
【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

CCTV news: The new crown vaccination work of minors has been widely concerned. In the current round of the epidemic in Tianjin, there has been a cluster of children in custody classes and schools. Many parents are worried about their children's infection with the new crown virus on the one hand, and still have concerns about vaccination on the other hand. Is it necessary to get the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 3-11 years? Listen to the interpretation of authoritative experts.

Vaccinations are a powerful weapon in the fight against COVID-19. Children's childcare institutions or schools are relatively densely populated places, and once infected with the new crown virus, it is easy to cause widespread transmission and epidemic. However, we found in the interview that some parents are still worried about vaccinating their children against COVID-19.

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

Parents of young children: After all, the child is still young, and he still had a cold a while ago recently, so we are worried about whether this will be bad for the body, and then there will be this aspect of consideration. Because our parents and children are allergic. The last time we actually came, the pediatrician said that your symptoms (and vaccinations) were too short.

Covid-19 vaccination is necessary for people aged 3-11 years

As of January 14, more than 2.9 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been reported nationwide. Many parents believe that the adults in the family have been vaccinated against the new crown, is it still necessary for the children to be vaccinated?

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

Zhang Yuntao, chairman of the Quality Committee of the China Vaccine Association: It should be said that most of the adults over the age of 18 should be received and all the seeds should be planted. In fact, now the child has become a group of virus attacks, is a sensitive group, so vaccination at this age is still very necessary, after the completion of this age group is easy to form to block the spread of the virus, the formation of the population immune barrier.

Adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines at 3-11 years are lower than in adults

So, how safe and effective is the COVID-19 vaccine for people aged 3-11?

Zhang Yuntao, chairman of the Quality Committee of the China Vaccine Association: China has actually taken measures to obtain safety data in the age group of 18 to 59 years old, and then the validity data may be extended to the age group of 60 years old, and then pushed to the age group of 3 to 17 years old. Judging from the data from the clinical studies we have conducted and the data obtained from the age group that has been vaccinated in China for 3 to 17 years old, the safety of children is still very good. Various adverse reactions are lower than those in adults.

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

The data show that the incidence of severe abnormal reactions reported by all age groups in the mainland population vaccinated against COVID-19 is less than one in a million, and the incidence of 3-11 years old is lower than that of adults and adolescents.

Zhang Yuntao, chairman of the Quality Committee of the China Vaccine Association: In fact, (adverse reactions) are mainly local pain, there may be a transient fever, mainly focusing on these characteristics. I think if it is not particularly extreme, in fact, let the child rest for a day or two, and there is no need to take any special measures.

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

Experts said that a few days before vaccination or on the day of vaccination, if the child has symptoms of physical discomfort such as fever, cough, diarrhea, or during the acute onset of chronic diseases, it is recommended to postpone the vaccination and then vaccinate after the symptoms basically subside. Children with food allergies should be vaccinated if they are in the acute reaction period of allergies, or if eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc. appear on the skin at the vaccination site; if there are no symptoms of these allergies, all vaccinations can be given normally. In addition, the new crown vaccine is not recommended to be given at the same time as other vaccines.

Zhang Yuntao, chairman of the Quality Committee of the China Vaccine Association: Vaccination between inactivated vaccines should be 14 days apart between vaccinations.

In order to ease the children's nervousness, many parents also work with vaccination site and kindergarten staff to find ways.

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

Kong Hao, a parent of young children: Before the vaccination, our kindergarten was in the form of a picture book video, and we were also guided by this video at home, including telling her a story.

Lv Le, a parent of young children: As a parent, it is because I am particularly assured of the safety of vaccines, so I basically have no worries, because we adults have also been vaccinated. The state has spent a lot of resources to let us get vaccinated free of charge, and we should do our part as citizens.

Children also need to maintain good hygiene practices to prevent COVID-19

In addition to vaccination, experts suggest that children should prevent new crown pneumonia, but also let children maintain good hygiene habits and adhere to personal health protection.

【Protecting "seedlings" with "seedlings"】How can children get covid-19 vaccines safely?

Liu Jing, director of Beijing Soong Ching Ling Kindergarten: We will teach children to wash their hands frequently, and use this form of story nursery rhymes to let children master the seven-step handwashing method. We also made small awards for little health guards, as well as small prizes, which also encouraged children to bravely go to the vaccine.

Source: CCTV

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