
Suzhou: Inclusive childcare institutions have risen significantly, with 32,000 childcare facilities currently available

author:The Paper

The Surging News reporter Peng Yanqiu

Suzhou: Inclusive childcare institutions have risen significantly, with 32,000 childcare facilities currently available

Sheng Le, secretary of the party group and director of the Suzhou Municipal Health Commission in Jiangsu Province, was at the press conference. China Net Map

On January 20, Sheng Le, secretary of the party group and director of the Suzhou Municipal Health Commission in Jiangsu Province, said at the first regular press conference of the National Health Commission in 2022 that through last year's efforts, inclusive childcare institutions have risen significantly, and there are currently 32,000 childcare positions in Suzhou, alleviating the previous tight supply and demand situation.

Sheng Le said that in specific ways and work, three priorities are proposed, mainly to broaden the supply channels of inclusive childcare, to give priority to supporting the community and opening up the last kilometer; to give priority to supporting units to provide inclusive childcare; and to give priority to supporting kindergartens. Advance the work through these three priorities. At the same time, the social office inclusive childcare institutions that have been filed will be given 10,000 yuan of construction fund subsidies and 300-800 yuan / month of operation subsidies for each childcare.

Sheng Le said that through the construction of demonstration institutions, innovative models are closer to the actual needs of the people. For example, the Children's Hospital affiliated to Soochow University has combined with childcare, explored a new model of combining "medicine" and "education", and given full play to the integration of the advantages of the top three specialized hospitals and early childhood development resources, and integrated the development of early childhood development, infant health management, pediatric medical services, and childcare services. At the same time, it also pays attention to the old and the young, and has established a carrier of one-stop integrated services of "old-age care + childcare + health".

Sheng Le pointed out that facing the future, Suzhou mainly aims at universal childcare, four words: the first is universal. To broaden the popularity, it is necessary to strictly follow the planning requirements, and the number of infant and young child care spaces per thousand population should reach 4.5. At the same time, according to a balanced layout, each township street has inclusive childcare institutions. The second is Hui. Reflect the public welfare, mainly in terms of price. The third is toto. Children have a trust, so that the people can rest assured, and implement the construction standards. The fourth is breeding. Through integrated services, infants and young children can grow up healthily in childcare institutions.

Responsible editor: Zheng Jingxin Photo editor: Zhang Tongze

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