
Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

author:Eleven said Say

Hello everyone, I'm eleven. Zhang Haifeng is a fisherman near Bosten Lake, in recent years, there are rumors of water monsters in the lake often come out, but he has not taken it seriously, he who has played fish all his life originally did not believe in evil, but on this day, 3 of them did not catch the net, completely frightened him, if it is not thrown fast, several people are afraid to feed the water monster, then what is the fishing net fished up? Is it really the legendary water monster?

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

The appearance of the Water Monster

Today we tell the story of Bosten Lake, Bosten Lake is located in the north of the Tarim Basin, because of the geographical location, so there are a lot of marine life in the lake, gradually, someone found this feng shui treasure land, and settled here, with the passage of time, around the Bosten Lake more and more residents, gradually became a small fishing village, most of the villagers are also living on fishing, but just a few years ago suddenly happened a strange thing, resulting in no villagers dare to go to Bosten Lake fishing, What is it that keeps the villagers away from the lake they have relied on for half a lifetime? One day, a fisherman named Zhang Haifeng went fishing in Bosten Lake, and with Zhang Haifeng, two other partners, as usual, they first threw the net out forcefully, and then sat quietly on the boat waiting for the fish to be hooked.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

After a long time, just when Zhang Haifeng was preparing to collect the net, he found that the fishing net was very heavy, sinking to the point of not being able to pull it, and in desperation, he could only call two other partners together, but the fishing net actually sank to the point that three people could not pull it with the strength of three people. Thinking like this, the three of them worked harder, but it wasn't long before Zhang Haifeng felt something was wrong, why? Logically, after the creatures in the water are caught in the fishing net, they should all show fear, and some will even use pretending to be dead to confuse people, but this time the creatures in the fishing nets, there is no reaction at all, as if they are not afraid of all this at all, after being caught, it is desperately struggling, constantly churning in the water, and also makes a strange sound, and after a while, the underwater began to clang again, and soon, the hull began to shake violently, and suddenly, the three people suddenly felt an inexplicable fear. At this moment, they were already in deep water, and if the ship capsized at this time, the three of them would be killed in the sea.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

Thinking of this, Zhang Haifeng and the others quickly threw the fishing net in their hands into the water, fortunately, the three people were fast enough, and the big fish that were caught did not seem to have the heart to continue to entangle with them, so the three finally escaped the disaster. Soon, the experience of Zhang Haifeng and others was spread throughout the village, since then, there are no fishermen dare to go to Bosten Lake to fish, everyone is afraid of touching the huge creature under the water, according to the old man in the village, it is said that a long time ago, there was a water monster under Bosten Lake, and this water monster was extremely grumpy, perennial perched in the deepest part of Bosten Lake, is the master of the lake, in fact, Bosten Lake is not the first place to spread the existence of water monsters, the legend of water monsters has emerged endlessly since ancient times. As early as the 18th century, a Norwegian writer named Pombidan wrote "Norwegian Naturalism", in which he described a very terrible water monster, not only very large, but also full of tentacles.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

Classification of water monsters

In 1998, some Shanghai tourists had taken a mysterious phenomenon in Sichuan Leta Lake, from the picture can vaguely see that there is a strange creature, the head alone reached two meters, on November 27, 2013, in the Tianchi Lake in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, there are nearly 100 tourists witnessed two water monsters swimming in a circular shape in the water, there are many legends about water monsters, after the passage of time, some of these legends have been explained by scientists, and some have not been solved until now. So what's going on with the bosten lake monster? In order to unravel the mystery of Bosten Lake, the press team and scientists formed a scientific expedition team and rushed to Bosten Lake, but it was disappointing that the scientific expedition team searched the lake for three hours and did not find any traces of the existence of giant creatures. But Zhang Haifeng's expression was not like a joke.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

In desperation, the scientific expedition team temporarily left the lake, after that, the scientific expedition team consulted a large number of books, and found that the water monsters that have been scientifically verified can be roughly divided into three categories, like Japan once had a boiling water monster incident, in fact, it is a ray itself, only because in ancient times, the fishermen's knowledge reserves are not enough, which led to the misunderstanding, this kind of water monster event we call the novelty species, the second is a huge foreign body, like Canada's famous Okanagan Lake Monster, in 1872, There are local residents who say that a monster was found swimming in the water in Okanagan Lake, but later after the investigation of researchers, it was actually a tree floating in the water, because Okanagan Lake sometimes appears tidal, so there are often tree remains floating on the water, the third category is called the picture misinterpretation class, this classification is because there was a video of the water monster in northern Scotland.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

In the video, this creature moves very quickly, looks terrible, and then after the scientists zoomed in and verified, it was found that this is just a big dog swimming in the water, so which kind of monster does Bosten Lake belong to? Let's look at them one by one. First of all, the first, novelty species, some people say, this Bosten Lake monster will not be some kind of surviving ancient creature? Like dinosaurs? Like crocodiles, in fact, is an ancient creature, crocodiles and dinosaurs live in an era, and in the earliest days, the body of crocodiles up to more than 20 meters, but later because of the earth's climate changes, crocodiles in order to adapt to the environment has become what we see today, then, bosten lake monster is not an ancient creature?

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

With this speculation, the scientific expedition team began to investigate, after a lot of reading, this conjecture was finally overturned, according to the data, Bosten Lake was formed at the end of the new century about 2.5 million years ago, and dinosaurs were all extinct at the time of 70 million years ago, this time is obviously not no, then let's look at the second category, huge organisms, according to the survey, Bosten Lake grows a special reed, called Bosten Reed, according to local fishermen, This special reed in Bosten Lake has a lot, almost thousands of acres, according to the scientific expedition team, the length of these reeds reached four meters, the diameter is up to three centimeters, equivalent to three times the ordinary reeds, at this moment some people have proposed, since there are huge reeds, will there also be huge creatures?

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

The truth about the water monster

The scientific expedition team immediately began to study the reasons for the growth of giant reeds, after investigation, it was found that these strange reeds are actually because of the absorption of high concentrations of nutrients in the water, will become so coarse, in short, is the lake water in Bosten Lake to fertilize these reeds, resulting in them being much thicker than ordinary reeds, and these nutrients to enter the organism, but also must be converted into an ionic state can be, in other words, these things that cause the reeds to become larger can not cause biological mutation, Then the second category is also excluded by us, as for the third category, it is even more impossible, because the Bosten Lake Monster does not have relevant video data, and there is no misunderstanding, so what is the reason for the Bosten Lake Monster? The expedition team members who had been busy for a long time and had no gain decided to search for Bosten Lake again, and this time, they had an unexpected harvest, they caught a large grass carp of more than twenty pounds, which reached a length of more than one meter, and then the scientific expedition team learned that such a huge fish was not unusual in Bosten Lake.

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

Fishermen said that some fish are more intelligent, not easy to be deceived, so growing to two or three meters is a normal thing, this unexpected harvest let the scientific expedition team make such a speculation, fisherman Zhang Haifeng in the fishing, accidentally caught a two or three meters or even longer big fish, when closing the net, because the big fish constantly struggled to lead to a huge impact force, and this impact force caused the hull of the rock, just like this, Zhang Haifeng and other people due to fear, the big fish in the water imagined as a giant monster, and then This matter has undergone various descriptions of oil and vinegar, and later intensified, gradually evolving into a water monster incident. At this point, the villagers' hanging hearts can finally be put down, and Bosten Lake has also returned to its former vitality, in fact, there is no water monster in the world, and all strange events will have scientific conclusions. All right!

Xinjiang man-eating water monster reappears! The huge body is covered with tentacles, and the fishermen have witnessed many near-deaths

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