
You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

author:Know the history

The huge ecosystem of the earth is the home of our human beings, and we always feel that everything will always live and maintain its own balance.

But in fact, in the past hundred years, our human destruction of the earth has actually threatened this balance. The extinction of species seems to be a matter of habit for us, but in fact, there are many animals and creatures that are closely related to our lives. If the following 6 animals disappear, it will have a great impact on all mankind and the whole earth, including important elements such as food, air, and water.

1. Bees: Responsible for pollination of various plants, without which the production of food would decline dramatically.

You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

2. Bats: Bats eat a lot of bugs, in fact, they are almost the most insect-eating animals in the world, and are an important part of the Earth's ecosystem. This is a great public service for us humans to reduce the number of mosquitoes.

You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

3. Fish: Fish are seen as the braves of climate change, in addition to being an important part of the ocean's food chain, they can also help the ocean reduce acidity, well, it can not be said to be fish, it should be said that they are their feces.

You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

4. Birds: The reproduction of many plants is also inseparable from birds.

You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

5. Fungi: Fungi are nature's recyclers, they live from rotten things and are transformed into substances that are nutritious to the environment.

You may not know that these five small animals can determine the fate of the world

History has taught us many lessons

Black storm caused by excessive logging

In the early morning of May 11, 1934, many people were still sleeping in their dreams, but a natural storm caused by humans themselves had quietly struck. The storm lasted for three days and three nights.

Where the storm passed, streams were cut off, crops withered, livestock died and many people were displaced.

Nuclear leak, nearly 30,000 people are on the verge of cancer

The Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 26, 1986, gave you a clear understanding of the harm of nuclear leakage to the human body.

Due to management and operational problems, the explosion and fire of reactor No. 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the outskirts of Kiev, Ukraine, resulted in a large amount of radioactive material leaking.

The leak resulted in 31 deaths, 237 people suffering severe radiation damage, and even more frightening is that the next 30,000 people will always be on the verge of cancer.

We humans consume a lot of nature, but we rarely notice that many creatures that we think are ordinary actually have a great impact on us and on the entire earth's environment. Always saying "to love nature", in fact, is "love human beings themselves"! Share it and arouse everyone's environmental awareness!

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