
Zhu Ning, a famous economist, appeared at the Hengtian Fortune Annual Conference, focusing on macroeconomics and sharing themes

author:Ranken said sports

As a leading enterprise in the wealth management industry, Hengtian Wealth has always implemented the customer-centric concept, continuously focused on the macro economy, and delivered advanced investment management strategies to customers.

A few days ago, Mr. Zhu Ning, a well-known economist and deputy dean of Shanghai Advanced School of Finance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, personally attended the "Hengxin Hengxin" 2022 Hengtian Wealth Glory Annual Conference to bring investors a macroeconomic theme sharing with the theme of "High-quality Development and 2022 Economic Outlook".

Zhu Ning, a famous economist, appeared at the Hengtian Fortune Annual Conference, focusing on macroeconomics and sharing themes

First of all, Mr. Zhu Ning reviewed and sorted out the global economy in 2020-2021. He said that in 2020, human beings have experienced a rare pandemic, which has slowed down or even reversed the pace of globalization. According to the International Monetary Fund, global economic growth fell sharply by 3.5% in 2020. In 2021, thanks to large-scale bailouts and stimulus policies, coupled with positive progress in vaccine research and development, the recession in major economies has slowed and the economy has begun to recover, but the outlook remains uncertain.

In Zhu Ning's view, the medium- and long-term impact of the epidemic on the global economy has been revealed. For example, with the accelerated restructuring of the international industrial chain and supply chain, the accumulation of global financial risks, the rise of inflation levels to the super high level since the financial crisis, and the increasing urgency of international economic governance reform.

Zhu Ning said that with the further expansion of China's economic volume, promoting high-quality development and promoting common prosperity is bound to become the main strategic goal pursued in the next stage of China's economy. In terms of policy trends, he reminded everyone to focus on the topic of common prosperity that has been widely discussed in the market recently.

Zhu Ning believes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, high-quality development includes sustainable development, inclusive development, green development and innovative development, of which innovative development is closely related to new investment opportunities in the future. At the same time, the next two main lines of investment are technological progress and consumption growth, and new investment opportunities will also be developed around these two investment lines, distributed in the fields of consumption transformation, biomedical consumption and independent technological progress, solving the "card neck" problem in key areas, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

It is worth noting that Zhu Ning also judged the economic trend in 2022. He believes that the global epidemic will be further controlled in 2022, and the global economy will show a stable rebound; with the gradual withdrawal and stabilization of monetary stimulus policies, the risks in global financial markets are likely to be magnified; the pace of domestic economic growth will slow down, and the gradual shift of policies will bring us some new and better investment opportunities as the structure and quality gradually improve.

In response to the investment behavior of Chinese investors, Zhu Ning said that everyone has different investment goals and risk tolerance, and they should invest and adjust their mentality according to their own situation, and do not blindly envy the high returns of others. At the end of the speech, Zhu Ning stressed that under the highly changing environment, how to seize the opportunity while avoiding possible risks is a topic that every investor needs to pay great attention to.

In the future, Hengtian Wealth will continue to take every step of growth more firmly and efficiently with the best attitude and under the guidance of the new development strategy, and work with more customers to cross the cycle, develop together and create higher value.

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