
The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country

author:Bright Net

WeChat group on the stock market trend rhetoric, minutes can earn millions of "mentor", may just be a hiding abroad layman, stock market insights all rely on the script; hundreds of thousands or millions of funds into the designated stock trading APP, may be someone else's cheap development of fraud software, the principal early turn away, you see only the numbers ... Under such a routine, some citizens accidentally fell into the trap of telecommunications fraud. Recently, ms. Wang, a citizen, was fooled by the so-called "stock god" and more than 600,000 yuan was adrift. The police in Qingdao South, Shandong Province, set up a special case, and within a month, they turned to thousands of miles and arrested 5 people behind the scenes of the software development gang and the "mentor". Later, more than 100 cases in other places were broken, and the amount involved was more than 60 million.

The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country

The suspects are being interrogated by the police


The woman wants to make a lot of money by speculating in stocks, and more than 600,000 yuan is adrift

In June 2020, a stranger added Ms. Wang's WeChat. The other party said that he often speculates in stocks and can exchange information with each other. He then pulled Ms. Wang into a group chat. In the group chat, the person calls himself a mentor and shares the latest stock market information and analyzes the trend of the stock market every day in the group.

After a few days of observation in the group chat, the trend analyzed by the tutor can correspond to the market. Moreover, many students also share their experiences and share the daily benefits in the group.

At first, Ms. Wang was still more cautious, and slowly found that a lot of what the tutor said had a certain truth. Coupled with the fact that many people in the group traded according to his tips, they benefited a lot. So she started contacting her mentor and asking how to trade.

According to the other party's prompts, Ms. Wang downloaded a special stock trading software step by step. The first time, she invested 100,000 in the principal, which doubled in a few days. Seeing that the wealth number was soaring, she began to invest additionally, investing more than 600,000 yuan in two months.

Seeing that the money invested was very profitable, she wanted to withdraw some of the bags first. She followed the prompts, but was told that her account had been frozen. He went to the group again to inquire, and was soon kicked out of the group chat, and the mentor also blocked himself.

It was only at this time that Ms. Wang discovered that she had been deceived and immediately went to the police station under her jurisdiction to report the case.


After a month of traveling thousands of miles, the police took down the gang that made apps

After receiving the report, the criminal police brigade of the Shinan Public Security Sub-bureau, together with the criminal police detachment of the municipal bureau, quickly set up a special case team to investigate the case. Through information research, the special case team found that the development and maintenance personnel of the software were in China. After further investigation, the task force found that this was a gang that specialized in helping people develop fraudulent software, and also helped people operate and develop a variety of software.

In August 2021, the task force finally locked the information of the 4 suspects through work. After investigation, the suspect Zou mou rented a daily rental house, but the specific room could not be locked. It was summer, and the southern cities were even hotter. In order to find out the traces of Zou as soon as possible, the police conducted a squatting inspection in the residential area where Zou may live.

Zou has a certain anti-investigation awareness. If the police rush to search, it is easy to hit the grass and startle the snake. The police had to hide in the car, and during the rush hour, closely observe the people entering and leaving the community.

After 7 consecutive days of work, the police finally locked the room where Zou lived. When he saw the police rush into the room and reveal his identity, Zou suddenly resisted. After several rounds of fighting, the police subdued him.

Following the line, the police quickly locked the information of other suspects. Within a month, the police of the special case group turned to thousands of miles, and successively visited Wuhan City in Hubei Province, Chongqing City, Shenzhen City in Guangdong Province, and Guangzhou City, and arrested all 4 suspects responsible for developing, operating and maintaining software.

The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country

The police waited late at night to arrest the suspects


In order to make quick money, engineers pulled up classmates to develop fraud APPS

After arriving at the case, the 4 suspects confessed to the illegal facts of helping people to make a fraudulent APP, and confessed the process of committing the crime.

Zou works as a network engineer in a company and is responsible for the operation and development of software. Outside of work, he always wants to use his expertise to earn extra money. By chance, he saw in the Internet forum that someone hired a high-paying part-time engineer to help develop and operate software. The two added WeChat and agreed on the production requirements for the software.

The other party said that it needs a virtual stock trading software, and the more similar it is to the regular stock trading software, the better. However, after the funds of stock speculation are entered into the account, they do not enter the software and directly enter another designated bank account.

Zou confessed that at that time, he knew that this would definitely be used for fraud. But thinking that he was not directly involved, and that the money he gave was indeed quite a lot, he agreed. After the production is completed, 50,000 yuan will be given, and the later maintenance will continue to pay the cost.

Zou pulled his classmate and partner Li Moumou together to develop software. After more than a month of rush work, the development of the software was completed quickly. They found another accomplice, Zhang Moumou, to test and package the software. After passing the test on the left side of the house, Li moumou is responsible for the technical maintenance of the later stage.

After review, the four people had a clear division of labor, knowing that this software would be used for telecommunications fraud, Zou made a profit of more than 50,000 yuan and shared it with Li; Zhang earned a difference of 150 yuan per "package"; Zuo made a profit at a price of 15 yuan per "package". At the same time, Zou also cooperated with Li to produce and sell a number of virtual stock trading APP software and profit from it.

The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country

The police arrested the suspect

【Dig deep】

The "mentor" hid from overseas dens and fraudulently returned to China to repeat the same technique

The special case team followed the vine and quickly locked in the so-called "stock god" Wu Moumou. Through his work, it was found that he had previously applied to work in Cambodia, but in fact, he was staying in a fraud den abroad to carry out fraud.

In October 2021, Wu was kicked out of the company by the fraud den due to his "business" ability, and could only borrow money from his family to buy a plane ticket to return to China. He had just returned to China and wanted to return to his old business, and when he was engaged in fraud, the special case team arrested him.

It turned out that Wu moumou said that after graduating from college, he went to work for a so-called technology company. When I go to work, the company conducts training, mainly through telephone sales. The company's leaders brought a phone book, and Wu called the phone to ask them if they paid attention to stock information, and then recommended them to enter a group chat. For each person recommended into the group, the income is about 100 yuan, and the salary is also a daily settlement.

At the beginning, Wu Moumou did not think too much. Slowly, Wu Moumou found that the work he was engaged in was not normal, and after they recommended these people to enter the group chat, they withdrew from the group. Moreover, "colleagues" also told him that they were responsible for "draining" telecommunications fraud. They are at the forefront of the scam, and after pulling the victim into the group, there will be a dedicated stock analyst and so on, and the higher the level, the more money is earned.

At the beginning, Wu Moumou's daily income was not cheap, but after working for a while, it was obvious that everyone's awareness of anti-deception had increased. They sell according to the words given by the leader, the workload is getting less and less, and it is more and more difficult to make money. As a result, it was suggested that you could go upstream of the fraud process and engage in a larger percentage of stock analysts.

Without resisting the temptation, Wu Moumou contacted a fraud "company" in Cambodia under the introduction of a friend.

The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country


The "fraud dens" are supervised at any time, and they are beaten up every day

Recalling the experience of fraud dens abroad, Wu Moumou bluntly said that it was unbearable to see. Wu said that under the leadership of the middleman, he quickly arrived at a fraud den. The den is in a suburban villa, with living areas on the first floor and work areas on the second floor. After entering the den, it is not allowed to enter and exit casually, and all mobile phones must be handed in.

In the scam den, Wu is responsible for the role of stock analyst. He is mainly responsible for sharing his information about the stock market in the WeChat group. This information is provided by the backstage staff, as long as they follow the thoughts. Most of the WeChat groups are trusts, and some of them are next to them. He's in charge of publishing stock market analysis, others are in charge of building momentum, and the ultimate target is the person who's pulled in. If the other party is moved, let him download the specified software and take the opportunity to swindle all the principal.

There are multiple teams in the dens of the fraud gang at the same time, and each group of people uses the assigned work mobile phone to carry out fraud online through different APP fraud software. Moreover, everyone has an assessment, and the supervisor will supervise next to it. If the day's workload is not completed, it will be reprimanded at best and severely beaten.

He worked in the scam dens for more than two months, during which time he was also beaten, but his workload often failed to meet the target. In the end, the fraud gang believed that Wu Moumou really did not have the ability in this regard and directly drove him out. In desperation, he had to call his parents for help, ask for a sum of money and then fly back to China.

After returning to China, Wu Moumou still did not want to repent, and he thought of using these techniques he learned to continue to commit fraud. What he did not expect was that he was arrested after committing the crime a few times.

In the end, the special case team successively implemented more than 100 victims who were defrauded by the APP, and broke more than 100 cases in the province and outside the province, involving a value of more than 60 million yuan.

The amount involved is more than 60 million! Behind the "pig killing plate", the "mentor" actually hid outside the country

The police arrested the suspect.


Financial management needs to be cautious, in case of fraud in time to call 96110

According to the police, this kind of fraud is not complicated, fraudsters often first fictitious some so-called mentors or stock market gods, they share some trading skills and stock market knowledge in the live broadcast room, the purpose is to win the trust of investors, and then use the so-called insider information and high returns to attract investors, the last step is to let investors put money into some so-called APP allocation stock trading platform, and then circle a lot of cash at one time.

The anti-fraud police called on the public to install the National Anti-Fraud Center APP as soon as possible and jointly guard the "money bag." "This is a special APP for anti-telecommunications fraud developed by the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security", the anti-fraud police introduced, "the National Anti-Fraud Center APP has mobile phone self-examination and other functions, can scan the suspicious APP on the mobile phone, while opening the fraud warning function, it is like a mobile phone butler to guard the mobile phone's incoming calls, text messages and APP applications, once there is a risk SMS and fraudulent calls, it can be directly intercepted, the danger prevention in the first place." ”

96110 is a dedicated anti-telecommunications fraud number dedicated to early warning and discouragement and prevention publicity. "The first is to dissuade the public security organs from warning and dissuading people who are vulnerable to deception and high-risk groups; the second is to consult and accept calls from the masses for consultation; and the third is to report and accept reports on the clues of the masses' telecommunications network fraud and illegal crimes." The anti-fraud police especially reminded, "If you see a 96110 call, you must answer it, block the fraud crime in time, and guard our own 'money bag'." ”

Source: Shandong Chang'an Network

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