
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

author:Dongsheng release
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Enhance the awareness of civilized tourism

Create a civilized tourism atmosphere

Carry out a variety of activities


Dongsheng District is committed to the normalization of civilized tourism

Contribute to the creation of a national model city of civilization

Since the beginning of winter, Ordos Wildlife Park has opened a self-driving parking project. At the entrance, the reporter saw that tourists were driving vehicles to wait for ticket inspection to enter the park in an orderly manner, and there were eye-catching guidance signs in the park to facilitate tourists to choose routes to find venues.

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

"We are self-driving tours, after entering the zoo, I feel that everywhere is full of new trends in civilized tourism, the road signs are also very clear, and the play is very smooth."

——Zhang Qiang, a tourist from Hohhot

Civilization is everywhere, and details run through it. Ordos Wildlife Park has continuously improved its infrastructure, organically combined daily operation and management with normalized civilized tourism work, and set up a number of party building propaganda and cultural columns and party member volunteer service points in the park. Clean, bright AAA tourist toilets provide convenience for visitors with different needs. At the visitor service center at the entrance of the zoo, the separate "Loving Mommy Hut" provides wheelchairs, crutches, strollers and other services for specific groups of people such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and the disabled. A few days ago, Ordos Wildlife Park was rated as a national civilized tourism demonstration unit.

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different
Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Signs of civilized tourism can be seen everywhere

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

"We must further improve the level of service, make tourism more civilized, and make tourism better." Mobilize all employees to participate in the work of civilized tourism, carry out civilized tourism services on a regular basis, and help the creation of civilized model cities across the country. ”

—— Han Cheng, Director of the Visitor Service Center of Ordos Wildlife Park

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Walking into the Nine Cities Palace Ski Resort, the crowds were crowded, and from time to time there were screams and laughter. Enjoy the ski slopes with friends or with your family. In the scenic spot, the civilized tourism behavior of the citizens has become the brightest scenery in winter.

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Volunteers of the "JiuchengGong New Era Civilization Practice Station" distributed the "Civilized Tourism" brochure to citizens and tourists

"Civilized tourism starts with everyone. We will collect the garbage generated during skiing and take it away, use civilized language in scenic spots, and contribute to the creation of a national civilized model city. ”

——Citizen Zhang Bo

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Volunteers from the "Jiuchenggong New Era Civilization Practice Station" preached the content of the Civilized Tourism Convention to tourists

In order to continuously enhance the civilization awareness of tourists, the Jiuchenggong Grassland Manhan Cultural Tourism Zone has carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of civilized tourism in the scenic spot on a regular basis. At the same time, we advocate that tourists love the scenic environment, improve the awareness of ecological protection, and jointly create a civilized, hygienic and harmonious scenic environment, so as to provide a good tourism environment for the creation of a national civilized model city.

Thumbs up! The scenic "scenery" is different

Under the leadership of the volunteers of the "JiuchengGong New Era Civilization Practice Station", citizens and tourists jointly participated in the action of "advocating civilized travel, picking up garbage and protecting the environment"

In recent years, civilized tourism in Dongsheng District has become a common practice and has become a beautiful landscape of the city. Citizens and tourists continue to improve their awareness of civilized tourism, and the concept of environmental protection is increasing; continue to carry out normalized civilized tourism volunteer service activities to guide tourists to travel in a civilized manner; various scenic spots carry out colorful civilized tourism activities to create a strong atmosphere of civilized tourism, help the creation of national civilized model cities, make the city better, and make the citizens happier.

(Reporter: Yang Fen)

Editor: Chi Jiangyao Review: Han Gaiqin, Zhu Shaoli, Liu Dong

Proofreader: Chi Jiangyao

News hotline: 0477-8139311

Submission email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Original manuscript of Rong Media Center in Dongsheng District

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