
Today is a cold day, rejoicing in the New Year

author:Bright Net

Twenty-four solar terms, end to end, cycle after cycle, after another year of great cold. Folk proverb has clouds, small cold is not as good as big cold, after the big cold the sky gradually warmer, the big cold is an important time for the transformation of yin and yang in the year, but also the end of winter, the turning point of spring. "Xiao Han is busy with compradors, and Big Han is going to celebrate the New Year." The new year is coming, the winter is coming to an end, spring is coming to us, accumulating the strength to continue to move forward, waiting for the ringing of the New Year bell, and welcoming the spring blossoms together. So far, the poster of the photographer has accompanied us through the twenty-four solar terms, so that we can look forward to the next round of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Today is a cold day, rejoicing in the New Year

Source: China News Network

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