
Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

author:Zhao Xiaoming's psychological team

Author: Zhao Xiaoming Editor's Layout: Cui Guanli

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

In English, look and see are different, and it is important to learn to distinguish between seeing and seeing, seeing and observing, and trying to go to See from different perspectives.

The main goal of Western education is to teach students how to test their ideas.

Imagine that there will be so many conclusions and views reproduced on WeChat and Weibo on Facebook, but there is no verification process and method? So Chinese prefer point of view control.

~ Xiaoming quotes

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


It is up to it to judge whether it is a civil science

Strictly speaking, all people who treat the family of origin as a psychological concept are civil. The reasons are as follows~~

First, there is no such concept in undergraduate textbooks of academic psychology universities around the world.

Many people will say that the fact that there is no such concept in college textbooks does not mean that it is not a psychological concept.

As long as you say this, it further proves that you are a civil science.

Because anyone with a professional psychology education knows that the concepts in university psychology are subject to empirical verification, only such concepts can be called operational definitions.

The most common is the concept of the subconscious that almost everyone will talk about.

If this concept is used in academic psychology circles, others will know that you are a civil subject.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


There are many reasons, so discern them carefully

Second, the concept used in academic psychology and university psychology textbooks around the world is called the early parenting environment.

The difference between the early educational environment and the concept of the family of origin is that the early parenting environment includes influencing factors outside the family.

Third, some people say that the concept of the original family comes from sociology.

There is no such concept in university sociology.

The reason is simple, because sociology studies the individual's reactions in social situations, not the individual's reactions in the family.

Fourth, some people say that the concept of the original family comes from the Satya school of thought that is respected by domestic jianghu psychology.

In fact, the Sathya school, which originates from one of the branches of the Western school of psychoanalysis, is concerned with the communication of people in the family.

In concrete practice, the practical technique of the Satya school is to transform psychoanalytic theory and language intervention into figurative movements and body forms as means of intervention.

Therefore, the real foreign Satya school does not emphasize the so-called original family, but emphasizes the word from the domestic folk science.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


Lay out the facts and be reasonable

Fifth, some people say that the concept of the original family comes from the family therapy school.

Wrong again, the family therapy genre is actually a combination of multiple genres.

These include the product of a combination of psychoanalysis and systems theory.

Family systems therapy emphasizes the concept of the nuclear family.

A nuclear family is a small family in which you are currently living, such as you and your husband and your children, which is called a nuclear family.

Sixth, some people say that the concept of the original family comes from Freud. Nor is it right.

Although Freud emphasized the influence of parents on children, he did not propose the concept.

The influence of parents on children emphasized by Freud mainly refers to the triangular relationship between father, mother and child, as well as the sexual drive and aggression that exist between the three.

Obviously, this is not in line with the concept of the original family in the majority of the Chinese population.

In the minds of the Chinese public, the original family also includes the economic and social status of the family, etc., which are not included in Freud's theory.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


The real source

Seventh, the concept of the original family really comes from the successors of the psychoanalytic school, some of the healers of the object relationship school. This concept was proposed by them.

The theory of the object relationship school focuses on emphasizing the child's attachment to the mother, that is, the influence of the mother-infant relationship on the child.

Obviously, the influence of parents on children emphasized in the school of object relations is still inconsistent with the concept of the original family in the Chinese public's mind.

Moreover, Freud's successors had already abandoned Freud's early views.

In particular,, one of Freud's successors, has been paying more attention to social culture and the impact on people since he began.

That's why there is the famous saying about the neuroses of the times, that is, every era has the corresponding neuroses of each era, and it is not up to their parents to decide what kind of neuroses a person will get.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


The success of propaganda has caused misery to ordinary people

Eighth, why has the concept of the original family become a fragrant food in the eyes of domestic psychological counselors and the public?

Don't look at it, now it seems that China's big and small psychological Internet celebrities and psychological experts are talking about the original family.

But I can say with certainty that the word they came into their mouths was never learned in the university education they came into contact with, and their teachers never knew it.

Because all the top psychology professors in China can't learn this concept in college textbooks.

The root cause is two factors ~~

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

1. Since the 1990s, due to the sharp increase in social changes and social pressures caused by reform and opening up, people's psychological problems have become prominent and obvious, and traditional ideological work cannot reach the self-employed who have left the unit.

Therefore, society urgently needs a method and tool that can help individuals, which is different from traditional ideological work.

So at this time we introduced the clinical theories and techniques of psychological counseling from the West.

At that time, the introduction of genres was mainly the theory of the Freudian school, and the theory of the Freudian school also influenced the training content of Chinese psychological counselors.

Because after the 1990s, the first people in China to switch from psychiatrists to behavioral psychologists mainly accepted Freud's theories.

For the latest theories and techniques of Western psychological counseling, there is less introduction, which is a major regret.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

2. The popularity of the concept of the original family is due to the needs of the education and cultivation of the customer base.

When Chinese psychological counselors first conducted certification training, the public did not recognize or understand this profession, so it was urgent to educate and cultivate the customer base.

In the process of educating and cultivating the customer base, the preferred way is to assume that the public psychology is sick, and they urgently need psychological counselors, so that they can develop and expand the industry.

So a large number of concocted online books. At the beginning of the large number of these books in China, the main core idea of the online text is: You have a disease, you need to find me to cure.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

The client base education of China's psychological counseling practice can be regarded as a business miracle because it is very successful.

From the first psychological counselor certification training in 2003, to today, almost all of China, regardless of the star elite, the general public almost knows the concept of the original family.

It should be said that the customer base cultivation is very successful, creating a large number of potential customers.

This has created the possibility that today's Chinese psychological counselors can support their families and even start a family.

Especially in the early certification of psychological counselors, a large number of laid-off workers have rediscovered their careers in this way and successfully transformed.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


Genes are still the environment

Ninth, then regardless of whether the concept of the original family is in the university curriculum or not, whether he is reliable or not?

Regarding its scientific nature, I recommend a book called "Genetic Blueprint", or any university textbook of genetics and behavioral genetics.

In fact, whether genes have a greater influence or the environment has a greater impact, this topic has always been the most concerned issue in psychology.

Because it touches on the cornerstones of various theories of psychology. Behavioral genetics provides the final answer to this question, which is based on the results of a large number of scientific empirical studies.

If you don't believe it when you see it, you can give another example.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

Suppose you have a sibling or sibling of identical twins who were raised by different families after birth.

So do you feel that your current personality, and the likelihood that you may have some kind of mental illness, is more influenced by your adoptive parents, or by the genes of your birth parents?

In fact, why does academic psychology use the concept of the original family instead of the concept of the early parenting environment?

The reason is that genes account for more than 50 to 60% of people's influence, and the rest is the environmental impact, so the world's university psychology only talks about the early parenting environment.

Because the environmental impact contains the early parenting environment, and the early educational environment contains the family influence, it is more scientific to use this concept.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family


Man is a social animal

Tenth, what is the end result of genetics through a large number of empirical studies?

That is, in early childhood, the influence of genes before the age of 12 accounts for about 50%, the influence within the family accounts for 25%, and the influence outside the family accounts for 25%.

After the age of 12, the influence of genes accounts for about 60%, and the influence outside the family accounts for about 35%.

Why is the social impact greater than the family impact?

Because man is a social animal rather than a family animal, man is the highest standard of thinking and decision-making based on social standards, rather than the family as the highest standard of life, which is why the influence of the family is not so great.

On the contrary, society has a greater impact on people. If you don't believe me, for the simplest example, you can observe for yourself, from the age of three, but whenever the child goes to kindergarten for a few days, you will find that the rules of your education of the children at home begin to fail.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

For example, the child eats at home, the meal falls on the table, the child goes to pick it up, the parents say dirty do not touch, but the child immediately and quickly puts the meal that fell on the table into his mouth.

Why? Because that's how kindergarten teachers teach.

Finally, if all of the above conclusions do not conform to your cognition, that is, you do not like it, then you can forget all the above content, after all, ordinary people do not talk about science, most people only talk about likes and dislikes.

If you think the concept of a family of origin has a big impact on you, you just like it.

The more you believe in this concept, the better the good news for us practitioners, after all, the market has flourished.

Shout: Wake up! Stop letting the "native family theory" plague your whole family

Thirty years a reincarnation, the world is like this, I happen to see it at this age.

In the 1980s, grandparents frantically chased the footsteps of the master and exchanged them for several qualification certificates of certain exercises;

Thirty years later, their children and grandchildren changed to psychological exercises to repeat the footsteps of their ancestors, and successfully became the outstanding successors of the second generation of gong.

What about the next thirty years?

~ Xiaoming Quotes

Original public account: Heart Partner (ID: xhbeap)

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