
2021 Know the Answers Appreciation of Classical Music Works Chapter Test Answers Chapter 1 Unit Tests Chapter 2 Unit Tests Chapter 3 Unit Tests Chapter 4 Unit Tests Chapter 5 Unit Tests Chapter 6 Unit Tests Chapter 7 Unit Tests

author:Spend a good full moon education

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Chapter 1 Unit Testing</h1>

1. Multiple choice questions:

Isn't the main way to improve artistic quality or literacy?


A: Knowledge learning

B: Aesthetic experience

C: Memorize the main points

D: Artistic practice

Answer: [Knowledge learning; Memorization of key points】

2. Judgment questions:

The main way to improve artistic quality or literacy is aesthetic experience and artistic practice

A: Right

B: Wrong

Answer: [Yes]

3. Multiple choice questions:

What is the art of music?

A: The Art of Time

B: The art of hearing

C: Emotional art

D: Space art

Answer: [The Art of Time; Auditory art; Emotional Art】

4. Judgment questions:

Music is not plastic arts

5. Single choice questions:

Which country was Chopin a composer?

A: Germany

B: France

C: Italy

D: Poland

Answer: 【Poland】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > Chapter 2 Unit Testing</h1>

1. Single choice questions:

Who is the conductor of Fantasia?

A: Karajan

B: Stokovsky

C: James Levine

D: Tuscanini

Answer: [Stokovsky]

2. Multiple choice questions:

Fantasia was written by Beethoven?

A: Symphony of Heroes

B: Symphony of Destiny

C: Pastoral Symphony

D: Choral Symphony

Answer: 【Pastoral Symphony】

Fantasia did not use Beethoven's composition?

Answer: [Symphony of Heroes; Symphony of Destiny; Choral Symphony】

Fantasia uses Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite.

Who was the composer of The Pine Trees of Rome selected in Fantasia 2000?

A: Tchaikovsky

B: Mussorgsky

C: Respiky

D: Stravinsky

Answer: [Respiqui]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > Chapter 3 Unit Testing</h1>

Symphony translates to?

A: Opera

B: Sonata

C: Concerto

D: Symphony

Sonate translates as?

3. Judgment questions:

Beethoven composed the Fifth "Chorus" Symphony

4. Single choice questions:

What was Dvořák's Symphony of the New World?

A: Symphony No. 5

B: Symphony No. 6

C: Symphony No. 8

D: Symphony No. 9

Karajan is?

A: Composer

B: Performer

C: Singer

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > Chapter 4 Unit Testing</h1>

Doesn't Concerto mean?

A: Symphony

B: Concerto

C: Sonata

D: Fantasia

Who was the composer of the violin concerto "Four Seasons" that was appreciated in the course?

A: Monteverdi

B: Scarlatti

C: Vivaldi

D: Donecetti

Vivaldi composed the violin concerto "Four Seasons"

4. Multiple choice questions:

Who was the creator of the violin concerto "Liang Zhu"?

A: Ma Sicong

B: He Zhanhao

C: Chen Gang

D: Tan Dun

What is the instrument played in the Variations on a Rococo Theme?

A: Violin

B: Viola

C: Cello

D: Double cello

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > Chapter 5 Unit Testing</h1>

Wasn't the creator of the opera Rigoletto?

A: Donizetti

B: Rossini

C: Scarlatti

D: Verdi

What about Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro?

A: The main opera

B: Hi opera

C: Grand opera

D: Musical drama

The Marriage of Figaro is a comedy opera written by Beethoven

Opera was born from?

B: Italy

C: France

D: United Kingdom

5. Judgment Questions:

Opera arose in Italy around 1600

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="31" > Chapter 6 Unit Tests</h1>

What country is Andre Løj Weber a musical theatre composer?

B: The United States

C: United Kingdom

D: France

2. Multiple choice questions:

What was the musical by Andrey Loy Weber?

A: "Superstar"

B: Phantom of the Opera

C: Cats

D: Evita

André Loy Weber has been hailed as the "Godfather of Musical Theatre"

Which musical is "Memories" a classic song?

A: The Sound of Music

"My Only Request" is the classic singing of which musical?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > Chapter 7 Unit Testing</h1>

What does the flute belong to in a symphony orchestra?

A: String instrument group

B: Woodwind instrument group

C: Brass instrument group

D: Color instrument group

Trumpets do not belong in symphony orchestras?

The harp belongs to the group of color instruments in the symphony orchestra

Karajan is a pianist.

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