
A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

author:Cai Jun
A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

Modern colorful filter movies are tired of watching, do you have to change your taste, return to the original color of the movie, and feel the charm of the black and white era?

The suspense fungus tells you that the black and white snowflake TV set at that time, I watched every day ~ (seems to expose something ~)

I have to say that Uncle Sam's black-and-white movies have always been a classic in the history of cinema .

They may be light-hearted and humorous, which makes you can't help but be funny, and even the unpleasant mood of being pit by your teammates in the pesticide ranking is also missing;

Or reverse and reverse and reverse, never guess the ending, you go to ask the screenwriter who plans to worship, but suddenly found that you have been fascinated by the reasoning god;

Or the charm is full, the flaming red lips are passionate like fire, and the sexy is constantly raised between the hands and feet, which makes people... (10,000 words omitted here)


Prosecution Witness

Douban score 9.3 points (80389 reviews)

Directed by: Billy Wilder

Starring: Tyrone Bowa / Marlene Dietrich / Charles Lawton

A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

When you break the law, what will you do? Hurry up and clean up the soft run? Or find a barrister with a reputation who has never lost a battle to defend himself?

And if you are a lawyer, after receiving the client's commission, if he is the guilty party, how should you defend? When your witness suddenly turns into the other party's undercover, how do you deal with yourself?

If you are a wife who loves her husband deeply, in order for her guilty husband to escape the punishment of the law, after perfectly staged an infernal drama, and suddenly found that her husband has a new love, will you scream or stab him?

And watch "Prosecution Witness", let your brain cells spin with the speed, remember, don't blink, the excitement is not to be missed!

Referral Index: ★★★★★

(Reply to the "prosecution witness" in the background to obtain the source of juice〉


"Strange Feast"

Douban score 8.3 (7507 reviews)

Director: Robert Moore

Starring: Erin Brennan / Truman Capote / James Coco / Peter Fokker / Alec Guinness

A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

If there is a dinner party, the guests present are Cai Jun, Ge Shuyi, Yi Candy, Zhuang Qin and forensic Qin Ming. A series of strange things happen during the dinner: deaf and mute butlers and maids, long-lost masters, double-decker labyrinthed rooms, and even the appearance of real and fake corpses...

Several great gods have their own opinions, and the words and mouths are fighting, and you come and go, and I am not enthusiastic, and the truth, there is only one.

Guess who's behind it?

"Strange Feast" is such a movie, a film containing countless reasoning hobbies and resentments, it stands on the reader's point of view, the reasoning of several famous detective images in history is dismantled, brain-burning and humorous, the screenwriter's brain hole is so big that it explodes the sky, it is really a wonderful counterattack for readers!

Tips: When watching this film, please close the bullet screen to avoid spoilers, concentrate on observing the details, let our brain holes, fly with Grandma!

Recommendation Index: ★★★★ ☆

〈Reply to the "strange feast" in the background to get the juice source〉


"Passion is Like Fire"

Douban score 8.8 (19505 reviews)

Starring: Marilyn Monroe / Jack Lemon / George Rafter

A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

Two saxophonists and bassists working in the orchestra, in order to avoid being hunted, men dressed as women mixed into a female orchestra and met a blonde sweet, and the various farces that happened.

The storyline is simple, but the film even surpassed Chaplin's Modern Times and was voted the first of the funniest comedy films of the 20th century, with gangsters, Florida's millionaires, jazz bands, and sexy blonde elements, making a qualitative leap forward in contemporary films!

Pesticide tired, come to see the comedy suppressed shock, in addition, the beauty of Monroe still needs me to say more?! I wanted to marry her from a girl's family!!!!


The Twelve Angry Men

Douban score 9.4 (167656 reviews)

Directed by: Sidney Rumet

Starring: Henry Fonda / Lee Cobb / Martin Bauersam

A classic not to be missed, three black-and-white suspense movies make people burn their brains until dawn!

If a boy is accused of murdering his father, will you pat the table and conclude that he is guilty because of his background, or will you pursue the details of the evidence to the end and insist on the attitude of never suspecting guilt?

The twelve jurors in Twelve Angry Men each speak their voices. They come from all walks of life, represent all walks of life, and can even be said to be a microcosm of all the people in this society.

After watching this film, you can't help but ask yourself, what is the justice we have been pursuing? Is what we have always thought to be right and popular is really the right thing?

I hope that after reading it, you will also think about something. After all, a person who can think is a person with boundless power, balzac said.

Author: Zhong Li