
Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

author:I'm from Xinjiang

The day to buy a hot shift began. He always got up around 9 a.m., had morning tea with his parents, nagged about the family, and after eating, he was busy with some trivial housework. When the inspiration came, he plunged into the small music room in the attic, transformed the inspiration into a demo, marked the date, and then took time to slowly improve it in the studio. Mareban Setibai runs a music studio called M-studio in Urumqi and is a full-time music producer. In addition to this, he is also an original singer.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

"The early years were very distressing, there was no studio of their own, no equipment when there was inspiration, no venue. When I found the equipment and venue, the inspiration was gone! So, after the family moved to the duplex building in Urumqi, the hot class converted the upstairs loft into his own small music room.

"My own music can be in no hurry, but other people's invitations should be completed on time." The calendar on his desk was densely packed with deadlines that required submissions from his studio.

Although the hot class has also encountered Party A, who initially boasted about Haikou, changed repeatedly in the middle of the way and even finally lost contact, but through the microphone I can feel his enthusiasm for his work through his voice:

"I'm not very good at expressing, and if you don't understand something, you can tell me, and I'll say it again." He said this before the interview, but he talked about everything that was related to music. "Am I off topic again, I'm sorry?" At this time, he smiled softly and concluded a paragraph of answer.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy a hot class in the studio

There is such a question in Zhihu: "How to evaluate the singer buy Reban Setibai?" ", when I saw this question, I was tempted. But when I typed on the keyboard and tried to answer, I didn't know where to start.

Like many listeners, I know Buy Hot Class because of his original work Dreams.

In 2016, it was this song that The Buy Reban sang when he participated in the Guangxi Television Station's "Love of a Lifetime • Earth Flying Song" program.

"The majestic mountains seem to beckon me.

This tortuous road under my feet has set me on a journey. ”

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From "Dream" to "I Still Remember" to "Father's Voice", "Mother's Teachings", "Qi Tian Dasheng", etc., each work of the buy hot class always brings us an auditory feast at the same time, but also can always touch the softest thread in our hearts and resonate with us.

So, in such a spring, as a listener, I decided to throw away the fan filter and approach him as an observer to listen to his musical story.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲From the netizen Behan 007

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

The hometown of my childhood always haunts my heart

Music is my diary, recording my joys and sorrows, my growth trajectory.

No original singer can create independently from the beginning, and cover singing is a stage that every musician needs to go through, and I am no exception.

I've covered the Kazakh version of the theme song of my favorite movie Pearl Harbor, and I've re-arranged and covered several Kazakh folk songs. After accumulating a certain amount of experience, the idea of making originals suddenly came to my mind.

It felt like I had been reflecting the sun's rays, and suddenly I thought, maybe I could try to shine.

In this way, I began my own creative path.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

Childhood and hometown are the most common themes in my work, because those childhood years are the most pleasant and happy fragments in my memory.

My generation probably had a childhood like mine.

I was born in Mulei County, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang, to both civil servant parents. Every winter and summer vacation, the responsibility of taking care of me falls on my grandparents who live in the countryside.

On holiday, my cousins and cousins came from all over the wooden barricade to spend two months of "free-range" life at my grandparents' house.

My grandfather was a herdsman who went up the mountain to graze in the summer and spent the winter in the winter in the winter. In my rural days, I was a proper prairie barang. With them, herd cattle and sheep, graze and plant land...

My grandfather's other identity was that of an eagle trainer, and I had the privilege of training eagles with him.

That year, the state implemented a wildlife protection law, and although it was possible to apply for an eagle training certificate, Grandpa said: "Since there is no need to hunt anymore, there is no need to enslave a life." So he released his beloved golden eagle back into nature.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

In my childhood, I found my own place between the mountains and the flowing water of the woody grassland.

As I grew older, I no longer needed to go to my grandparents' house during the summer vacation. Our family also moved away from the wooden barrier and went to a larger city, but my hometown has always haunted me.

Hearing the news that the old house in the wooden base was about to be demolished, I hurried back to my hometown, but it was still one step too late.

When I arrived, all I saw was the poplar trees that my father had planted in the doorway, swaying in the wind. Touching the scene, I wrote the song "Esimde ali" (I still remember).

I miss not only the good times of my childhood, but also the people and things that accompanied me growing up.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲Mulei scenery Photography | Wang Shuxiang

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

The tossing and turning, the music goes on

I've been sensitive to sound since I was a kid. The sound of dishes colliding, the sound of water droplets, the sound of clocks, the sound of wind and rain, each of which arouses my curiosity. Later, when I grew older, I began to listen to the radio myself and watch TV and learn to play Tombura and guitar. In high school, I joined the school's BALAUSA (Little Sapling) band.

In 2000, square culture was just beginning to catch on. Regardless of the festival, various evenings are held in the square

So every holiday, I and the team members would "surround" the teachers in charge of the school evening or the seniors of the county cultural and labor troupe, and beg them to give us a chance to perform on stage.

Perhaps because they can't bear to hurt the hearts of several children at once, or because they believe that the members of a team can make up for each other on stage, so at that time, it is easier for a group of people to get the opportunity to appear than individuals.

So I learned early on that collective power is far greater than individual power. Later, I formed my own music team and made the team bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, the BALAUSA group eventually dissolved after most of its members graduated. In order to continue to play music, I set up the Achord Choir in my junior year of high school, and it was because of this choir that I got the opportunity to stand on the stage of various large-scale evening parties on Xinjiang Television.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

After twelve years of hard study, college should be a paradise that every student looks forward to, and it is the same for me.

After passing the college entrance examination, I successfully came to Xinjiang Art College.

In my four years of college, I met two mentors on the path of music.

The first is Li Haitao, a teacher at the Xinjiang Academy of Arts, who has his own unique teaching style. It sounds like talking about the world, but in fact, it will integrate the profound knowledge of music and tell you the most understandable truth. Another teacher, Torican Mahan, who works at Xinjiang Television, is a well-known arranger in the industry who taught me how to arrange music and jazz harmony.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

After graduating from university, I planned to continue my postgraduate studies, so I went to Kazakhstan to apply for a study abroad, but eventually returned to China to work as a full-time musician because I could not afford to pay the high tuition fees. In those years, I was invited several times to be the music director of various evenings such as Eid al-Adha and Meat Festival on the Kazakh channel of Xinjiang Television, and at that time, on the eve of every large-scale party, I would receive CDs from young people from all over Xinjiang, and my job was to select from these CDs the repertoire that could be played on the evening stage.

But I know that this CD is engraved not only with music composed of five lines, but also with the dreams and futures of this group of young people. Each of them has a dream and yearns for a bigger stage, and whenever I come to this time, I always think of the teenager who surrounded the seniors in the small county town of Mulei many years ago and prayed for their debut on the stage.

On the left is a dreamer like himself, and on the right is the heavy responsibility of being a music director. Each choice gradually became an invisible pressure, and no matter how I made the trade-offs, it was difficult for me to make a choice that satisfied me. So later, I stopped accepting such an offer.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

In 2016, the staff of Guangxi Television Station's "Love of a Lifetime • Flying Song of the Earth" came to Xinjiang to find me, hoping that I could participate in their program.

Originally, I participated with the attitude of trying it out, but I did not expect that with the popularity of the show, my work gained a large amount of dissemination, and I was known to more audiences.

This is our time, an era of new media.

In such an era, living on the frontier of my motherland, I have some fans through the Internet and a show.

Maybe they can't understand the language of my singing, many of them can't be there, and even we may be in different time and space, through the medium of the Internet, the impossible in the music world becomes infinitely possible.

After participating in the show, I formed my own band, set up a music studio, and in addition to making music for others, I also continued to create more original works of my own.

I've never been so grateful for this era, this best of times.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy a hot class and shoot the MV with studio members

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

My parents are my mentors in life

My parents are my life mentors and have had an indelible impact on me in my life and career.

His father's hobbies were collecting historical sources, while his mother worked as an Akan (Akan is a Kazakh word for poet) when she was young. Under the influence of my father, I was familiar with historical stories from an early age; my mother taught me to write rhyming words, and sometimes we even wrote poems and songs.

Such a family atmosphere makes my musical path more firmly supported than others from my loved ones.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲The mother of the hot class participated in the recording of the hot class works

I was not a peaceful child since I was a child. At home, it is either upside down oil paintings and sculptures, or playing the piano to make music. The house was either filled with the smell of paint I spilled or filled with music. My parents never harshly criticized me for these "restlessness", but used their experience to provide me with some feasible advice when I needed advice.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy hot class paintings

As I grew older, my parents grew older.

In 2019, I created an album for my parents. There are two songs in it, one called "Anamning Akili" (Mother's Teachings) and the other "Akemning aytari" (Father's Voice). Those were the worst years of my father's insomnia, and sometimes I couldn't close my eyes for even four or five days. Whenever I make music until three or four o'clock in the morning and go downstairs to quench my thirst, I will see my father wandering back and forth in the living room.

My father, who was once as tall as a mountain in my eyes, can now only rely on a mountain of drugs to maintain sleep

I think it's not just my father who is trapped by old age and sleepless all night. Therefore, this song I chose to think in a different position, singing what my fathers thought. I remember that at that time, I did not reveal a little information to my father, but only released the song to him after it was published. Although I didn't get any reviews, I knew that for a strict father, not pointing out the problem was silent praise.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy hot class father back shadow music is national, but also the world

In 2019, I created the song "Qi Tian Dasheng", which is also the first Chinese song I have created.

The song was inspired by the "Journey to the West" broadcast in 1986. At that time, the conditions were limited, and I always fantasized that one day there would be a domestic magic blockbuster similar to "The Lord of the Rings" with the theme of Journey to the West.

Transformed, soaring clouds and driving fog, one hundred and eighteen thousand miles;

Good and evil are clearly distinguished, and their divine powers are vast, defending the heavens and the earth.

Promote good and punish evil, and save the world. Everyone has some heroism to a greater or lesser extent, and I am no exception!

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy the cover of the hot class work "Qi Tian Dasheng"

A few years ago, I wrote a song about the hero of Kazakh folklore, Yertostek.

Whether it is the Great Sage of Qi Tian or Yeltowstek, both are great heroes who stand tall in the sky.

When I was a child, I always envied their bravery and fearlessness, and when I grew up, I found that they hid behind their bravery and stubbornly resisted the tragic fate of being the enemy of the world. Therefore, whenever I walk into this kind of character, I always have some compassion in my heart.

"Music is national and worldly." I have a deep understanding of this sentence.

Like other Kazakh children, Dongbula was the first instrument I learned.

Since I was a child, I have been amazed by this vast music that only two strings play, and when I grew up, I learned by chance that as early as the 16th century, Shakespeare had already sighed: "It is incredible that a few strings stretched up by the intestines of a sheep will pull the human soul out of the body!" ”

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

From ancient times to the present, time and space in the world of music have been connected.

Whether it's Beethoven, Michael Jackson or Queen, most musicians are not debuting or classic, and even the greatest music creators have had a narrow audience.

Only in the baptism of the years, continuous precipitation, can write the classic legend of the future.

In the creative process, I always try to integrate ethnic instruments such as Kazakh Dongbula into various types of music.

I hope that by doing what I can, more people can feel the power of Kazakh national music, and I think this is also the mission of a new era musician.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

In recent years, my work has gradually become well known to audiences of all ethnic groups, and I have received some encouragement and applause for it. But the sense of accomplishment for me is as fleeting as the fireworks in the night sky, and the dull days after the bustle still need to continue.

In 2017, I began to prepare for an offline concert, but in the end it was delayed for various reasons, and then encountered the epidemic and was completely stranded.

Now, I am preparing for the release of a new album, and I am looking forward to getting through the epidemic and meeting the fans as soon as possible.

The past is the prologue, and my story continues. Life goes on, music goes on.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs


The protagonist of the circle of friends who bought the hot class is not himself, but the girl named Medina. To amuse her, he wrote a song called "Madyna."

When asked what he wanted to say to her, Heriban said shyly: "No matter how many words you say, you can't accompany us steadily, and I hope we will become family as soon as possible."

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

▲ Buy hot class with Medina

"How do you rate singer Maureban Setibai?" I'm still thinking about this after this interview.

Distant childhood, distant hometown, elderly parents, adored heroes, dear lovers, the theme of buying hot class works is vivid and concrete, and the love hidden in music is subtle and warm.

Human emotions are interconnected. Write your emotions into words, and compose the mood and sorrow music with beating notes, only in this way can the music containing feelings directly hit people's hearts and resonate.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

Good music can break through language restrictions, good singers deserve to be known by more people, and buying hot classes is such an original singer who deserves to be known by more people.

So this spring, I submitted my answers with an article.

Buy hot class | The stories of the rock singers are all in the songs

At present, buy hot class has successfully signed NetEase Cloud Music, want to listen to more buy hot class works listeners, please move to NetEase Cloud Music, search for "buy hot class."


This article is originally written by "I come from Xinjiang", welcome to pay attention to, take you to understand the familiar and unfamiliar Xinjiang

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