
World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion New Year Debut Reversal! Don't talk about the title race after the game: Kuman put a lot of pressure on me

author:Outside the world

On January 20, Beijing time, WTT Macau, the first round of women's singles, Wang Manyu against Kuman, ushered in the debut of 2022 World Table Tennis Championships women's singles champion Wang Manyu in the case of the first loss of a set, 3-1 reversal, successfully advanced.

World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion New Year Debut Reversal! Don't talk about the title race after the game: Kuman put a lot of pressure on me

Wang Manyu experienced a magical 2021, almost undefeated throughout the year, especially after qualifying for the Olympic Games as a substitute and successfully winning the women's team championship, Wang Manyu was out of control, in the domestic National Games, table tennis super arena to the stage of the World Table Tennis Championships, once played invincible, the National Games and the World Table Tennis Championships have won 2 heavy women's singles championships. However, Wang Manyu was very popular in the WTT World Cup and lost to Du Kaixuan.

World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion New Year Debut Reversal! Don't talk about the title race after the game: Kuman put a lot of pressure on me

In 2022, Wang Manyu started in Macau, whether he can continue the strength of 2021 proves that the defeat of the WTT World Cup is only an accident and worthy of attention. Wang Manyu's first round encounter was against 2004 youngster Ku Man. In the first game, Wang Manyu fell into a bitter battle, ku man dared to fight, and then took the lead 11-9.

World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion New Year Debut Reversal! Don't talk about the title race after the game: Kuman put a lot of pressure on me

In the second set, Wang Manyu adjusted his state and began to control the game, but the score could not be pulled away, and Wang Manyu also seemed to have some self-doubt. After the suspension adjustment, Wang Manyu tied the score 11-8. In the third set, Wang Manyu had fully entered the state, quickly opened the score, and won easily 11-4. In the fourth set, Wang Manyu once again fell into a bitter battle, but the key points were still successfully won, 11-9 successfully overturned, 3-1 promotion.

World Table Tennis Championships Women's Singles Champion New Year Debut Reversal! Don't talk about the title race after the game: Kuman put a lot of pressure on me

In this way, Wang Manyu won the 2022 debut. After the game, Wang Manyu said: "I enjoyed this game, everyone performed very well, Ku man gave me a lot of pressure, it was a win. ”

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