
30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

author:Maple Sugar's Shadow Space

As we all know, Warner's plans for Justice League live-action movies have been vague.

After the box office failure of "Justice League" in 2017, it was reported that Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck were kicked out one after another.

Subsequently, the steel bone was cut again.

Ezra Miller is also on the run for the Flash's single-player movie.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

In the face of such a situation, when they heard the news that Sony and Disney next door were talking about collapse and the little spider was homeless, the mood of DC fans was like this.

Marvel fans are still seen in the big scene less, do not believe to come to DC to see, let you experience what is called the heart like ashes.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

However, as one of the two major companies in charge of American Comics, DC's achievements in animation adaptation have always been obvious to fans.

Today we will recommend 30 excellent DC animation movies to you, and the small partners who want to enter the pit can try it and make you want to stop.

This ranking is in no particular order, and due to the different styles of film styles in each time period, I try to arrange them in chronological order.

The recommendation with higher image quality requirements starts from the back.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019


1. Justice League: A New Frontier (2008)

Despite the double fans of DC and Marvel, I actually came into contact with DC's work earlier.

"New Frontier" was my first Justice League animated film.

This movie made me see for the first time that so many superheroes can be brought together, and the story is also very strong.

Definitely worth a look.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

2. Knight of Gotham (2008)

Brief introduction:

What exactly does Batman look like?

Through 6 interrelated and independent short films, the film brings a real Batman to the audience.

Personal evaluation:

Many fans don't like this work very much, thinking that the Japanese style of this work is too strong and it is a hodgepodge.

But it's actually one of my favorite animated films.

Previous superhero animated movies have been fairly straightforward, and the story is often smooth to the end.

But this work is quite different, showing us the image of Batman through 6 stories.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

3. Superman and Batman: Enemies of the Public (2009)

Superman is framed by Luthor as an enemy of the public, and only Batman believes in Superman and stands with Superman as an enemy of the world.

What if that doesn't count as love?

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

The movie is only decent, and if there is anything that makes me shine, it is probably that Luthor kissed the super fat Waller (the black chick who committed suicide squad) in this movie.

Fans who want to see gossip don't miss it.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

Superman and Batman: Apocalypse (2010)

The plot continues from the previous "Superman and Batman: Enemies of the Public", and the story of this movie begins to focus on the identity of Superman's cousin/sister on Earth.

Fans say it's a movie that serves otaku, and the theme is that the body-building heroines fight in sexy uniforms.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

4. Wonder Woman (2009)

This movie focuses on wonder woman's origin story, and there is nothing particularly brilliant about it.

The old version of the woman's style in the animation really does not fit the Asian aesthetic.

In contrast, it is still a live-action movie version that looks good.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

5. Green Lantern: First Flight (2009) and Green Lantern: Emerald Knight (2011)

This is my pit as a DC fan, Green Lantern.

The two are put together because probably only the first one is worth watching, which basically tells the story of Green Lantern Hal Jordan's transformation from an ordinary pilot to a cosmic film policeman.

A little better than the live-action movie version.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

The second part tells the story of the Green Lantern Army, a brief chat about other cosmic film police, composed of multiple stories, some of which are very touching.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

6. Justice League: Crisis of Two Earths (2010)

New gameplay in parallel universes, where Superman and Batman are righteous in one universe and Luthor and the Joker are villains.

In another universe, Luthor and the Joker become righteous men, and Superman and Batman become villains.

In this film, everyone can see the beloved ugly grandfather sacrificing himself to save his teammates.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

8. Batman: Red Shadow Trail (2010)

The plot focuses on the story of the second generation robin becoming a Red Riding Hood.

It was the first time I knew that Batman didn't just have one Robin, but that the two barrels in the film were pretty stunning.

The whole film is a top-notch work in terms of both production level and storyline.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

9. All-Star Superman (2011)


To save a manned spacecraft exploring the sun, Superman absorbs an excess of solar energy.

Although he became more powerful than ever, the saturated cells pushed Superman to death step by step!

What kind of adventures will Superman experience in the last days of his life?

The superhero version of "Bucket List" shows fans a superman with a difference.

In my eyes, he would always be the farmer from Kansas.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

9. Batman: Year One (2011)

As the beginning of all the stories, this episode tells the history of each character.

Harvey Dunte is a defeated prosecutor;

Catwoman Selena Keller was just a poor prostitute from the streets.

In Gotham City, officials collude with gangsters, and the police are the umbrella of criminals.

Newly transferred sergeant James Gordon wants to be a good cop in a depraved city;

Bruce Wayne, who has just returned to his hometown to sweep away his sins, understands in the bloodshed that only fear can be respected.


I personally love this movie, it's deep.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

10. Justice League: Destruction (2012)

The work of the lord's canonized god.

The film is based on the comic strip "The Tower of Babel Incident", where Batman develops a set of containment strategies for the teammates of the Justice League.

However, he is used by the bad guys, and Batman is fired from the Justice League.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

11. Superman: Breaking Free (2013)

Superman and the hand-made maniac Brainiac have to tell the story.

Maintain dc's consistently high standards, but not brilliant.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

12. Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox (2013)

Adapted from DC Comics "Lightning Event".

The Flash travels through time to save his mother, but the shattered timeline becomes a disaster.

This movie is well-made, the plot is very touching, and I still have a letter from Batman's father to his son. At the end of "Flashpoint Paradox", the old Batman to the Flash sent his son a letter to write something

God does, not explains.

Starting from "Flashpoint", DC officially opened the plot of the new 52, and the painting style of many characters seems to be more in line with the modern aesthetic.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

13. The Dark Knight Returns (Part 2012–2013)

It tells the story of the elderly Batman, who saves Gotham City for the last time as a Dark Knight, and incidentally beats up the government with the cooperation of Green Arrow.

Batman has since retired to train a new generation of successors.

This movie has been enshrined, DC fans must see it, live-action BVS many scenes are borrowed from the film's eponymous comic.

However, this movie is in the form of a sequel, the painting style is very tough, and it is good to get used to watching it.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019


14. Batman: Raid on Arkham (2014)

Although the title is Batman, in fact, this movie is more about "suicide squad".

If you think that the live-action version of "Suicide Squad" is a bit disappointing, it is better to watch this, it should be the best "Suicide Squad" movie at present.

By the way, most of the fans who think the Joker loves Harley come from the live-action version of "Suicide Squad".

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

15. Justice League: War

This is the first time that the Justice League has assembled after the new 52, and the origin story of steel bones has been introduced in passing.

Recommend warner to shoot a live-action version of "Justice League", according to this drama.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

16. Son of Batman (2014)

Listen to the name and you know that this movie is about four generations of Robin Damian Wayne joining the Bat family.

Death knell and daily cameos in both large and small.

Personally, I think this movie is decent, and it is really average in Batman's animated movie.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

17. Batman v Robin (2015)

It is a sequel to "Son of Batman", the work of Batman's daily education of his son, but it involves the Owl Court, and the plot content is quite exciting.

And after entering the new 52 period, the action scenes of Batman's works have always been the most brilliant in DC Animation.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

18. Justice League: Battle of the Gods and Demons (2015)

The film is a completely original story, the superheroes are no longer familiar, Superman has become Zod's son, Batman has become a vampire, Wonder Woman is the "new god", and the Justice League, although still insisting on justice, has a dark start.

As an outsider said that the story design of this film is very attractive, out of the traditional Justice League, DC fans definitely do not miss it.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

19. Justice League: Throne of Atlantis (2015)

The film is Aquaman's submission to justice league.

It tells the story of the two brothers of the Sea King who have a disagreement due to their different attitudes towards the land people and compete for the throne.

When it comes to "counter-attacking the mainland", people all over the world know this joke.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

20. Batman: Deadly Joke (2016)

Based on the short comic of the same name, the home of the Ugly Lord.

Because the comic is too short, the main creative team has added a lot of original plots.

But let Batman and Barbara Gordon roll the sheets I never expected ah, too hot eyes, what does this make Nightwing look?

The works of the old man set collapse cannot be compared with the manga.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

21. Batman: Blood Feud (2016)

The old man mysteriously disappeared, and while the butler covered up the matter to the outside world, Dashao and Sishao took on the heavy responsibility of defending Gotham.

At the same time, Batwoman and Batwing also began to intervene in this matter.

It's not me blowing, it's just that the family is talking to each other, and I can listen to it for a day.

But there are no two young and three young, and I don't know when the bat family will be able to come to a big reunion.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

22. Justice League vs Teen Titans (2016)

The justice league members are controlled by the three palaces, and the story of the teen titans saving the justice league.

Against Superman, you have to rely on magic.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

23. Justice League Dark (2017)

The Wizarding World of DC, the home of Jacques.

Fans who like Zakang must not miss it.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

24. Teen Titans: The Judas Covenant (2017)

The home story of the Teen Titans, DC plays normally, and works decently.

Da Shao and Uncle Zhong made daily cameos.

But in this episode, Dashao and Xinghuo are two people who are sugary and sweet to death.

Before watching this movie, I would like to add "Son of Batman", "Batman v Robin", "Batman: Blood Feud" and "Justice League vs Teen Titans"

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

25. Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)

The film appeared purely because harley's popularity soared in the past two years.

The film with a stronger nature of the sequel has a general storyline, but it takes the comedy route based on selling cuteness, and the action design is good, maintaining the consistent level of DC.

Harley opened the harem in this play, not only on Nightwing, but also with poison ivy woman's love is as strong as ever, and also kissed the old man.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

26. Suicide Squad: Severe Punishment (2018)

Although it is a 2018 work, the film is a continuation of the 2013 film "Flashpoint Paradox".

The reverse lightning in "Flashpoint Paradox" uses the moment of being killed to reach the time and space where "Suicide Squad" is located, and makes the whole story.

This work is actually not as classic as "Raid Arkham", but it is much better than the live-action movie.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

27. The Death of Superman (2018)

Superman and Doom Day battle and end up together, the storyline is relatively simple, the most brilliant is the action scenes.

The new style of the characters looks very comfortable, and although it is superman's home, the design of the rest of the Justice League is also simple and clear.

Also: The new version of Wonder Woman is really good-looking.

I did one episode of this movie, and the graphics are quite cool, and I personally like a work. Death of Superman: This May Be the Best Superman Movie of All Time (Part 1) Death of Superman: This May Be the Best Superman Movie of All Time (Part 2)

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

The Superman Dynasty (2019)

The film immediately follows the end of Death of Superman, in which 4 new Supermen appear in the world after Superman's death.

And the film tells the story of how Superman and Luthor's son was born.

Although the painting style is similar, the action and picture of this work are obviously inferior to "Death of Superman".

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

28. "Ninja Batman" (2018)

Purely explanatory works, Japanese painting style, and 3D modeling.

Has the ugly master opened the Gundam seen it?

Although many fans did not buy the blind fabrication of this work, I liked it, mainly because of the graphics and character design.

Catwoman and Harley in this work exploded.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

29. Justice League vs Deadly Five (2019)

DC's daily standard, but the style does not follow the style of the latest version.

Probably because it's a work of a sequelae.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

30. Batman: Silence (2019)

The story of the Riddle Man ascending to the throne as the villain boss.

Adapted from the manga of the same name, it is a fairly commercial quality work, both in terms of manga and animated films.

The story is simple and easy to understand, and interspersed with the love story of the old man and catwoman.

It may be that fans have high expectations for the old man, and the evaluation of this work is not high, but it does not affect it at all that it is an excellent commercial film.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

DC live-action movies are for children, and animation is for adults.

DC steadily produces several excellent animation works every year, which has always been a favorite of fans.

For readers who have just entered the pit or want to enter the pit, it is a good choice to start with DC's animated films, and everyone can watch them in the order I introduced.

For fans who have seen a lot of DC animation works, you can check the omissions and fill in the gaps, I try to list all the ones I have seen.

For the works that are not in the list, I hope that you can send them out in the comment area, and I will make up for it myself.

30 of DC's best superhero animated movies, Want to Get into the Pit Rush Collection 2005-2013 2013-2019

If I had to find the five films I thought were the best among them, I would probably choose the following five:

The Dark Knight Returns, Knight gotham, Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox, Death of Superman, and Batman: Raid Arkham.

You can also discuss your favorite work in the comments section.

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