
Singles Brigade! Nets, really no tactics

As of yesterday, the NBA schedule is halfway through, the Suns ranked No. 1 in the West with 34 wins and 9 losses, and the Bulls ranked first in the East with 28 wins and 15 losses.

The US media counted the proportion of singles rounds of each team.

The Nets, whose singles accounted for 11.7 percent of the team's total offensive rounds, are the highest singles offense in the league and the only team with more than 10 percent singles offense, with the Bucks (9.4 percent), Thunder (9.3 percent), Celtics (9.2 percent), Raptors (9.2 percent), Lakers (8.8 percent), Clippers (8.7 percent), Knicks (8.6 percent), Timberwolves (7.4 percent) and Trail Blazers (7.3 percent). )。

The team with the lowest percentage of singles offense in the league is the Spurs, whose singles offense accounts for 3.6 percent of the team's total offensive rounds.

Singles Brigade! Nets, really no tactics

Today, the Nets won the Wizards 119-118, harden and Irving accounted for half of the team's shots, often the brothers finished, can not pass again. Most of the time, one person holds the ball and four people watch. Mills sometimes slipped hard around the bottom line, and as a result, just arrived at the destination, the next second was to return to defense.

But today's biggest scenes are the Nets assistant coach and referee.

A pass from the Wizards on the sideline was disrupted by Nets assistant coach Van der Poul on the sidelines, when Dinwiddie passed the ball to Kuzma and Van de Poul reached out and touched the ball, changing the trajectory of the ball. As a result, Edwards got the ball and launched a counterattack, Kuzma returned to the defense and committed the first foul, and then complained to the referee.

In the end, the referee upheld the original judgment, the ball went to the Nets, and the angry Ma Ye shouted after the game: "This is nonsense." ”

Singles Brigade! Nets, really no tactics

Some say that it is the most outrageous decision to compete with this ball with the referee.

Singles Brigade! Nets, really no tactics

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