
The risk level of many places in Yuzhou, Henan Province, was adjusted

author:Beiqing Net
The risk level of many places in Yuzhou, Henan Province, was adjusted

According to the official microblog of the Propaganda Department of the Yuzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, according to the requirements of the State Council on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in different regions, combined with the actual situation of Yuzhou City, after the study of the Yuzhou Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, the risk level of the epidemic in the city will be adjusted from January 20, 2022.

The adjustment is hereby notified as follows:

I. High-risk areas (3)

1. Xiadu Street

2. Liangbei Town: Guo Village

3. Huolong Town: Guolou Village

2. Medium-risk areas (21)

1. Hanseong Street

2. Juntai Street

3. Yingchuan Street: South Street Community Mafu Lane Street, South Street Community Mosque Back Street, Zhaizi Community South Market North Fourth Road

4. Liangbei Town: Zhaoqiao Village, Qin Village, Dong Village, Tieli Village, Dabaizhuang Village, Yulou Village, Banpodian Village, Liangbei Village, Daxidian Village, Liangbei Xinfeng Mining Bureau Mine Family Hospital

5. Hatoyama Town: Hougou Village

6. Chuhe Subdistrict: Xiangxu Community

7. Mojie Township: Liumen Village

8. Shundian Town: Rossi Village

9. Zhangde Town: Dazhou Village

10. Fanggang Town: Huangzhuang Village

3. Low-risk areas

Areas other than medium- and high-risk areas.

The risk level of many places in Yuzhou, Henan Province, was adjusted

Screenshot of Weibo

(China News Network)

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