
From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

author:Write and read the Spring and Autumn Period

The Book of Song has a cloud: life must not be open-minded, although it is a hundred years old, it is like dying. But the desires of the human heart always exceed the limits of personal ability and longevity.

People live a lifetime, and when it comes to dying, they inevitably carry a lot of hatred and unwillingness in their hearts. This is exactly as the Southern Dynasty Caizi Jiang Yan said in "Hate Endowment". Whether it is the emperor or the pawn of the peddler, there is no exception.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

As great as Chairman Mao, in his twilight years, he also had many regrets in his heart. These regrets were piled up in the heart, and because they were moved by emotion and external, they actually made Chairman Mao weep three times.

The "regrets" that made Chairman Mao weep three times stemmed from reading ancient poems, one from watching movies, and the last because of a serious natural disaster. The three tears were not born of personal wishes, but for the future of the country and the well-being of all people.

First, read "Nian Nu Jiao DengduoJing Lou", the old tears flowed

The author of this poem was originally Chen Tongfu mentioned in Xin Zhizi's "Breaking the Line, Giving Chen Tongfu a Strong Word to Send". Chen Liang is his real name, and "Tongfu" is his word. Chen Liang was a famous thinker and writer of the Southern Song Dynasty, Mr. Longchuan.

As a radical warrior, Chen Liang went to the front line jiankang and Zhenjiang in the fifteenth year of the Southern Song Dynasty (1188 AD) to investigate the military geography and prepare to advise the imperial court on the Northern Expedition.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

Chen Liang's poem "Nian Nu Jiao DengduojingLou" discusses the military geography pattern of the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, and Chairman Mao liked this poem very much, and the full text is as follows:

The dangerous building still looks forward, sighing, several people in ancient times have met. The ghost set up a god shi, hun recognized as, the heaven limit of the southern frontier and the northern boundary. One water stretches across the sky, three sides of the post, making a competition for dominance. What happened in the Six Dynasties was only a private plan.

Because the laughing king thanked everyone, ascended to the heights and far away, and also learned from the hero. However, the Yangtze River cannot be managed, and the river is endless. Just a long drive, don't look back, look for the middle of the oath. The child is a thief, and Shi Chengning asks the strong right.

The term is ostensibly a mockery of the politicians and celebrities of the Six Dynasties period, who climbed the tower overlooking the Yangtze River and wrote poems, but allowed the north to be ruled by barbarians. In vain, he tried to rely on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River and live a peaceful life without thinking of making progress.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

Therefore, Chen Liang advised the Southern Song Dynasty court to use its geographical advantages to drive the Northern Expedition for a long time and realize the reunification of the country. Chairman Mao once said that he had done only two things in his life, one of which was to drive the Kuomintang reactionaries across the strait.

However, Chairman Mao has still not finished this work, because the other side of the strait is also our Chinese territory, and we will not see reunification for a day, so how can we be happy? That's why when Chairman Mao read this poem in 1975, he would burst into tears and cry uncontrollably!

Second, watch the movie "Unforgettable Battle" and cry again

The second time Chairman Mao wept in his twilight years was during the Spring Festival in 1976, when he watched a movie that had just been released at that time, which was adapted from a documentary novel by Sun Jingrui, a soldier of the Shinohara.

It is about the struggle between the military control commission and the landlords and bullies before the liberation of Wuhan, as well as the enemy and the special enemy. The original author was originally a liberal arts student who graduated from Tsinghua University and was also a witness to this battle.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

So this story is written, both real and touching. Ten minutes after the film was played, Chairman Mao was aroused by the scene in the film where the People's Liberation Army entered the city and the citizens and students were greeted by each other.

The scene of victory, as if it happened yesterday. At that time, those ordinary people who welcomed the People's Liberation Army into the city obviously had high hopes for our new China. But many of the promises made to the people have not been well fulfilled.

In addition, on January 8, 1976, just over 20 days before the Spring Festival, Chairman Mao's old comrade-in-arms Premier Zhou passed away. Meanwhile, Chairman Mao had just undergone a few cataract surgeries before that.

Soon after, Chairman Mao's legs appeared puffy, causing him to gasp for breath when he spoke and it was inconvenient for him to move. Seeing that the cause was not completed, and his health was getting worse and worse day by day, chairman Mao was worried about who would take over the revolutionary cause.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

Because of their generation, in order to realize the ideal of communism, the head can be broken and the blood can be shed. It was not easy to establish the ideal new China, but that generation is old and old, and who can fulfill their long-cherished wishes for them?

Third, when I received the news of the Tangshan earthquake, I cried loudly

In May 1976, Chairman Mao's body suffered another myocardial infarction. After a heart attack in June 1976, Chairman Mao was bedridden. On July 6, 1976, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De passed away.

At the same time that illness and anxiety caused Chairman Mao's health to plummet, on July 28, 1976, the "Tangshan Earthquake" occurred.

The earthquake, once known as one of the "Ten GreatEst Disasters of the Twentieth Century," was felt in Beijing 700 miles away. Later, the report was delivered to Chairman Mao, and when he learned that 240,000 people had been killed, he burst into tears.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

Because of the habit of work and rest developed during the war years, Chairman Mao always worked in the early hours of the morning and slept during the day. So at 3 a.m. on July 28, 1976, Chairman Mao did not sleep.

The doctors and nurses on duty, who were with Chairman Mao at the time, heard a rumbling sound outside the door, and then the office shook like a cradle.

The doctors and nurses were a little flustered, but Chairman Mao was still very calm. He lay on his bed, and as he had commanded the battle on the battlefield, he very calmly instructed his men to inquire about the situation.

However, three days later, when the secretary told Chairman Mao that the actual death toll of the Tangshan earthquake was 240,000 people, and the rest of the property damage was incalculable, he burst into tears.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

Wang Xinde, a medical expert who was present at the time, recalled: The chairman cried, and that was the first time chairman Mao cried. Subsequently, chairman Mao disregarded his illness and summoned Hua Guofeng and urged him to go to the scene as soon as possible to comfort the people in the disaster-stricken areas and make good arrangements for everyone's lives.

The last official document that Chairman Mao approved before his death was the report of the Tangshan earthquake. He worked with illness until he had exhausted his last energy. Just over a month after the earthquake, he passed away, causing great sorrow to the people of the whole country.


Throughout his life, Chairman Mao had the world in mind and the people of the world. For Chairman Mao, who was seriously ill in his later years and could not continue to "serve the people," he was the greatest pain and regret of his life.

It is often said that heroes shed blood and do not shed tears, only because they are not sad. Chairman Mao, a great man of a generation, wept three times in his later years. But these three tears are neither for the pain of losing a son nor for the sorrow of twilight, but for the future of the country and the people of the world.

From 1975 to 1976, Chairman Mao wept three times.

The first time was to read Chen Liang's ancient words and weep, only because the two sides of the strait had not yet been reunified;

The second time was to watch the movie "The Battle of Difficult Battles" and shed tears, worrying that there would be no one to succeed the revolutionary cause;

The third time he wept for the disaster caused by the Tangshan earthquake, it was only because he regarded the people as brothers and sisters.

Even if it is difficult to rise, it is still concerned about the world. Xiang has a broad mind, why not be a hero of tears. For this reason, Chairman Mao's deeds of shedding tears for Cangsheng three times in his twilight years will surely be recorded in the history of Youth forever. Thousands of years later, it can still be remembered and remembered by readers of history.

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