
If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

author:Bluefish live slowly
If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

Once, in the scene of the most lively competition, there was such a boy.

He sang a slightly sad song to himself, almost passing by the champion.

His songs are tactful and the lyrics are poignant.

The mentors were puzzled, but his face, which should have been young and immature, showed maturity and vicissitudes that were different from those of his peers.

This boy is not easy to mao.

It was not until he sang a song called "One Meat and One Vegetarian" dedicated to his deceased mother that the crowd understood his sorrow and his pity, all of which stemmed from this.

We always feel young and have to travel far; we are always dissatisfied and refuse to stop in our haste. When we look back at the sky high, the long road, we suddenly find that we have gone too far, and the person who loves you the most is no longer waiting in the same place.

When we kept searching for fragments of her memories, we remembered that we had promised my mother a lot of things that we didn't seem to do, such as traveling together, such as watching movies together, or talking with her all day...

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

When the illustrator Sun Yu remembered that his mother had asked him for a painting, he decided to paint this story for his mother. He wanted to record in the book his mother's ordinary years, even if his mother could no longer see it, it was a late gift.

This year is the tenth year of the advent of this work, Sun Yu once again put pen to polish, for the "ten years of no thought, unforgettable" heart, but also for gratitude to himself ten years ago to paint this family memory that can be read at any time.

When Sun Yu was thirteen years old, he once took out a banknote and said to his mother half-jokingly: "Give me a pound of maternal love." Now that he was no longer young, he understood that there was no scale in the world that could weigh motherly love.

Yes, time is like an hourglass, missing a lot of time, but sinking into a deep affection that cannot be dissolved.

01 Mother's love is in company

When I was a child, we sang a song, "Only mothers are good in the world, children with mothers are like a treasure, children without mothers are like grass..."

We always sang without heart and lungs, hating our mother's broken thoughts day after day, the cram school arranged by stitches and needles, and the anxiety of menopause that had nowhere to rest. We all the time expect ourselves to grow up quickly, to leave home early, to leave the control of this "old woman" early.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

Because our parents are here, we can unscrupulously "squander" and conceit that this love will be desolate and always accompany us.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

But one day, my mother walked away silently, leaving nothing behind. They take away our thoughts, and they also take away the apologies from the bottom of our hearts.

However, in the Japanese film "Birthday Card", the little protagonist Noriko is lucky. Although her mother died when she was 11 years old, she turned that maternal love into a card, and came to her side and accompanied her growing up on the birthday of each child.

Although Noriko's mother cannot participate in the growth of her children, she teaches her daughter to plant flowers, make chocolate muffins, skip class to watch movies, and practice kissing skills in congratulatory cards...

The little secret shared by Noriko's mother becomes a companion through time and space, accompanying her daughter through the impulsiveness and rebellion of adolescence.

Every mother, after having a child, has a weakness. They want to give their children more and better, want to take their children to get more unknown experiences, and want to stay with their children forever and let love continue.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

Singer group SHE once had a song "Golden Bell Hood Iron Cloth Shirt", in which one of the lyrics was "Daddy Mommy must watch you grow up, there are many things to tell you".

It is this kind of warm companionship that makes every inch of time we spend meaningful, and also becomes the strongest courage for us to face hardships in the future.

Even if our thoughts become sick, we must wipe away our tears and continue to move forward.

02 Mother's love is in her thoughts

Harry Potter carried the imprint of his mother's love on his body and bravely moved forward. It was the invincible maternal love that gave him the magic to win over Voldemort. Harry had never seen his mother, but in the end, deep thoughts helped him meet her in the Mirror of Eris.

The famous writer Zhang Jie wrote her unforgettable thoughts about her mother into her book. She said she was too busy with work to lose the time that could make her mother happy. That irreparable remorse, tormenting her heart, could never be quelled.

As Sun Yu, the author of this book, wrote on the title page: "When I can no longer see you, bit by bit of the past, it becomes a pound of my love for missing you." ”

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

We are in a hurry every day, hoping to succeed sooner. However, the most important thing is that we succeeded, but my mother was gone.

Then, we can only piece together the gradually blurred outline of our mother in our thoughts.

Singer Mao Buyi misses her mother in "One Meat and One Vegetarian", her mother is a busy figure at the small square table, and her hands make time warm.

Comedian Jia Ling borrowed the movie "Hello, Li Huanying" to miss her mother, shuttle through the time of her mother's youth, she wants to spoil her mother once in her own way.

Cut the constant thoughts and become the entrance to our memories. Those years that have passed together have become more and more precious in front of every page of days torn down.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

The author also finally realized that the so-called mother-son scene is just a kind of fate, watching each other's figure gradually drift away, if the fate is exhausted, there is no need to chase!

It's just that when the moon is bright, the wind is light, and the thoughts become frost, will the mother come to my dreams with the wind?

I wanted to tell my mother that all the changes in my life and the changes in the world would surely surprise my mother to the point where her jaw dropped.

I fell asleep so gently that I did not dare to turn over, afraid that this sweet dream would awaken me.

It's just a pity that the dream is too short, and the rest of my life is too long...

03 Mother's love is still in the love of grandmother

The author's mother once asked him if he remembered the days when his mother and grandmother pulled him skiing in the snow.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

Of course, I remember, but my grandmother went, my mother also went, and the snow was still there, but only the footprints of the author were left...

The mother is the treasure of the grandmother, and we are the treasure of the grandmother, that is because the grandmother has doubled the love that has not been able to give the mother to us.

I remember that when I was a child, I took my grandmother's hand, pulled her hand that was wrinkled by the wind, and walked slowly, and the memory was also set with a warm golden yellow...

These memories also come from the Fulu Shou Band, a band made up of triplet girls. They dedicate "Jade Treasure" to their dear grandmother, the only person in the world who will not recognize them wrong.

The girls sang:

I was still drinking her jasmine

I'm still singing the songs she listens to

Until her bitterness became mine

Her kindness has become mine, too


It turns out that Grandma's former hobbies and sorrows are still continuing!

The grandmother of the famous host Ni Ping has not read books or read, but from the road and time she has traveled, she has refined her own philosophy of life and passed on this wisdom. At the low point of Ni Ping's life, Grandma silently guarded the grandson who had grown up with only strength.

Grandma said: "I have suffered a small loss for a lifetime, and I have taken advantage of a lifetime... There is no big happiness in a lifetime, and there is no small happiness one a day. ”

Grandma said, "Some things can make you work hard, and some things can't make you strong, it's dark, and no one can stop it!" ”

Grandma also said, "If you don't fall down, you can pass by anything; if you fall down, no one can support you." ”

Grandma's words are still in our ears, and we are constantly thinking about their meaning, integrating them into our own lives.

You do as you please, I did it, we'll do it for the next life, goodbye

Zhang Xiaofeng, a Taiwanese prose writer, said that sometimes, we are like a group of children, doing games in the square, and everyone has just figured out the rules of the game and just understood the fun of the game.

If the person who hurt me the most in the world went, "Come a Pound of Maternal Love", dried the glass of acacia wine

However, my mother left the scene halfway, and we did not have time to express that understanding, too late to apologize for our stubbornness when we were young, too late to give our mother a big hug...

In ancient times, maternal love was the silk thought that was concerned in the hands of the loving mother, the good intention of the three migrations of Meng Mu, and the national righteousness of the mother-in-law's embroidery.

Throughout the ages, mothers' love spans thousands of years, and they wait for us like moonlight.

They are the softest dreams, the most mellow feelings, the sweetest wines in our hearts.

If the person who hurts me the most in the world goes, I would like to dry this cup of wine and love, a cup of respect for the morning sun, a cup of respect for the bright moon, and a cup for the far side.

I would like to tattoo this heavy maternal love on the tip of my heart, and we will see you in the next life, okay?

In the next life, I will be a mother.

In the next life, I will be a mother, may be very gentle, may be more fierce, but I will take care of you grow up, until the day you grow wings and fly away...

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