
The child is always thin, be careful of irritable intestines

The child is always thin, be careful of irritable intestines

This is the 3588th article of Da Medical Care

In daily life, careful parents may notice this situation, children will always say that their stomach is uncomfortable, stomach pain, the number of stools will become more, about four or five times a day, the stool is not formed, relatively thin, parents will mostly consider whether to eat a bad stomach, or cold, take the child to the hospital to check and can not find the problem. Doctors may also consider the child's gastrointestinal weakness, all aspects of the function is not as good as adults, occasionally this situation is also normal, generally pay attention to keep warm, drink some hot water will get better, adults will not care, but if the child grows up to go to school, once the outside world exerts stimulation, such as cold, after learning pressure, abdominal pain will be obvious, diarrhea will also occur, in this case, parents should be careful, your child may suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Don't panic, and see below.

The child is always thin, be careful of irritable intestines

1. What is irritable bowel syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that is functional, not a problem with the organs themselves. The pathogenesis is unclear, patients often present with diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, etc., and clinical examination also lacks conclusive evidence to diagnose the disease. That is to say, it is a bit dysfunctional of the gastrointestinal tract, blood draws, stool routines and examinations all look normal. IBS is a common disease and multiple diseases in adolescents and children, and is often clinically divided into diarrhea-type irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D), constipated irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C), mixed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-M) and amorphous irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-U), of which diarrhea is the main manifestation of diarrhea-type irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D), which is the most common type, accounting for about 65% of IBS in the mainland. Patients with this type have increased frequency of stools with thin stools, most of which are thin and mushy or even watery stools.

2. How to roughly determine whether a child is suffering from irritable bowel syndrome?

The internationally recognized Rome III diagnostic criteria can be referred to: recurrent abdominal pain or malaise, similar symptoms at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months, and more than 2 of the following conditions.

1) The onset is accompanied by a change in the frequency of bowel movements

2) The seizure is accompanied by a change in stool traits (appearance).

3) Symptoms are relieved after defecation

Under daily observation, the child may experience abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and discomfort, diarrhea, constipation. Keep in mind the following identification points:

1) Irritable bowel syndrome is not only diarrhea, constipation is also possible, we just said that irritable bowel syndrome has a constipation type.

2) There can be no blood in the stool, if there is blood, go to the hospital immediately, the bleeding may consider rupture or other problems in the anus and intestines, which need to be further clearly resolved without delay.

3) Avoid giving your child spicy and irritating foods to prevent symptoms from getting worse.

3. How do we solve the problems caused by irritable bowel?

First of all, starting from the daily diet, under the premise of balanced nutrition, avoid eating snacks, drinks and other artificial additives, but also avoid alcohol, coffee, peppers and other spicy stimulation of the intestine, and avoid eating foods that produce too much gas, such as beans, sweet potatoes, etc., so as not to aggravate bloating.

Then, current research suggests that one of the most important causes of IBS is the problem of mental stress. Excessive nervousness, excitement, depression, high sensitivity and other inner activities are important factors affecting the occurrence and prognosis of IBS, so it is necessary to do a good job in the child's mental health care, now the child's psychological pressure is large, the learning task is heavy, there are cram classes after class, appropriate to relieve the child's emotions, relax themselves, in the IBS treatment is an important part.

The child is always thin, be careful of irritable intestines

Finally, whether the child is irritable bowel syndrome needs to go to the hospital to judge, such as irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are more serious, active follow-up medical treatment, can not be considered no major problem and do not pay attention, irritable bowel syndrome on the quality of life Impact is also larger.

The above is the knowledge points of irritable bowel syndrome Oh, I wish the children a healthy and healthy growth!

Author: Xiaowen Zhang, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Standardized Training for Resident Physicians, Master's Degree Students. Research interests: children with spleen and stomach disease and precocious shortness.

Column Editor-in-Chief and Supervisor: Jian Shen, Chief Physician, Teaching Director, Department of Pediatrics, Shuguang Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Doctor of Medicine, Master's Degree. The Central Management Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation "100 Million" Talent Project National Traditional Chinese Medicine Innovation Backbone Talents. The popular science monograph "The Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine That a Good Mother Should Know" won the 10th Healthy China Forum and the First Annual Outstanding Science Popularization Award.

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