
The iPhone 13 has made a contribution, and Apple has returned to the first place in global sales!

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As we all know, Apple has been releasing the annual flagship new iPhone series in September. Therefore, the fourth quarter of each year is also the peak season for iPhone sales, and the same is true for this year's iPhone 13 series.

According to the latest report released by market research agency Canalys, Apple's iPhone series accounts for 22% (about one-fifth) of all smartphone shipments in the world, which also makes Apple the largest smartphone supplier again.

The iPhone 13 has made a contribution, and Apple has returned to the first place in global sales!

It is followed by Samsung, which accounts for 20% of all smartphone shipments worldwide; Xiaomi, which ranks third, at about 12%, and OPPO and Vivo, which respectively rank in the fourth and fifth places of all smartphone shipments in the world with 9% and 8%.

Canalys said that Apple's return to the world's number one sales throne is due to the iPhone 13 series, which was just launched in September last year, and the market demand has been strong since its release, especially in the Chinese mainland there has been an unprecedented performance of purchasing power, making Apple return to the top of the smartphone market after three quarters.

The iPhone 13 has made a contribution, and Apple has returned to the first place in global sales!

But due to the shortage of key components, Apple was still forced to cut production in the fourth quarter, unable to produce enough iPhones to meet demand, and more users who had already placed orders had to wait for a while before receiving a new iPhone. Coupled with the global COVID-19 pandemic, this also led to a 1% increase in iPhone shipments this quarter compared to the overall shipments in the previous quarter.

In fact, not only Canalys, but also the latest data shared by Counterpoint Research, another data research institute, also shows that the iPhone 13 series has become the number one mobile phone in China for 6 consecutive weeks. It can be seen that this year's iPhone 13 series is indeed very popular.

The hot sales of the iPhone 13 series also mean that Apple's assembly foundries are busier than usual ~ According to the South China Morning Post, Foxconn, Apple's current largest foundry, has once again provided generous signing bonuses to new and old employees, in order to speed up the recruitment of its Zhengzhou production area.

The iPhone 13 has made a contribution, and Apple has returned to the first place in global sales!

This is also since the peak production season of the iPhone 13 series in July last year, and Foxconn has once again encouraged more employees to join Foxconn by issuing signing bonuses.

It is reported that Foxconn (Zhengzhou) Industrial Park is one of Foxconn's major iPhone foundries in China, employing more than 250,000 workers in its park and responsible for more than 80% of the world's new iPhone assembly work.

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