
Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

author:medicine and chewing gum

A strange thing happened in a remote rural area in Hubei Province: when the midwife delivered Chen Xiuying, she found that the child born by Chen Xiuying was very different from other children, "the child's head is much smaller than normal, and the shape is strange, it looks like a monkey baby."

The midwife was very puzzled, and held the child to Chen Xiuying to see, Chen Xiuying was also surprised after seeing it, "When the boss was born, he was fine, how could this child be born like this"? Just when Chen Xiuying felt confused, she suddenly thought, "If she and her husband are close relatives and married, will they give birth to unhealthy children for this reason"?

With such a question, Chen Xiuying's heart can no longer be calm, within a few days, she and her husband took the child to the hospital for examination, after being diagnosed, the child suffers from congenital genetic diseases, and it is difficult to cure, will accompany the child for life, the doctor also told the couple, "This is the disaster caused by the marriage of close relatives."

After returning home, the couple fell into sadness and remorse: what should be done with this child? Is it to give up, or to raise it? If you give up, it may bring endless pain and guilt that can never be erased, if you keep it, what will happen to the future of your child?

As a mother, although Chen Xiuying knows that the road ahead is difficult, she can't take care of so much at all, at the moment, she just wants to use her love to take care of this child who doesn't look normal like a flower.

It wasn't until the child was several years old, but her IQ was stuck in the childhood stage, that Chen Xiuying realized, "This child really has no ability to take care of herself, and she may have to take care of this child for a lifetime until she dies."

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

Not long after the birth of this child, the couple discussed that they should have a few more children, otherwise there would be no one to rely on after the old age, so in the next few days, the couple gave birth to 6 more children, but unfortunately, one of these 6 children died prematurely, and two were also monkey babies like the second child.

In the face of these three monkey babies who are incapable of self-care and have congenital disabilities, as a mother of 8 children, Chen Xiuying often feels sad and helpless, but in the final analysis, it is because she and her husband did not realize the consequences of the marriage of close relatives to the children.

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

First, Chen Xiuying married her husband's close relatives, stemming from the prejudice of the two families.

Chen Xiuying was born in an ordinary rural area in Hubei Province, never studied since childhood, and listened to her parents' arrangements for everything, including her own marriage.

When Chen Xiuying was a teenager, she had already become a beautiful girl, and there was an endless stream of people who came to ask for relatives, but Chen Xiuying's parents never wanted to see these people who proposed relatives, because Chen Xiuying also had a cousin, and Chen Xiuying's parents wanted Chen Xiuying to marry his cousin.

As two rural families, the traditional thinking is deeply rooted, only thinking of a kiss and kissing, but ignoring the harm of marriage between close relatives, under the mediation of their two families, it did not take long for Chen Xiuying to marry her cousin.

The life after marriage is also sweet, carefree, and the old man born is healthy and healthy, no different from other children, but the birth of the second brother indicates the beginning of an unfortunate life, and not long after the birth of the second, the news that "Chen Xiuying gave birth to a monkey baby" spread throughout the village.

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

Under the disdainful eyes of everyone, Chen Xiuying feels very faceless, in life, she is also only concerned about taking care of children, rarely enjoy personal life, not only that, the child's natural defects also bring Chen Xiuying physical and psychological burdens.

Physically, she must be more tired than other mothers to take care of this abnormal child like other children, psychologically, as the days go by, she and her husband will eventually grow old, and who will take care of them when the time comes?

Under the dual pressure of physical and psychological, Chen Xiuying and her husband discussed, "we must have a few more children to bring hope to this family", at that time, the countryside has always paid attention to having more children and grandchildren, so Chen Xiuying and her husband had six more children.

After the children were born one after another, taking care of them became the biggest burden for the couple, and the children of other families did not need to be managed by adults for a few years, but the three monkey babies of Chen Xiuying's family have always needed adult care, and the couple has to support the family and help the children earn money, which is simply not busy.

At that time, the child's grandmother was still quite tough, Chen Xiuying threw the child to his mother to raise, at that time, Chen Xiuying was still young, the child was still young, there were many problems, but the pressure did not really come, under the care of everyone, the child and the same age, growing up day by day.

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

However, after adulthood, the marriage of three monkey babies has become a big problem, and who wants to marry such a person? Of course, it is unlikely, not to mention that although the child has reached adulthood, his IQ is still in the childhood stage, and he has no ability to take care of himself.

Looking at these three monkey babies, Chen Xiuying, who is already forty or fifty years old, gradually feels powerless, and every morning when she gets up, in addition to helping the three children to wash and cook, she will also watch them in a daze and think about some sad topics.

Sometimes, the three children will pull the defecation on their bodies, and Chen Xiuying is also helpless after seeing it, but she will still wash the clothes of the three children and never let the children wear dirty clothes.

Over the years, Chen Xiuying has been teaching children to learn some basic self-care skills, but due to physical and intellectual reasons, children always can't learn, fortunately, the children's hearts are filial piety, whenever they get good things sent by the villagers, they will run over to share with their mother Chen Xiuying, which makes Chen Xiuying's life finally find a little comfort in exhaustion.

Time passed quickly, Chen Xiuying's age increased day by day, and her three children were getting older day by day, Chen Xiuying felt more and more heavy on her body, especially since Chen Xiuying's husband died, Chen Xiuying felt that the sky had fallen.

Today, Chen Xiuying is over 100 years old, the three children are already old, the oldest is 75 years old, the youngest is more than 50 years old, Chen Xiuying although he is already old, but still insist on taking care of the three children.

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

Of course, after learning about the situation of Chen Xiuying's family, all walks of life have also sent care, and there is a volunteer in Hubei who often takes time to see Chen Xiuying's family and bring some daily necessities to Chen Xiuying.

Over the years, Chen Xiuying's family is also the object of government subsidies, from a subsidy of one yuan per day to the three monkey babies, to a monthly subsidy of 170 yuan for the whole family, to the inclusion of the minimum guarantee, and then to the current monthly 920 yuan, it can be said that the living materials of the Chen Xiuying family are basically no problem.

Chen Xiuying, a hundred-year-old mother: Close relatives married and gave birth to 3 monkey babies, and they have not left the village for 50 years to take care of them

Now Chen Xiuying, although she is over 100 years old, but there is nothing wrong with her body, she often maintains an optimistic attitude, whenever someone asks her "after not regretting the marriage of close relatives", she always laughs and says, "Fate is predestined".

For the three monkey babies, the natural disability is undoubtedly unfortunate, but to meet a mother who loves them incomparably and is extremely responsible, is undoubtedly lucky, and Chen Xiuying, who has basically never been out of the village to take care of her children, is a well-deserved great mother.

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