
Qingwei | saw snowflakes drifting again

author:Qilu one point

Prose: See snowflakes again / Li Xingjia

Qingwei | saw snowflakes drifting again

It has passed the light snow weather, Lunan's climate is warm as spring, it should be the season of snow, but God has rained, it rained for several days in succession, the temperature suddenly dropped below zero, the sky was foggy, and the north wind blew, I simply hid at home, not going anywhere, "hiding in the small building into a unified, managing his spring, summer and autumn and winter."

My wife was watching TV outside, I was reading in the study, and suddenly a familiar melody sounded in my ears: I saw the snow drifting by, floating in the sad memory, let me think of you again, but it set off my heartache... Looking out the window, it was snowing, and it was falling. There is also a little silence and beauty between heaven and earth, looking at the sky, short and heavy, getting darker, it seems that the next heavy snow is coming! Snowy days and rainy days always remind people of something inexplicably. Compared with rain, people's memories of snow are thicker and deeper. Rainy days are many, miscellaneous, dirty, snowy days are few, quiet, pure.

It has been more than twenty years since I came to the county seat from the countryside, and whenever it snows, it always reminds me of something, some people. All so deep, so pure. After many years, the white clouds and dogs, people or things have disappeared, but the youth that remains in the heart will always be remembered. When I think about it, I still feel beautiful and simple, like winter snow.

I remember when I was in junior high school, there was a heavy snowfall, the school was more than twenty miles away from home, and it was all mountain roads, sheep gut trails, and the road was slippery and difficult to walk after the snow, but I did not dare to delay my homework. So, he resolutely braved the wind and snow. At that time, there were only six or seven people in our village who were admitted to the township middle school, and I was only thirteen years old at the time, the youngest and the shortest, but I carried no less bags on my back, carrying a bag of dried sweet potato pancakes and eighteen pounds of cornmeal in a cloth pocket, which was handed over to the school canteen, carrying a pickle jar in one hand and a school bag in the other. It adds up to forty pounds. There is no transportation, only trekking through the snow and wind.

Qingwei | saw snowflakes drifting again

Along the way, there were almost no pedestrians except a few of us. Halfway to the road, the sky gradually cleared, the snow stopped, the surrounding area was white, and the distant mountains were also covered with snow, revealing only the round hills of black and fish, like a black felt hat worn by a weathered old man, and the gravel path under his feet was covered with a thick layer of snow, stepping on it made a "creaking" sound, crisp and quiet, leaving a long series of footprints behind him. I had no time to enjoy the beauty after the snow, only to feel a thousand pounds of weight on my body, my shoulders hurt, and my hands had been deeply red marks from the pickle jar. Cold, aching, tired, almost at the same time came at me. It was hard to get to the school, it was late afternoon, people were exhausted, put the luggage in the dormitory, I carried a cloth pocket containing cornmeal to the school canteen, the school canteen on duty was a female teacher, about forty years old, the face was white and quiet, as if smeared with a thick layer of alabaster. She took the cloth pocket, weighed it with a rod, and said to me: "Eighteen pounds, double the amount, the stipulation is that each person pays nine pounds is enough, so heavy, you are a small child's family, don't carry the excess home, just hand it over for others." Without saying a word, she poured a bag of cornmeal into the vat. I hope to be able to pay for the classmate in our village who did not bring cornmeal due to family difficulties, although he did not have any intention of sharing the heavy bag for me along the way, but I felt that I should still help him. When he heard about it, he was really angry with me. What happened next was unexpected. The next day, he came to me and said to me, I want to "take" the cornmeal you have extra handed over from the canteen, count what I handed over, you give me a look, can you? I didn't think much about it, didn't Kong Yiji say that "taking" the reader's business is not "stealing", moreover, it was originally self-made, according to his own intention, he wanted to help him. Because of the affection, I agreed without thinking. I didn't think about it, but afterwards the principal knew about it and criticized us fiercely. At that time, I felt very aggrieved, thinking that I had worked hard to pay more cornmeal, but instead attracted a lot of criticism. This incident cast a deep shadow in my young mind that I can hardly forget it now. It now seems that the principal's criticism was correct. I owe him a debt of gratitude so that I will not make similar mistakes on the path of life. Not knowing how to refuse and getting in the way of affection is my character flaw. Now, whenever I encounter something like that, I think of that snowy day, the one who braved the snow and walked on the way to school.

Qingwei | saw snowflakes drifting again

The memory of snow again is the beginning of the world. In the first year of working in the county seat, there was a heavy snowfall. The place where I work is a rural middle school on the outskirts of the city, not far from the city, only five miles away. On weekend breaks, I cycle around the county seat. My favorite place to go is Xinhua Bookstore, which is also the most prosperous place in the county. During the day, I went to Xinhua Bookstore to read and buy books, at that time the monthly salary was only more than two hundred yuan, I kept fifty yuan a month for living expenses, and the rest was sent to my family. Therefore, I can only buy books by thinking about buying, and I dare not buy books that are not enough to impress me, otherwise, I will save money and use hunger. Even so, I still bought famous articles such as "Ordinary World", "Waste Capital", and "Impetuous". When a person returns to his "home" in a dormitory of less than two square meters after work, he reads and writes, encourages himself, and dreams of being a writer every day. It seems childish now, but it is still touching.

That morning, another weekend, it was snowing heavily, and I sat alone in that cramped home in a daze, reading a book for a while, only to feel bored. Ben didn't want to go out, looking at the snow in front of him, he still couldn't help but walk out. The snow was mixed with water, and the feet made a creaking sound, and when they sank, the shoes were all soaked. I walked aimlessly. At this time, I suddenly thought that two kilometers away from the school, there was a video hall, which was said to often play some Hong Kong and Taiwan tertiary films. What is a tertiary tablet? Why do Hong Kong and Taiwan films still need to be graded? I've never seen it before, somewhat curiously. At that time, I was still wearing a pair of torn cotton shoes from my student days, and the soles of the shoes had long been glued. After a few steps, I was soaking wet! I wanted to back off and didn't want to go, but the temptation of the legendary three-level film still made me involuntarily continue to take steps. At this time, I saw a beggar curled up on the corner of the street, shivering with cold. I was so touched that I used to give him a dollar. There was no longer a "Yaxing" watching a three-level film in his heart, and then he turned around and walked back step by step, and when he arrived at the dormitory, the snow and water were wet to his knees...

At this time, I looked at the snow outside the window and remembered much more than these things. I thought of dreams. Dreams make people young, dreams make people simple, dreams make people great. After decades of unremitting pen cultivation, I seem to be getting farther and farther away from the dream of a writer, fortunately, I have not discarded the little enthusiasm and persistence that remains in my heart, nor have I left the original intention of writing. For some people and things, I am more mature, more sophisticated, even used to, or numb!

Fireworks are easy to cold, and personnel are easy to divide. Decades of Wenzhi martial arts, like the English words I once read well, I can't memorize half a sentence. Unique to these memories of youth, the years that have passed, as clean and pure as the snowflakes floating in the air, and fleeting. But they always float in front of my eyes, sometimes more clearly, teach me to move, urge me to renew, and increase my courage and hope for the future.

The real result of life is not so much to fight for, but to rely on waiting. We often feel the hardship and heaviness of life, and have witnessed the distortion and deformation of life under various pressures countless times, and "ordinary" has become people's most sincere desire for a while. However, we inadvertently miss another kind of fear - no expectation, no ideal, no pursuit, no need to pay for the peace, in fact, is to consume the vitality and spirit of life.

It's snowy again. Looking out the window again, the snow had covered the earth, and it was white. At this moment, I suddenly remembered those small hairs, what are they doing? Maybe they are sitting around the fire eating roasted sweet potatoes with relish, or maybe they are living a life of "a pond of fish in one courtyard, a half-roll of idle books and a pot of tea"? Maybe in the near future, like them, I will be away from the hustle and bustle of the city and return to my hometown in the countryside, and I don't feel envious of them.

One point number Nishan cloth

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