
How does the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School handle students who fight?

author:Henan Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School

Do Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School students fight at school? Safe? How does the school deal with students who fight?

The teaching of Henan Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School has always implemented martial arts education, which can cultivate children's good moral sentiments such as respecting teachers and valuing teaching, treating others with leniency, and being strict with themselves. The situation of beating a child is absolutely non-existent, the so-called posture convinces people, the heart is not; the reason convinces people, and the party is speechless. Let the child understand what is right and what is wrong, starting from the fundamentals, and cannot cure the symptoms but not the root causes. Cultural learning is quiet, martial arts learning is moving, as long as the rational distribution, the combination of dynamic and static, while seeking physical fitness, do not excessively consume the child's energy, you can make the child's physical and mental pleasure, balanced development. Dengfeng Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School-Shaolin Temple Directly Affiliated Martial Arts School【Official Website】

How does the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School handle students who fight?

Picture of Songshan Shaolin Temple Martial Arts School

Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School students fighting is indeed a very serious behavior, if not handled properly is likely to stimulate students' rebellious psychology, so Shaolin Martial Arts School attaches great importance to this regard. In order to ensure the personal safety of each student, the Shaolin Martial Arts School adopts closed and militarized management, implements separate management of old students and new students, installs cameras in public places, and more than 60 people in the security brigade carry out 24-hour patrols in turn.

How does the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School handle students who fight?

Shaolin Temple Martial Arts School

And coaches, teachers and students eat and live together, the purpose is that when there is a contradiction between students and students, the teacher will adjust in time to avoid students from fighting. Our school also regularly carries out psychological counseling courses, psychological teachers use a combination of warm care and intensive training, pay attention to the unique psychological characteristics of each child, through one-on-one psychological counseling to hone the will, so that students can find their own shortcomings and deficiencies and take the initiative to correct. Dengfeng Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School-Shaolin Temple Directly Affiliated Martial Arts School【Official Website】

How does the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School handle students who fight?

The gate of the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School

The management system of Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts School is strict, and there are hard and fast rules for student fights, coaches corporal punishment of students, etc., coaches and teachers prohibit corporal punishment of students, once discovered, seriously dealt with. Students are not allowed to participate in fights or brawls during the school period, and are immediately expelled once discovered. In addition, the school has complete teaching facilities, and video surveillance is spread throughout all corners of the school to ensure the safety of each student's personal and property.

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