
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference

author:New Right Banner Prosecutor
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference

In order to implement the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference and promote the comprehensive development of procuratorial work in 2022, on January 17, the New Barhu Right Banner Procuratorate held a special seminar to focus on the exchange of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference. The meeting was presided over by Tu Jianghong, secretary of the party leading group and chief procurator, and attended by the leading group of the academy and cadres at or above the link level.

The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference
The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference

The participants spoke in turn in combination with their own work or departmental work, and said one after another that they would conscientiously implement the requirements of the meeting with a higher political position and stronger responsibility, and persisted in taking fairness and justice as the starting point in handling cases, striving to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security, and ensuring that procuratorial work would make satisfactory answers to the people in the new year.

The New Right Banner Procuratorate held a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Procurator General (Expanded) Conference

Finally, Tu Jianghong put forward six opinions in combination with the spirit of the meeting:


The first is to adhere to the party's absolute leadership, lead the business with politics, and integrate the business into politics. All cadres and policemen should deeply study and implement the profound connotation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, profoundly grasp the "two establishments", earnestly achieve "two safeguards", conscientiously understand the content of Procurator General Zhang Jun's speech, and persist in achieving the organic unity of political, social, and legal effects in procuratorial case handling.


The second is to resolutely implement the spiritual requirements of the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era." Procuratorial cadres and policemen should promptly change their thinking, update procuratorial concepts, constantly adapt to the new requirements for procuratorial work in the new era, and promote the comprehensive coordination and full development of the "four major procuratorates." At the same time, cadres and policemen should actively communicate benignly with all units, form a "win-win and win-win" social governance synergy, and be familiar with the special positioning of the New Right Banner of "two districts, one window, and three bases", and promote and serve the high-quality social and economic development of the New Right Banner with high-quality procuratorial work.


The third is to focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of legal supervision and promoting the construction of a procuratorial integration mechanism. It is necessary to actively give play to the wisdom of procurators, continuously optimize the ratio of cases, so that there are fewer arrests and prudent prosecutions, and promote the effective implementation of the plea leniency system. It is necessary to overcome difficulties, pool wisdom, promote the research and integration of procuratorial work, check and fill in the gaps, and ensure that the quality of cases moves to a new level.


The fourth is to vigorously grasp the implementation of the "year of quality construction" of procuratorial work and strengthen the construction of a strong procuratorial team. In 2022, procuratorial work should highlight bright spots, pay attention to reality, and strive to solve the people's worries, worries, and troubles. According to the assessment methods of the higher-level hospital and combined with the actual situation of our hospital, we innovate the assessment methods and refine the assessment plan, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the cadres and policemen of the whole hospital for the work of creating work.


Fifth, consolidate the effectiveness of the procuratorial contingent's education and rectification. Persist in administering the party in an all-round and strict manner and in strictly administering procuratorial work, rationally transform and run through the results of education and rectification, organically combine rectification and reform of problems with the establishment of rules and regulations, and serve as the driving force and correct direction for promoting the procuratorial work of our procuratorate to ensure safety, safeguard stability, and promote development.


Sixth, normalize the implementation of the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. In accordance with the deployment of the Flag Committee, adhere to the self-protection and hospital-wide protection work, consolidate the achievements of epidemic prevention and control, build a solid barrier to epidemic prevention and control, and actively fight against illegal acts that undermine epidemic prevention and control work and violate epidemic prevention and control requirements through procuratorial functions.

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