
Use this model well, and I am afraid that I will not make money ❓

author:Yolanda's daily whistleblowers

❤️ Today, I recommend a model that is worth collecting and learning, called the "iceberg model", to help you better understand yourself and others, and you can find good jobs and good objects that match you.

⛰️ What is an "iceberg model" ❓

In 1973, the famous American psychologist McClyllan proposed the "iceberg model", which is to divide the different manifestations of the individual quality of personnel into the surface "above the iceberg" and the deep "iceberg below the part".

✨ The "above part of the iceberg" includes basic knowledge, basic skills, is an external performance, is a part that is easy to understand and measure (visually expressed), mainly related to specific professional fields, and is easier to change and develop through training.

✨ The "middle element of the iceberg" is ability, and the level of ability is not obvious at a glance, but a behavior habit formed through a large number of high-intensity practical training. For example, the ability to express communication, writing ability, thinking ability, execution, learning ability, etc., relatively speaking, the ability is more of a general field, and those that can be migrated will not disappear because of changes in the position or professional field.

✨ The "following parts of the iceberg" include values, personality traits, motivations, are intrinsic to people, they will be affected by genes, family environment, education, and other factors, and are difficult to measure and change (not easy to find and influence).

⛰️ What's the use of it ❓?

▪️ Self-awareness ▪️ Career promotion ▪️ enterprise HR recruitment ▪️ interview selection ▪️ Leadership assessment employee KPI ▪️ children education ▪️ mate selection

⛰️ How to apply it to itself ❓

✨ Integrate career requirements: List all the abilities required in the career position, including explicit and implicit abilities.

✨ Self-assessment: Self-assessment is achievable for a required competency, and one's score is defined and evaluated by behavioral criteria.

✨ Draw a capability model: Evaluate the range based on the approximate score to form your own capability radar map.

✨ Self-advantages and disadvantages analysis: According to one's own ability model diagram, choose a career and promotion path that suits you.

✨ Choose the direction: you can focus on strengthening a certain advantage/highlighting the highlight in the work, making it more professional in a certain field; you can also comprehensively improve your own differences, realize the jump in ability, and find positions and companies that match you.


✨ Everyone can build their own ability model according to their own understanding, not too high-end, complex, it is important to help themselves to correctly understand themselves, understand their own advantages and disadvantages.

✨ Often some people blindly pursue explicit ability and ignore implicit ability. But in the long run, if you want to improve your market value, you must not only spend time on professional skills upgrading. #How to make yourself stronger##Know Yourself##What determines a person's future and destiny##社会底层的人该如何提高自己的赚钱能力 #

Use this model well, and I am afraid that I will not make money ❓

Mental models

Use this model well, and I am afraid that I will not make money ❓

Model of an iceberg