
Sports color lights up the dream of ice and snow Athletes add more motivation

On January 15, the Beijing Winter Olympics Chinese short track speed skating team was selected, the lineup of new and old combination, 5 of them participated in the Winter Olympic Games, Wu Dajing, Fan Kexin is the third time to compete in the Winter Olympics. The winter Olympic horn has been clearly heard, Chinese ice and snow athletes are racing against the clock for their dreams, and the Chinese sports lottery is like a pair of "invisible wings" to help them "soar" on the ice and snow field.

Help ice and snow sports climb the peak

In the early morning of January 6, Beijing time, the 2021-2022 freestyle skiing aerial skills World Cup In Canada, the women's group of China's Xu Mengtao played well, winning the championship with 103.92 points, winning the second individual championship of the season; in the early morning of January 9, Beijing time, the 2021-2022 season of the International Snow Federation World Cup of Mammoth Mountain Station in the United States Came to an end, and China's Gu Ailing successfully won the championship with a score of 97.50 points.

China's snow projects have begun to take off, and the mainland's long-term pattern of "strong ice and weak snow" is expected to achieve a breakthrough in the Winter Olympics. Mainland competitive sports talents have always been supported and accompanied by the China Sports Lottery on the road of growth.

In 1995, with the promulgation of the Olympic Glory Plan, the State General Administration of Sport allocated 40% of the public welfare fund of the sports lottery at this level to the implementation of the plan every year. Sports reserve talent training supply, national team training base construction, training equipment required for the Olympic Games, composite team building... All are inseparable from the help of the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund.

Sports color lights up the dream of ice and snow Athletes add more motivation

From 2011 to 2020, the State General Administration of Sport spent a total of 5.394 billion yuan on the public welfare fund of the sports lottery at this level to support competitive sports. With the support of the Sports Lottery Public Welfare Fund, Chinese athletes have stepped onto the podium of international top events time and again, the mainland's competitive sports strength has been significantly improved, and the Olympic ideal of "higher, faster, stronger - more united" has taken off together with the dream of building a sports power.

Short track speed skating Olympic champion Wu Dajing personally felt that the rapid progress of China's competitive sports, can not be separated from the silent support of the sports lottery public welfare fund, he once said that the athletes' training and competition guarantees are inseparable from the support of the sports lottery public welfare fund, in preparation for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics at the same time, he will also do his best to promote ice and snow sports and national fitness, and actively join the sports lottery public welfare ranks.

In addition, including Zhou Yang, Zhang Hong and other mainland ice and snow project celebrities have also served as sports lottery image ambassadors, they hope to use their own practical actions to repay the sports lottery cause and national support. Short track speed skater Wang Meng once said: "The selfless dedication of sports lottery players and lottery buyers across the country is a huge force to support Chinese athletes to face strong hands and strive to be the first on the field." ”

Ensure the continuous growth of reserve talents

Recently, the good news before the Winter Olympics has been frequently reported, and some recruits have turned out to be the generals who have become the pillars. Su Yiming, who completed the world's first "internal rotation 1980 degree" ultra-difficult action, is only 17 years old, becoming China's first world cup winner of the men's snowboard jump; Peng Qingyue, who also crossed the discipline, although he is still using youth snowboards due to his young age, has already obtained the "admission ticket" for ski jumping at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

The cultivation of young talents is an important foundation for the sustainable development of competitive sports. In fact, the sports lottery public welfare fund has always been a solid guarantee for the cultivation of sports reserve talents in the mainland. In 2020, the State General Administration of Sport used a total of 948 million yuan of the lottery public welfare fund at this level, of which a large amount of funds were used for the construction of reserve talents, such as funding the construction of high-level reserve talent bases, carrying out the construction of the U series of events system, preparing for the construction of the echelon of the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Paris Olympic Games, and improving training conditions.

Sports color lights up the dream of ice and snow Athletes add more motivation

Increasing the cultivation of young ice and snow sports talents and promoting ice and snow sports into schools are also important support directions for sports lottery in various places. The 4th Yinchuan Youth Winter Ice and Snow Games in 2022, the 2021 Beijing Youth U Series Figure Skating Championships supported by Sports Lottery, the 1st Youth Winter Games of Liaoning Province, the 2021 Youth Sports Lottery Youth Ice Hockey Championships... With the help of sports color, youth ice and snow activities have blossomed everywhere.

Sports color lights up the dream of ice and snow Athletes add more motivation

Wang Dong, director of the Winter Sports Project Management Center of the Liaoning Provincial Sports Development Center, introduced that the Liaoning Youth Winter Games supported by the China Sports Lottery are fully docked with the Beijing Winter Olympic Games in terms of project settings, which is a centralized review of the reserve talents of Liaoning ice and snow projects.

When the national anthem of the Olympic Games is sounded and the national flag is raised, the sense of pride that arises spontaneously is exactly the way to enhance the cohesion, centripetal force and self-confidence of the Chinese nation. Behind the shining medals, there is the unknown payment of the Chinese sports lottery, and the support and dedication of the majority of lottery buyers to promote the leapfrog development of China's ice and snow sports, which requires everyone's participation, and the trickle-down force will also converge into a majestic force to promote the construction of a sports power.