
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

author:Yu Ji

Every year, the China Maker Leaders Conference held in Zhengzhou on Double 12, leaders from Henan Province and various provinces and municipalities will join the top entrepreneurs in the country, and this feast initiated by Jiang Ming, chairman of Tianming Group, is known as the Oscar of China's venture capital industry. Last week, the 6th China Maker Leaders Conference gave Yu Ji the opportunity to give a keynote speech, and Yang Tong shared such a theme on behalf of local grassroots entrepreneurs - the cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence of Henan people. The following is a transcript of his speech.

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Many thanks to the China Maker Leadership Conference for giving such a valuable opportunity to a content startup that doesn't make much money.

Just now, when Ming Ge gave a speech, he described the China Maker Leadership Conference: a meeting, a lamp, a beam of light.

Yes, we Yuji grew up as a content startup in this meeting, a lamp, a beam of light.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Jiang Ming lit up the whole field

I've sat and listened to the last five sessions, and I've been inspired by the sharing of maker leaders.

In fact, it is quite difficult for every entrepreneur to come down, and I would like to use such a topic to report on the ten years of the Yuji community and the six years of Yuji new media. I also want everyone to see the cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence of Henan people witnessed from us.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Yuji founder Yang Tong

Last weekend, Yuji hosted an event. The theme is the globalization of Henan's image and the launching ceremony of "This is Henan".

The event was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee, the Information Office of the Provincial Government, the Henan International Cultural Exchange Center, and the Support of the Propaganda Department of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Cyberspace Office of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee.

In the following week, we wrote more than 20 in-depth articles, cut a series of short videos, and in addition to us, there were more than 500 media reports, and the number of video views is currently over 100 million, and the number of graphics and texts has reached 30 million.

Some of these articles have reached the level of screen traffic, who are these authors?

Ding Yongxun, the author of "Never Quit Being a Henan Native", is the deputy editor-in-chief of the former New Media Center of Xinhua News Agency, and he is a native of Yancheng.

"A Letter to the People of Henan", the author is Jiang Hua, he is a well-known journalist who came out of the "Dahe Newspaper" and also worked as the annual reporter of Southern Weekend. The person who read the letter was Zhai Hongwei, who wrote a book called "Who the Henan People Have Messed With."

"Henan people have disdained to explain", by Sun Xuyang, a native of Nanyang.

"What is a Henan native", the author is a Zhumadian person.

These articles were swiped last week. In addition to their respective units, the people who wrote the article also have a name, which is Called Yuji.

Yuji originally meant a Henan journalist.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

In 2010, a group of Henan media people far from home and distributed all over the country went to their respective cities to find peppery soup, braised noodles and small dumplings in their respective cities.

With the nostalgia of taste memory, these people formed the first media community in China with geography as the attribute - Yuji.

In 2014, the tide of mobile Internet came. In the rapidly changing information iteration of the Internet, the content of deep and profound recording of changes in Henan is actually very rare.

So in that year, more than 400 Yuji members distributed throughout the country decided to do a little Henan people's duty as their hometown, so there was a Yuji new media entrepreneurship transformation project.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

In the past 6 years, or the past 10 years, the authors of YuJi and Yuji have carried out fieldwork along 85 counties in Henan, village by village, and combed through data from county to county, and we have written down the brilliant splendor, ancient and modern legends of Henan 15 million words, which have been disseminated again and again, reaching 1 billion audience clicks.

I personally made an account in the midst of this year's epidemic, called Tong dialect Henan, telling Henan stories in Henan dialect, one of which is a video that says "Henan college entrance examination is too difficult", about 6 million plays, Mingge turned five or six times, Yuji made a series of new media matrix, Yuji headlines, taste Henan, Yuyu and so on, often there are explosive models.

We feel that Yuji's growth in the past 6 years is actually the efforts made by a group of communicators based on their feelings for the homeland of the Central Plains.

This is a kind of cultural consciousness, and this cultural consciousness constitutes the basic driving force for the endless inheritance of the central plains.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

The scene of the 6th China Maker Leadership Conference

Starting a business is very difficult, and when I embarked on the road of starting a business, I realized how difficult it was.

When I participated in the first China Maker Leadership Conference, I asked Mr. Jiang Ming what I should do next.

I hadn't done anything other than journalists. At that time, Mingge told me, he said brother, you must stick to it, persistence is the original intention that a maker should uphold.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Jiang Ming, founder of the China Maker Leadership Conference

In the past 6 years, whenever Yu Ji encountered a bump in the past, MingGe would say something like this to me: Brother Yang Tong, you must persist.

But what does it take to persevere?

I remember that when Yuji was first founded in 2014, I interviewed Mr. Hu Baosen, chairman of Jianye Group, and he told me a sentence, he said: Yang Tong, you unite the Henan reporters of the whole country, we unite the Henan Yu businessmen of the whole country, and together we keep the Zhonghong Dao.

Yes, keeping the Hongdao in the middle, keeping on the land of the Central Plains, and honoring the way of Henan in his hometown, is this not the reason for Yuji to persist?

Just now many leaders have mentioned the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee, and the Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Committee has given a timetable, a timetable for a cultural power.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

The scene of the China Maker Leadership Conference

If a cultural power is to be realized in 2035, what kind of opportunity is it for Henan?

Reaching out is the Spring and Autumn Culture, and the foot is the Qin brick Andhan tile henan, facing a huge opportunity.

Carry out Cultural Excavation, Cultural Dissemination, Cultural Promotion, and Cultural Transformation in Henan. This is what Yu Ji wants to do, always to do, so that the Central Plains culture can go out of Henan and go to the world.

But at the same time, this matter can not only rely on Yuji, it needs more old Henan people who love Henan and new Henan people to work together.

In the past ten years, Yuji can be summarized in six words: deep ploughing, perseverance, and death.

Yuji has always stood at the bottom of the culture, recorded Henan, and has never been absent. We hope to build a platform for dialogue with world civilizations in the core areas of Eastern civilization.

However, can this be done by a self-media?

I was worried and not confident.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?
Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

This is the scene of the Henan Conference

At about the end of May this year, the leader of the Information Office of the Henan Provincial Government called me and said that our Propaganda Department proposed a project to improve Henan's external image, which is doing a series of major events such as Henan image dissemination, and hopes to provide some suggestions as a non-governmental content production organization.

I was very impressed. As we all know, the Chinese government and media are mostly in a relationship between regulation and supervision, which is confrontational to each other.

However, through this one thing, you can see that Henan's cultural self-confidence, Henan's cultural tolerance, Henan's cultural diversity, and Henan's cultural openness.

Therefore, under the specific guidance of the Information Office of the Henan Provincial Government and the deep intervention of the Henan International Cultural Exchange Center, we have provided a communication program, or a communication platform.

The name of this platform is "This is Henan".

According to the understanding of Mr. Zhai Hongwei, the chief planner, it is a folk all-media cultural platform with the content of publicizing Henan, a henan cultural output window that officially supports Henan, an Internet thinking, continuous integration and innovation in organizational structure, continuous superposition and combination in content form, and a cultural matrix of reading Henan, seeing Henan, listening to Henan, and tasting Henan. A new cultural movement in Henan that interprets traditional culture, refines contemporary culture, and influences future culture.

In order to accomplish this, we went around the mountains, and some elderly scholars, some institutions dedicated to the dissemination of Central Plains culture, film and television production institutions, drama troupes, and various forms of non-governmental organizations have joined the initiation of "This is Henan".

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee, the Information Office of the Provincial Government, and the Henan International Cultural Exchange Center gave strong support, and we held a launching ceremony of "This is Henan" last week.

Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee, Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee Publicity Department, Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office have given great support to this activity, which is the glory of private content creation companies, and at the same time shows Henan's attitude to culture, Henan's emphasis on culture.

After this conference was held, the people of Henan at home and abroad also gave me great encouragement. I probably know that about 58 overseas Henan people's associations watched the live broadcast of this conference.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Red wine from Australia

After the meeting, people kept adding me to WeChat and saying that we were going to send you some gifts. An Australian Puyang man sent us 60,000 yuan worth of red wine, and someone sent rice from the northeast, coconuts from Hainan, and so on, and I don't know how the new office address leaked.

In addition to this support from the government, the trust of Henan people around the world is also the driving force for us to stick to it.

Yu Ji is digging deep into culture, in fact, it can also be understood that through our excavation, to explain the essence of culture is what it is.

Zhai Hongwei, chief planner of "This Is Henan", explains it as the essence of culture is the recording and dissemination of the law of human behavior, that is, the essence of culture is to record and disseminate behavior, and the essence of culture is to record and disseminate.

This cannot be limited to an article, a video, a rendition.

Internet content deduction, today is the public account, tomorrow's vibrato, what is the day after tomorrow? However, the essence of culture is unchanged, how to use media means to record and disseminate Henan's culture, to help Henan and other parts of Henan cultural influence to enhance, Geng's continued context, this is probably YuJi, "This is Henan" the next question to think about.

Therefore, we have thought of a form - cultural creation.

Cultural creation is to keep the integrity and innovation, the expression of the times, so that the hometown is within reach. According to the new plan, we will make a Yuji "small pavilion plan", and build a small pavilion at the high-speed rail station or airport.

In there, you see the cultural context of Henan's various prefectures and cities, the IP of culture, and the characteristics of culture. When you leave Henan, you can take home gifts from your hometown of Henan.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Yuji signed a contract with Jianye Group

On such a basis, last Saturday, we signed a contract with Jianye Group, mainly for the excavation and salvage of Central Plains culture and the transformation and inheritance of culture.

In addition to cultural creation, we must consider how to combine ancient and modern Henan, where tradition and modernity, ancient and fashion, henan, which have a very deep civilization accumulation of five thousand years, henan, where poetry and distant places shine together, and how to combine ancient and modern.

Transcript of Yang Tong's speech: What does Yu Ji rely on to return to Henan?

Yuji Cultural Tourism Signing Ceremony

In order to solve this problem, Yuji and Baiyi Travel, an enterprise that has been deeply involved in the customization of cultural tourism in Henan for 11 years, formed Yuji Cultural Tourism.

Integrating culture and tourism in the industry from the industrial end, and taking IP shaping as a starting point are also issues that YuJi should think about.

Yuji is only a part of Henan, and Henan is the whole of Yuji, we hope that more Henan people, more new Henan people who love Henan, more Chinese sons and daughters who love China, together can make some efforts to spread the culture of their hometown Henan, Yuji will continue to deepen and stick to the dead, live up to the expectations of this land, thank you!

Insert a trailer


Last month, we moved to a new home, followed by a full-staff preparation for the "This is Henan" campaign, and failed to inform every friend of the new address. Monday is the winter solstice, and Yuji invites you to visit the new office and celebrate the holiday together. At that time, Yuji will hold a signing ceremony with the enterprise service industry and officially become the exclusive operator of Zhengzhou Station. Enterprise service industry is a leading enterprise service Internet platform, using the enterprise service intelligent platform to connect demanders and suppliers, simplify the entire transaction process with digitalization, provide better value-added services, and make enterprise services better. On this festive occasion, once again we sincerely invite you to come and witness the growth of Yuji every time.

Time: 2020.12.21 (Monday) 14:00

Location: Yuji, 12th Floor, Building 12, Zhongyuan Digital Economy Industrial Park, Baifo South Road, Hui Nationality District, Guancheng City, Zhengzhou City

Sign up to contact the small secretary of Yuji (small secretary WeChat: salome1203), register to participate in the meeting has a mysterious gift to give Oh, waiting for you yo ~ Mo Mo Da! ~

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