
How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

People eat grains and grains, and whoever does not get sick. On average, a lactation period of more than a year is also likely to get a variety of diseases.

How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

It is often the case that patients need to undergo surgical treatment while feeding their babies who are waiting to be fed. Especially newborns who are a few months old, they can't starve their children for a long time. Therefore, patients or family members are often asked: Can I breastfeed after the operation?

Worried about the impact of anesthesia on children, so most of us are not sure, we can only try to make the child hungry for a while.

So, is there any scientific data to guide when to breastfeed? Let's dissect them one by one:

First, we cannot generalize. The reason is that there are different sizes of surgery and different types of anesthesia. Different anesthesia, different medications, different dosages. Therefore, this is an extremely complex issue.

How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

Secondly, everyone's physique is also different. If you can't accurately grasp the concept of "physique", you can simply understand the metabolic capacity of people. Some people metabolize quickly, of course, the drug is excreted quickly, and the concentration of anesthetics in the milk decreases quickly.

It is also very important that not all drugs leave traces in the milk. If the anesthetic doesn't take away the milk at all, there is nothing to worry about.

Having said all this, suppose it is an anesthesia white, how to accurately grasp it?

First of all, be clear about what the method of anesthesia is. Knowing the method of anesthesia, you can grasp the general direction. For example, if the use of general anesthesia is complicated and there are many drugs, it is necessary to seriously consider the problem of the concentration of anesthetics in breast milk. If it is local anesthesia, there is generally no need to worry about it. This is because the amount of local anesthetics is generally relatively small. On average, the concentration becomes very low throughout the body. The little capacity of the milk does not hold much anesthetic at all.

However, not all local anesthesia can be left unchecked. Raise the bar to say that if it is a medical aesthetic liposuction surgery, its local anesthetic dosage is relatively large. At this time, no one should be desperate to take risks.

Hearing this, some people can't help but get nervous: local anesthesia should also be careful?

How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

yes. Once upon a time, drugs like procaine were also used as one of the constituent medicines of general anesthesia. When general anesthesia is administered, the anesthesiologist will inject intravenous procaine to enhance the effects of general anesthesia. Of course, this method has disappeared, and you don't have to worry about it anymore, it is a product of the backward era of general anesthesia technology.

At present, local anesthetics are basically used topically. The largest range is intraspinal anesthesia. Spinal canal anesthesia is what everyone often calls "semi-numbness". However, even with such a "wide range" of medications, the total amount is still very small. Therefore, everyone can rest assured.

Aside from local anesthetics, the problems are focused on general anesthesia.

How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

General anesthetics are mainly divided into intravenous medication and inhalation medication. Since the anesthetics used now are no longer the anesthetics that are very stubborn and not easy to excrete from the body, the concentration in the body after surgery is already very low. It is no exaggeration to say that it is discharged in minutes.

The most important thing is intravenous medication. In general anesthesia surgery, the medication increases with the duration of the procedure, so it is likely that a large dose is used.

But don't worry. This is because, now that the patient has woken up, the concentration of anesthetics in the brain is already very low. The same thing about milk and the brain is that they contain a lot of fat. The key point is that almost all of the general anesthetics commonly used today are fat-soluble. This means that the concentration in the milk should also be very low. In addition, the brain is many times more fat than milk. Therefore, it can be considered that the anesthetic in breast milk is many times lower than in the brain.

How long can a woman who has been anesthetized breastfeed after the operation?

When you get here, everyone knows it! In fact, the concentration of anesthetics in the milk of the awakened patient is already very low. If you look at the anesthetic effect, this dose of anesthetic is difficult to produce anesthetic effect, let alone have corresponding consequences.

Finally, a word: if you are not at ease, you can consult an anesthesiologist.

【Warm tips】Point to pay attention, here is a lot of professional medical science, for you to reveal the secret of surgical anesthesia those things ~ ~

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