
In 2021, the revenue exceeded 700 billion yuan for the first time! FAW Group released a new logo, and the Hongqi brand strives to sell more than one million vehicles a year after three years

author:National Business Daily

Per reporter: Duan Siyao Per reporter Per reporter: Sun Lei

On January 18, FAW Group announced its annual sales figures for 2021, achieving vehicle sales of 3.5 million units throughout the year. In terms of independent segments, Hongqi brand sales exceeded 300,000 units, an increase of 50.1% year-on-year; FAW Jiefang's cumulative sales of 440,000 vehicles; in the joint venture sector, FAW-Volkswagen's cumulative sales volume was 1.858 million units; FAW Toyota's cumulative sales of about 860,000 vehicles, an increase of 8% year-on-year.

In terms of revenue, in 2021, FAW Group's operating income will be 707 billion yuan, breaking through the 700 billion yuan mark for the first time. Among them, R&D investment was 21.24 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9% year-on-year, accounting for 3% of last year's revenue.

In 2021, the revenue exceeded 700 billion yuan for the first time! FAW Group released a new logo, and the Hongqi brand strives to sell more than one million vehicles a year after three years

Image source: Per reporter Zhang Jian photographed (data map)

"It's not easy, there's progress, there are regrets." Looking back at 2021, Qiu Xiandong, director, general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of China FAW, sighed that due to the shortage of chips and other impacts, FAW Group did not complete the sales target of 4 million vehicles.

Although there are regrets, there are many highlights for FAW Group in 2021. As the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", FAW Group announced the "14th Five-Year Plan" as early as the beginning of the year, making it clear that by 2025, it will achieve sales of more than 6 million vehicles, an average annual growth rate of about 8%; operating income of more than one trillion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 8% to 9%.

In order to achieve this goal, FAW Group hopes that the Hongqi brand will strive to sell more than one million vehicles per year by 2025 and enter the first camp of global high-end brands; jiefang brand consolidates its advantages in the medium and heavy-duty truck market and transforms its layout in the field of light vehicles and buses; and the Pentol brand will clarify its brand positioning through reform and adjustment, and catch up with the mainstream team as soon as possible. In terms of joint ventures, FAW-Volkswagen maintained the first place in the industry, and FAW Toyota's sales entered the top five joint ventures.

Judging from the achievements of the past year, the Hongqi brand has ranked first in the second camp of the domestic luxury car market; the Jiefang brand has achieved five consecutive global sales of medium and heavy trucks; and FAW-Volkswagen continues to maintain the position of the first domestic passenger car sales.

In 2021, the revenue exceeded 700 billion yuan for the first time! FAW Group released a new logo, and the Hongqi brand strives to sell more than one million vehicles a year after three years

Image source: Daily Economic News Infographic

In the field of new energy, FAW Group has also accelerated the pace of transformation. In September 2021, FAW Jiefang announced the establishment of a new energy business unit to support the overall transformation of the company. It is expected to achieve sales of 120,000 new energy vehicles in 2025, 320,000 new energy vehicles in 2030, and 500,000 new energy vehicles in 2035.

In the face of 2022, Qiu Xiandong predicted: "As the pillar of the economy, the automobile industry is expected to introduce a series of policies on production and consumption this year to stabilize the national economy; at the consumption level, additional purchases and exchanges will become the mainstream of consumption." ”

In this regard, FAW Group made it clear that in 2022, it will achieve sales of 4.1 million vehicles, an increase of 17.1% year-on-year; revenue of 770 billion yuan, an increase of 8.9%; market share of 15%; and R&D investment will strive to account for 3.5% of the annual operating income.

Regarding the sales target of 4.1 million vehicles, Qiu Xiandong explained: "In 2022, FAW-Volkswagen sales will exceed 2 million, Hongqi will achieve sales of 450,000 to 500,000 vehicles, Besturn will achieve sales of 100,000 vehicles, and FAW Toyota will achieve sales of 1 million vehicles. ”

In 2021, the revenue exceeded 700 billion yuan for the first time! FAW Group released a new logo, and the Hongqi brand strives to sell more than one million vehicles a year after three years

Image source: Courtesy of the enterprise

In conjunction with announcing its 2022 targets, FAW Group has also released a new corporate logo. It is understood that the new logo adopts a lighter and more fashionable flat design, the color is defined as "FAW Blue", with the number "1" as the logo center, representing the development vision of China FAW to build a world-class automobile enterprise and the pursuit of the first enterprise spirit; the Chinese character "automobile" as the main body of the logo, representing China FAW based on the main business, bravely undertaking the mission of opening up a new era of innovation and development of China's automobile industry; the shape of the eagle composed of "automobile", the eagle's wings are abstracted into two letters E. The three corners represent Environment and Enjoy, respectively; the three corners represent people, products, and the environment.

Daily economic news

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