
[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh

author:Cut the movie

1. "Love in Rome"

Director: Woody Allen

Starring: Jesse Eisenberg / Ellen Peggy / Penelope Cruz

Release date: 2012

John was a famous American architect who returned to Rome for a vacation. When he was young, he lived in Rome for a while, and it was a re-visit. During his days in Rome, he meets Jack and Monica, who are in love. From their relationship, John recalled an unforgettable love of his youth.

Jerry, a retired opera director, and he and his wife, Phillips, flew to Italy to see Michelangelo, the fiancé of his daughter Hayley. In Rome, Jerry is interested in the funeral father of his future son-in-law, Chamcart. Zhan Carlo was a natural singer, and Jerry began to encourage Zhan Carlo to start his singing career.

Leopoldo Pisanello is a very boring man who one day wakes up from his bed and finds himself one of Italy's hottest stars, with endless paparazzi and flashes every day. Gradually, Pisanello became familiar with all this, but he also experienced the price of fame.

[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh

2. "Hunting Crazy Demon"

Director: Roberto Bernini

Starring: Roberto Bernini / Nicoleta Braski

Release date: 1994

Recently, there have been dozens of vicious serial rapes in the city, and a strange man named Loris has become the focus of suspicion by the police, because Loris is not only a recognized lustful person, but also has been caught with many handles that are not convictable but still very unfavorable to him.

As the sheriff of the city, Parred is deeply disgusted with criminals who only harm weak women, and he vows to find evidence to arrest criminals no matter what means they use, of course, this criminal refers to Loris. In order to gather evidence, Parred even sent a sexy and beautiful policewoman Jessica to lurk around Loris, even at the expense of her hue in an attempt to "fish for law enforcement". However, what Parred did not expect was that this time Loris was full of discipline and unmoved.

[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh

3. "I Do My Own Thing"

Directed By: Ferson Beatzpat

Starring: Ricardo Scamario / Alessandro Pleziosi

Release date: 2010

Born into a family of noodle makers, it is clear that the great responsibility of inheriting the family business is about to fall on the shoulders of him and his brother Anthony, but Thomasson, who is not here, is bent on becoming a writer, and as a homosexual, he has always kept his sexual orientation hidden from his family.

At a family gathering, Thomasson came up with a brilliant idea, and he decided to confess his sexuality to his father, so that his conservative father would definitely expel him from the house and he would be free to pursue his literary dreams. Thomasson told Anthony about this idea, and unexpectedly, in front of his family, Anthony actually "came out" first. The unexpected news caused the father of the two to have a heart attack, and Thomason had to temporarily suspend his plan.

[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh

4. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Director: Vittorio de Sica

Starring: Sophia Roland / Marcelo Mastruani

Release date: 1963

The first part tells the story of a woman who specializes in selling foreign cigarettes on the black market who has never tasted the taste of a closed window, because the law at that time did not arrest pregnant women and women who were six months after childbirth. Therefore, after giving birth, he urged his husband to make love, so he escaped the fate of imprisonment, but finally went to prison because of the failure of pregnancy. The second part tells the story of a rich woman who is obsessed with a writer who is younger than her, the two of them once drove a high-end car for a ride, because the atmosphere between the two was warm and caused a crash, the rich woman suddenly felt bored, so she stopped the car and left. The third part tells the story of a high-ranking prostitute who falls in love with a seminary student, who escapes the entanglement of her benefactor but is unable to resist the old parents of the seminary student and has to break up with the student. After the students left, their benefactors were still beaten into the cold palace.

[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh

5. "Mature Man, I Love You"

Director: Federico Mocha

Starring: Leo Pova / Michila Cuatosiocci

Release Date: 2008

The 37-year-old Yali has a successful career and is handsome, but he has recently been dumped by his girlfriend. Frustrated, Yali was driving to work when he accidentally bumped into Nikki, who was on her way to school, and crashed her locomotive. 17-year-old Nikki is very difficult, she not only insists that Yali send her to school, but also does not forget to ask Yali for a phone. After that, Nikki called Andrea to take her for a ride, making her classmates look dumbfounded. Everyone speculated that Nickey's interest in mature men seemed to be higher than that of boys in school. Just when everyone wondered if she was just a fresh feeling, Nikki suddenly decided to take Yali home and introduce her parents of similar age...

[On the list] An Italian comedy movie that will make you laugh


【Movie Preview】

5.20 "My BroadcastIng Girlfriend" calm member 9.9 yuan

5.23 "Goal No. 1" calm member 9.9 yuan

5.23 "X-Men: Reverse Future" calm member 19.9 yuan

Beijing Wanda official website seat selection coupons are priced at 55 yuan, watching blockbusters calmly and calmly

Guangzhou Taikoo Cang Cinema 2D3D unified price: Calm 28 yuan, ordinary 36 yuan

Huaibei Jinyi Kailai store opened a light pricing special offer of 2D25 yuan and 3D 30 yuan

If you like movies, if you like to share, this is the place you can't miss!

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Official QQ group of key movies: 291100657

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