
Take the initiative to act: Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission development stage singing big "drama"

author:Nanchong News Network

Qing Jianjun smiled: This year's aquatic products will usher in a bumper harvest. In the early winter, standing next to the hundreds of acres of water in Yinjia Dawan, he seemed to see a group of fat fish dancing a "harvest dance" from the smart water.

Take the initiative to act: Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission development stage singing big "drama"

Qing Jianjun is a native of Liang Township, the former changchang of Peng'an County, and is also a veteran and returned entrepreneur. At the beginning of 2018, under the invitation of Mei Qi, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Jinjia Township, he came to Yanshan Village of Jinjia Township to develop aquaculture. Qing Jianjun unforgettable: In the most difficult moments, it was Metch's encouragement and support again and again to help him get out of the predicament.

"Take the initiative and give full play to the role of discipline inspection cadres on the stage of economic construction!" This is a mantra of Mei Qi, and it is also a requirement put forward by the Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission to the discipline inspection cadres of the whole township. How does it work? Metch believes that the main thing is to serve well.

In October this year, the city's key project "Yingpengyi Three Counties Urban Waste Centralized Disposal Project" ignition production is imminent, and the project requisition and demolition involves some local houses that have not yet been demolished. In accordance with the work arrangement, the township discipline inspection commission led a working group led by Mei Qi, took the initiative to take action, and went door to door to do propaganda, policy, and beneficial ideological work, like a spring breeze and a drizzle, so that the villagers concerned could finally take into account the overall situation, thus promoting the smooth progress of the requisition and demolition work.

Economic and social development requires strong cohesion, so the harmony of party-masses relations is very important. Aiming at this point, the Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission has regarded listening to the masses' reactions and opinions as the most important task in its discipline inspection work, starting with "three visits" and "going into villages and households," and striving to build a "bridge connecting hearts" between the party committee and the government and the masses. Since the beginning of this year, the township discipline inspection commission has received a total of 4 letters from the masses, which has dropped sharply on the basis of last year's 14 letters, and one of the important reasons is that the "three visits" and "entering the village and entering the household" have been implemented.

Take the initiative to act: Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission development stage singing big "drama"

"At present, 4 visiting letters have been completed, 2 have been completed, 1 is to be filed, and 1 is in the process of being initially examined." Mei Qi said that the two cases that were completed reflected that the work style of a cadre in a certain village was untrue and was wrong after investigation; the other was to reflect the problem of the ownership right of a certain peasant household's well by the branch secretary of a certain village, which was not true after investigation. "Although the reflection was wrong, the township discipline inspection committee still thanked the villagers for reflecting the problem and encouraged the cadres to supervise them all year round."

The sharp decline in the number of petitioning cases has also benefited from the unremitting efforts of the township discipline inspection commission to do a good job in training village-level discipline inspectors. In recent years, the township discipline inspection commission has regularly trained discipline inspectors throughout the village, focusing on how to exercise effective supervision over the members of the village-level leading bodies. Through the training, the discipline inspectors of the whole village have learned the skill of supervision and normalized the effective supervision, so that the members of the village team in the whole township can consciously build an ideological defense line.

According to Wang Bing, secretary of the Jinjia Township Party Committee, in recent years, while doing its own work well, the township discipline inspection commission has also shown great skill in attracting owners to develop industries. In recent years, there have been 4 projects for cadres of the township discipline inspection commission, of which The breeding project of Qing Jianjun is remarkable. At present, he raises fish in an area of 300 mu, allowing nearly 40 local villagers to circulate through the land at a reasonable price, and more than 10 villagers to work on the farm.

Take the initiative to act: Jinjia Township Discipline Inspection Commission development stage singing big "drama"

In 2018, qingjian military-reared fish were too dense, resulting in a large number of deaths. After knowing that after three times and five times to do work, help to find a way, actively contact aquatic experts for consultation, find out the "cause", encourage him to lift his spirits, "eat a long and a wise", he through scientific breeding, last year in the case of a large investment in improving the farm infrastructure, the farm achieved an output value of 1.5 million yuan. This year's output value is conservatively estimated at 4 million yuan.

"I've been working on his farm for the past few years, earning 3,000 yuan a month!" Shen Guangtao, a villager in Yanshan Village, said frankly that it is not counting other benefits. "If it weren't for this farm, he and other villagers might have realized their dreams of working at the doorstep of their homes."