
New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

author:Morning mom food

The footsteps of the Spring Festival seem to be not far away, and everyone has begun to prepare for the New Year goods, not only to enjoy the food of their families during the Spring Festival, but also to greet relatives and friends. Some meat dishes are more time-consuming to make, if you really wait for relatives to come and cook, it is obviously not OK, so prepare some dishes in advance, and then heat them up to serve, which is both delicious and especially time-saving.

1. 【Brine Pig's Trotters】

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Main ingredients: 2 pig's trotters, green onion and ginger, dried red pepper, rock sugar

The first step, the hair on the pig's trotter is not easy to handle, so we directly in the butcher shop let the boss deal with it clean, chop into small pieces, this is more convenient, but also save a lot of time. After cleaning, we put cold water in the pot, add the shallot ginger cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, then boil on high heat, boil and then beat off the foam, cook for another 2 minutes, and then fish out and then clean it.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The second step is to pour the appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, then pour in a dozen pieces of rock sugar, turn on a low heat and fry the rock sugar until melted. First, the rock sugar is sautéed, which can be pressed with a shovel, which is faster. After the rock sugar melts, the color begins to change, from golden yellow to date red, and then pour in some boiling water, so that the sugar color is ready, do not fry, otherwise the marinade meat made will taste bitter.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The third step, then we put the washed pig's trotters in, then add, a small handful of dried red peppers, add the right amount of salt, a little more soy sauce, and then pour in the soy sauce.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fourth step, the key to delicious is this brine, the ingredients are a bit more, we remember, cinnamon 2 grams, galangal 2 grams, star anise 2, peppercorns 2 grams, licorice 1 gram, cumin 2 grams, tangerine peel 1 gram, coriander 1 gram, white root 1 gram, nutmeg 1, grass fruit 1, cloves 2 grams, put them into the gauze. The seasoning is then stirred to combine.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 5, boil on high heat and turn low heat, cook for 90 minutes, after the time is soft and rotten, you can turn off the heat, you can soak it again, so that it is more flavorful.

2. [Spicy Cabbage]

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Main ingredients: cabbage, apple, pear, leek

The first step, first we prepare 2 cabbages, first from the middle halves, and then continue to divide it into two halves, if the cabbage is wrapped more tightly, we first gently break it open.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The second step is to sprinkle coarse salt evenly on each layer of cabbage, and if there is no coarse salt, use the fine salt from home. Then we spread the salt repeatedly so that every part of the cabbage can be glued to the table salt, especially the part of the cabbage gang, slightly more.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The third step, after all the treatment, put the cabbage into the basin, sand water for 1 night.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 4, then prepare a white radish, peel and cut into thin slices, then cut into long strips, cut into plates for later, prepare some leeks, wash and cut into small pieces for later, prepare a pear and apple, wash and peel and cut into long strips for later.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fifth step, after a night of pickling, the cabbage becomes very soft, but also sand out a lot of water, and then pour in water, repeatedly scratch and wash, wash the excess salt, wash a few times, so that the cabbage will not be very salty.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The sixth step, after washing, we wring out the water of the cabbage, try to dry some, so that the cabbage is stored for a longer time.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The seventh step, put in a slightly larger basin, and then pour in the cut side dishes, and then pour in a bag of Korean spicy cabbage sauce, this is very convenient, a bag can salt 4 pounds of cabbage, the taste is particularly authentic, other spices do not need to be put, and then take gloves to grab and mix evenly.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 8, spread the sauce evenly on each cabbage leaf, so that the pickled spicy cabbage, the taste can be delicious, after all spread evenly, we put it in the crisper box, the rest of the sauce is also poured in, and then covered with a lid and refrigerated for 6 hours.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Such a serious Korean spicy cabbage is ready, the color is bright red, the sour and spicy sweet is moderate, the current meal is really delicious, like friends must try Oh!

3. 【Pork Fennel Dumplings】

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Main ingredients: pork, fennel, flour, green onion and ginger

The first step, pour flour into the basin, slowly add cold water and noodles, the ratio of flour to water is 2 to 1, you can add a spoonful of salt to increase the gluten, stir into dough and knead into a smooth dough, wake up the noodles for 10 minutes, then we make dumpling filling.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 2: Put the green onion and ginger in the bowl, peppercorns and star anise, pour in warm water and soak for a while.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The third step, the front leg meat is chopped into a filling, the hand-chopped meat filling is more delicious than the machine, the chopped pork filling is directly put into the basin, add a spoonful of salt, chicken essence, pepper powder, sugar, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and then pour in a little more green onion, pour hot oil to splash it, and stimulate the aroma.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fourth step, after stirring evenly, pour in the soaked large ingredient water in parts, and then stir evenly, which is also a juicy technique for meat filling.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 5: Prepare a handful of cumin to remove the roots, and then chop, if you don't like cumin, you can wrap your favorite vegetables, cut it and put it into the meat filling, beat an egg, and then add the right amount of sesame oil. This is the key to the meat filling not being hard, and it must not be omitted.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The sixth step, stir well and then put aside, you can make the dumpling skin, wake up the ground and put it on the board and knead it for a few minutes, then cut into large pieces, rub into long strips, and finally cut into a uniform size of the dough, and sprinkle some flour on the cut agent to prevent sticking together.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The seventh step, the final rolling into a dumpling skin can be, if you are too lazy to roll it yourself, then buy the dumpling skin, roll out the dumpling skin, put the filling, wrap into your favorite shape.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The eighth step, then you can cook the dumplings, after the water in the pot is boiled, add a spoonful of salt, and then add the dumplings, so as to prevent the dumplings from breaking the skin, gently push from the bottom of the pot, to prevent the dumpling skin from sticking to the pan.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The ninth step, after boiling, light the water once, and then cover the pot lid, boil it on it, which is also what the old man often says, open the lid to boil the skin, cover the lid to cook the filling, and the cooked dumplings can be enjoyed.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Such a package of dumplings, bite a bite is rich juice, meat filling is fragrant and tender, the taste is just right, directly eat is already very delicious, you can also dip in the material water or dry mix, the taste is very fragrant.

4. [Pig trotter skin jelly]

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The first step, when the pig's trotters are purchased, let the boss directly chop into small pieces, otherwise it is particularly troublesome to go home and chop them yourself. Wash the pig's trotters in cold water, add some ginger slices, and then bring to a boil over high heat to bring out the blood foam of the pig's trotters. Bring to a boil and continue to cook for 5 minutes, then remove and rinse.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The second step, clean the pig's trotters, put into the electric pressure cooker, add water, the water is not over the pig's trotters, and then put in the star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, salt, soy sauce, stir evenly, choose the hoof mode to press for 40 minutes. Because pig's trotters are more difficult to cook, it is faster to use a pressure cooker.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The third step is to take out the pressed pig's trotters, and when it is slightly cooler, remove the bones so that the meat can be torn to pieces slightly. The bones are left to stew and drink.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fourth step, put the dismantled meat into the pot, and then pour in the original soup of the pressed pig's trotters, then add a bowl of water in an appropriate amount, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to a medium-low heat and continue to cook for 20 minutes, the purpose is to completely cook the gum, and then cook the fat oil of the pork, and eat it is not tired.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fifth step, when the time comes, knock off a layer of oil on the surface, otherwise after freezing, there will be a layer of oil on the surface, which does not look good. Then pour into the container to prevent it from solidifying overnight.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Step 6: Take out the frozen skin, cut into pieces and enjoy.

This pig's trotter jelly is rich in flavor and not greasy at all, dipped in garlic juice and eaten with a different taste.

5. [Brown Sugar Glutinous Rice]

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Main ingredients: Glutinous rice Handmade brown sugar Red dates Raisins

The first step is to first wash the glutinous rice, and pour the clean glutinous rice into the water and soak it for one night.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The second step is to prepare some dates to remove the dates, then cut into slices and set aside, add some flour to the raisins, add water to wash them, so that the dust and dirty things on the surface can be washed cleaner.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

In the third step, the glutinous rice has been soaked overnight, and it can be gently crushed by hand, indicating that it is soaked.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fourth step is to prepare a large bowl, spread the cut dates on the bottom of the bowl, then sprinkle some raisins, put the soaked glutinous rice, and then spread the brown sugar, I use handmade brown sugar, this sugar is moderately sweet and not greasy.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

The fifth step, continue to sprinkle with raisins, you can also add some walnuts or peanuts, the taste is also very good, use a spoon to press the glutinous rice tighter, and then continue to repeat the glutinous rice, sprinkle with brown sugar, spread the raisins and dates, and finally pour in the remaining glutinous rice to spread evenly, sprinkle with brown sugar.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

In the sixth step, pour the right amount of water evenly, the water is just past the glutinous rice, steam in cold water for 40 minutes, and then simmer for another 5 minutes.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

In the seventh step, when the time is up, take it out, then cover a plate, buckle it upside down to remove the mold, and gently pat it, it is easy to remove it.

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

This brown sugar glutinous rice red date cake is ready, is it very tempting to look at? The glutinous rice is very soft and sticky, the sweetness is just right, it is not greasy, and with the rich red date flavor, it is really delicious.

Six, four-color steamed eggs

New Year's Day do not have to be busy, 6 dishes are prepared in advance, hot can be served, delicious and convenient

Main ingredients: Ham sausage, peeled egg, egg

1, the ham sausage is divided into four, spread at the bottom of the mold, leaving a little gap in the middle, and then put in the cut skin egg,

2, 4 eggs, egg white and egg yolk separation, first pour the egg white into the container, can evenly cover the skin egg can be, boil the water pot steaming until the egg white solidified white, and then continue to pour the egg yolk steamed until solidified.

3, steamed after demolding, cut into small pieces, with your favorite sauce can be served.

Make the most beautiful dishes with the simplest ingredients, make a love meal for the family, I am Mommy early, every day you will bring a home-cooked meal. If you like me, click a like, forward the attention of Oh!

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