
Three minutes to learn about the rule of Wenjing

author:Study for three minutes a day

In the long history of China, there have been many rulings in the world, such as the "rule of Wenjing", the rule of kaixing, the rule of Zhenguan, the rule of Renxuan, and so on. So, why is the rule of literature called China's first rule? Because of the rule of inaction, do everything! First, the meaning of the rule of Wenjing

At the beginning of the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, the country was in ruins waiting to be rebuilt.

Inside, there were kings who divided one side and were separated from the central government: outside, there were Xiongnu forces that robbed the border and burned and killed indiscriminately. Therefore, the life of the people can be described as very hard.

During the reigns of Emperor Wen of Han and Emperor Wu of Han, they realized that the people's strength needed to be nourished and needed to recuperate. Therefore, the policy of ruling by doing nothing, "squandering and swearing little labor," and "resting with the people" has been adopted.

Three minutes to learn about the rule of Wenjing

After decades of recuperation, there has finally been a scene of affluence that has increased in population, prosperity in the economy, and increased national strength. Second, the performance of the rule of Wenjing

What is the so-called rule of the world?

1. Be kind to the elderly

The Holy Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, so Emperor Wen paid special attention to the elderly during his reign. Every month, a certain amount of rice, meat, wine, cloth, and silk will be given so that the old man can eat enough and dress warmly.

2. Save servitude

In ancient China, farmers needed to serve, but service was not only hard, but sometimes made the people miss farming. Emperor Wen ordered that the province would be free of charge for the benefit of the people because of the appointment of each edict.

Three minutes to learn about the rule of Wenjing

3. Persuade nongsang

In ancient China, it was a typical agricultural society, and all the wealth and livestock grew out of the land, so Emperor Wen attached great importance to agriculture, often personally cultivating to encourage farmers around the world to work hard. In order to make the peasants' lives better, the tax has also been reduced repeatedly.

4. External and pro

The policy of peace and pro-china was actually a good move for China at this time, after all, the Xiongnu were powerful and fast, and the garrison was not necessarily effective to resist, and it was in vain to increase costs. It coincided with the critical period of recuperation, and the light war was too heavy for the Han Dynasty. Therefore, Emperor Wen endured the bitter water, for the sake of the world, opened and kissed.

5. Relief to the people

This part of China, because of the unstable influence of the monsoon climate, is often plagued by disasters. In the era of small-scale peasant economy, when natural disasters came, the people could not eat enough because of the reduction of field production, and the heavy grains did not harvest, and even ate with people. During the reign of Emperor Wen, in the event of a disaster, grain was distributed to help, which can be described as a good thing.

6. Light sentences

In the laws of the Han Dynasty, there were crimes of slander and rumors, and Emperor Wen thought that it was not very good, and some people who committed these two crimes again in the future would not be punished.

7. Reward filial piety and three elders

Emperor Wen re-educated, paying particular attention to filial piety and the second way. Therefore, rewards are given to the people who observe filial piety and to the three elders who are in charge of education.

Three minutes to learn about the rule of Wenjing

B. After death, Bo Yi

Emperor Wen was frugal in his reign, and his wife was not dressed in the land, but the account was not embroidered, in order to show the number of simple, and the hegemony after death should have reflected the imperial temperament, and it was also a tile vessel, and it was not allowed to be decorated with gold, silver, copper, and tin, because of its mountain, it could not afford a grave. After Emperor Tu ascended the throne, he basically continued Emperor Wen's policy. 》

At this point, after decades of recuperation, the national strength of the Han Dynasty was restored again. At one time, there was a population increase, the government treasury was full of grain, and the copper coins were decaying.

Three. The significance of the rule of Wenjing for future generations

The rule of Wenyuan is not only a praiseworthy rule in Chinese history, but also its impact on future generations.

After the exhibition, it was Emperor Wu, and the policy began to change significantly, from the inside to the outside.

Originally and pro-Xiongnu, the later directly launched a major counterattack.

So, how could Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty be able to use troops on a large scale several times? Why are the poorest soldiers the most powerful?

What he relied on was the accumulation of the Wen and Sui dynasties.

However, the massive accumulation could not withstand the consumption of the heavenly amount, and in the late period, Emperor Wu did not issue the edict (the edict of the wheel of the tai), and began a new round of policy of raising the people?

Later Ming Dynasty's Xiaxi Yang Duju was also terminated for this reason,

The cost is great, but the profit is very small, the people's strength is increasing, and the country is gradually declining

So it entered a dormant cycle again, nourishing the people and accumulating strength.

It seems that a large part of China's history is a cyclical process from raising the people to opening up to the outside world.

The difference is that the length of time between the two is different.

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