbo 500,000 tons, and the "four new" projects such as Kaiyuan Senbo Holiday Park and Yuejiang Robot accelerate the construction; Rizhao has 7 provincial parks for a new generation of information technology industry, and the number of software parks is the third in the province.

In the first three quarters of last year, the added value of the "four new" economy in Rizhao City was 44.81 billion yuan, an increase of 15.01%, accounting for 28.54% of GDP, and the economic development momentum was further enhanced.

Optimize the environment and stimulate new vitality for high-quality development

Yuejiang Technology Co., Ltd., is the only robot head enterprise and unicorn enterprise in China to open up the lightweight whole industrial chain, ranking first in the export volume of domestic brands for 3 consecutive years, and investing 1 billion yuan in Rizhao to build a production base. At present, the project has entered the trial production phase.

Liu Peichao, chairman of the company, said that from the negotiation and construction of the project to the present, he has come to Rizhao several times, did not expect to be so worry-free and labor-saving, did not expect the efficiency of Rizhao to be so high, did not expect the local service to be so fine.

"Id card, academic qualifications, vocational certificates are not brought, can you still do business?" Mr. Wang of Rizhao Gangcheng Kangyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Co., Ltd. came to the government service hall of Rizhao High-tech Zone to handle the registration business of the establishment of private non-enterprise units, because the relevant information was not complete, he asked with a tentative attitude.

What he did not expect was that Rizhao's "no certificate" service system can share data and dock relevant materials with relevant units in real time to achieve "on-the-spot" completion of business.

Behind the heart-warming story is the concrete embodiment of Rizhao benchmarking the first class in the country and the province and continuously optimizing the business environment. Focusing on grasping institutional innovation, process reengineering, and grasping the theme scene service of the "whole life cycle" of enterprises and individuals, the construction of the city's business environment has continuously taken new steps and achieved new results.

Focusing on opening up the "last kilometer" of policy implementation and enhancing the satisfaction of enterprises and the masses, Rizhao issued the "Implementation Plan for Innovative Breakthrough Actions to Create a First-Class Business Environment", which clarified 243 innovative measures, of which 53 are special measures launched against domestic benchmark cities, innovatively set up the "Woodpecker Award" to optimize the business environment, build a "favored enterprise assistant" and "policy pass" service platform, through accurate "portrait", change "people looking for policies" to "policies to find people", and realize the automatic matching of preferential enterprise policies. It is enjoyed without application, so that the government policy can be "seen and understood" and more "touched and used well".

Up to now, the city has developed and applied 37 kinds of "whole life cycle" scenarios such as marriage and childbirth, enrollment, and medical treatment, and the number of online items of the "Love Shandong Rizhaotong" APP has exceeded 2,000, and more businesses have realized handheld office and fingertip office.

Focus on optimizing the business environment, implementing breakthrough actions for business environment innovation, Rizhao will also rely on the city brain to further promote the reform of unproven cities and one-thing theme services, optimize the "one network office" for government services, and "one network unified management" for urban operation, so as to truly make the city a high-quality platform for economic development and a beautiful home for living and working.

Closely follow the people's livelihood and write a new chapter of high-quality development

On January 17, in the packaging workshop of Juxian Zhaoxian Colorful Rose Industrial Park, the staff was skillfully "shaping" the freshly picked flowers. Cut flowers after grading, packaging and information collection will be sent to major cities across the country through cold chain transportation.

Zhaoxian Colorful Rose Industrial Park Project has focused on building the largest rose cut flower production base in Jiangbei, and has built 20 hectares of intelligent wall membrane greenhouses, completed the colonization of more than 1 million roses, and achieved an annual output of 60 million pieces. The project innovates and establishes a cooperation model of "village party branch + land share cooperative + enterprise + farmer", where villagers can get industrial dividends, land rent, and migrant salaries "three incomes", farmers become workers, and villagers become citizens.

Rizhao conscientiously practices the people-centered development thinking, adheres to the integration of urban and rural areas and the overall planning of the whole region, grasps the key points, makes up for shortcomings, and strengthens and weaknesses, so that the people can share the fruits of high-quality development and truly feel that "living in Rizhao is happiness".

Focusing on the major event of common prosperity, Rizhao coordinated to promote the strategy of exquisite urban construction and rural revitalization. Focusing on the whole life cycle of "people", Rizhao adheres to the goal of "basing on the present, focusing on the long term, acting according to ability, and walking in the forefront", and weaves a tightly rooted people's livelihood security network. In the first three quarters of last year, the city's financial expenditure on people's livelihood was 16.856 billion yuan, accounting for 80.3% of the general public budget expenditure, an increase of 0.3 percentage points over the first half of the year.

Good things for the benefit of the people are infiltrated in every people's livelihood project, which significantly enhances the happiness of the masses. Rizhao comprehensively launched the reform of "after-school delay service" education convenience service, benefiting 91.9% of primary and secondary school students in the city, solving the "three-and-a-half point problem" commonly reflected by parents; 184 compulsory education schools in the city that have not built canteens have achieved full coverage of centralized meals, with a satisfaction rate of 97.8%; 94 primary and secondary schools have built artificial intelligence laboratories; 550 "elderly tables" in newly built rural happiness homes have served 58,000 elderly people; 10 urban community pension comprehensive service centers have been built and used, and "community canteens +" Elderly Dining Table" 23 places.

Deep learning, dedication, hard work. With the study and education of party history as the source of power, the whole city is united in one heart, overcoming difficulties, striving to open a new journey of riding the wind and waves, sailing and sailing, so that the city has temperament, quality of life, and sunshine is becoming more and more exquisite, so that the smiling faces of citizens can become the most beautiful scenery in the city, and accelerate the realization of the wonderful "butterfly change" of modern coastal city construction.

(Rizhao Newspaper All-Media Reporter Xu Jing)

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