
The first "member channel" of the Fifth Session of the Seventh CPPCC National Committee of Hainan Province was opened

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Hainan Channel

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During the two sessions of Hainan Province this year, the Hainan Provincial Information Office will work with the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress and the General Office of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to open for the first time a collective interview activity of "member channel", "representative channel" and "department director channel". At that time, a total of 9 provincial CPPCC members, 9 provincial people's congress deputies, and 8 department directors stopped at the three channels to speak out, telling the voice of willingness, showing the style of performing their duties, interpreting the report and related policies, and responding to the concerns of all parties. From 8:00 to 8:45 on January 20, the "member channel" was opened, and 9 representatives of the provincial CPPCC members stopped in the interview area to speak out, talk about their wishes, show their due diligence, interpret the report and related policies and respond to the concerns of all parties. People's Network Hainan Channel live broadcast, please pay attention.

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