
Lian Haiping conducted research in Zaolin Township and Lianhuachi Street

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel

On January 19, Lian Haiping, secretary of the Lishi District Party Committee, came to Zaolin Township and Lianhuachi Street to investigate and guide the work. In Zaolin Township, Lian Haiping supervised and inspected the duty duty and organ management, carefully understood the land area, population number, and resource endowments, and inquired in detail about the treatment of cadres, collective income, village-level management, photovoltaic operation and maintenance income, and economic forest quality and efficiency.

Lian Haiping conducted research in Zaolin Township and Lianhuachi Street

It is pointed out that the rural world is vast and is a promising land. It is necessary to strengthen political command and party building guidance, firmly shoulder the main responsibility, strengthen mission responsibility, master relevant policies and laws, arm theories, enhance skills, internalize in the heart, externalize in form, and comprehensively enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness, and appeal of party organizations; it is necessary to change the style of work, carry out a major rectification of discipline and work style on a pilot basis, set down the system, set up rules, set up benchmarks, and tighten the rhythm, and use the environment to retain people, motivate people with mechanisms, infect people with feelings, and achieve career achievements; it is necessary to carry out a good job of treating old party members with feelings. It is necessary to combine the characteristics of location and give play to regional advantages, strictly abide by the red line of environmental protection and the bottom line of safety, adapt measures to local conditions and make scientific plans, develop industrial projects with good results in poverty, wide market prospects, high scientific and technological content, and strong radiation leadership, so as to promote high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture and the prosperity of peasants; we must persist in being problem-oriented, persist in adhering to the "four non-pickings," draw inferences from each other, check and fill in the gaps, and fill in the gaps. We should do a good job in rectification and reform, continue to promote the work of photovoltaic, economic forestry, and relocation to achieve practical results, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, and accelerate the promotion of rural revitalization; we must create an excellent living environment, change the way of life, pool wisdom and efforts, and work in the same frequency and direction, solidly carry out the "six chaos" rectification in rural areas, so that the countryside can become a green home for peasants to live and work in peace and contentment; we must establish the orientation of selecting and employing people who attach importance to actual achievements, look at work style, and listen to the reputation of the masses, cherish the rare opportunity to work in townships and towns, let go of work, and work boldly, and train cadres, identify cadres, and use cadres in the frontline of the grass-roots level.

Lian Haiping conducted research in Zaolin Township and Lianhuachi Street

In Lianhuachi Street, Lian Haiping inquired in detail about the structure of the team, staffing, operation mechanism, group recruitment, salary and treatment, and responsibility positioning of the street and the community.

It is pointed out that the people's livelihood is no small matter, and the branches and leaves are always concerned. It is necessary to persist in putting the first line of serving the masses at the street and community levels, connect the antenna to the top and ground the gas at the bottom, thoroughly understand the policy basis, find out the basic data, study the system and mechanism, and innovate the governance model; it is necessary to lead the way by example, demonstrate and drive, and pilot the "talking about things" mechanism in the creation of civilized cities and grass-roots social governance, in accordance with the principle of "branch leadership is the principle, mass participation is a must, the determination of topics is the key, visits and investigations are the premise, pre-meeting small discussions are the foundation, departmental linkage is the guarantee, and the establishment of rules and regulations is the goal. The eight principles of the four major groups supervising the war are the norm, let the masses raise the affairs of the masses, the masses discuss the affairs of the masses, and the masses decide on the affairs of the masses, actively create the golden key to social management, a good position for educating the masses, a good platform for ruling for the people, a good channel for asking questions of the people, and a good grasp of industrial development, continue to promote the shift of the center of gravity of social governance to the grass-roots level, and effectively improve the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Li Kaoyu, Chen Long, Wang Yiyong, Wang Xixiang, Liu Wensheng, Ren Limei and other leaders attended the meeting.

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