
Bazhou CDC tips: 0-6 years old children vaccination raiders are coming! Please check it out!

Vaccination strategies for children aged 0-6 years

What vaccines do babies need to get after they are born?

How old is the baby to get what vaccine?

Did you know?


1. Types of vaccines

In continental vaccines fall into two categories:

Type I vaccines:

Free vaccines (officially known as "immunization programme vaccines") are vaccines that are provided free of charge by the government to citizens and must be given in no special circumstances. It is recommended to schedule vaccination as early as possible when your baby reaches the appropriate age. If this type of vaccine is not vaccinated, it may affect your baby's admission to daycare, kindergarten, school and even going abroad.

Type II vaccines:

Self-funded vaccines (officially known as "non-immunization program vaccines") are vaccines that children's parents voluntarily choose and pay for, and are a powerful complement to free vaccines that can provide broader protection for children. For example, hand-foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, Hib vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, rotavirus vaccine and so on.

2. The general principle of vaccination

Total protection: Give your baby the most comprehensive vaccine protection to protect your baby from vaccine-preventable infectious diseases.

Effect first: In the choice of vaccines, whether it is a self-funded vaccine or a free vaccine, the better effect is the right choice.

Efficiency priority, timely vaccination: the reason is simple, early vaccination and early protection.

Bazhou CDC tips: 0-6 years old children vaccination raiders are coming! Please check it out!

III. Precautions for vaccination

1. If your child is sick, can he be vaccinated?

Vaccination has absolute contraindications and relative contraindications, if the child has the following conditions, many vaccines can not be played, such as uncontrolled epilepsy, encephalopathy, progressive nervous system diseases, acute infectious diseases or acute attacks of chronic infectious diseases, people with serious heart, liver, kidney diseases, allergies, etc. can not be vaccinated. There are also some cases that are relatively contraindicated, not that they cannot be beaten, but need to be postponed, such as during the onset of some acute diseases, such as colds, fevers or diarrhea, severe eczema, etc., do not rush to get vaccinated during treatment, and can only be vaccinated after these diseases are cured. If the child is sick, parents must communicate with the doctor to see if the child is an absolute or relative contraindication.

2. Does postponing vaccination have an impact on your child's health?

Vaccination cannot be given earlier, but it can be postponed appropriately. Postponing vaccination simply delays the protective effect of vaccination, without affecting the protective effect of vaccine protection. However, it is recommended that parents take their children to the vaccination site on time for vaccination. No special reason, it is not recommended to postpone the vaccination of any vaccine!

3. Does it affect the child to take one or two injections less before entering school?

If your child does not complete the NAVI vaccine before enrolling in kindergarten, revaccination should be carried out at the vaccination unit in your place of residence as soon as possible. Note: According to national regulations, children can be revaccinated with the national immunization programme vaccine until the age of 14 (BCG vaccines are not revaccinated after 4 years of age). In addition, it should be reminded that the vaccination certificate is very important, and it must be properly stored for a long time to avoid the loss of information, especially if the child goes to live and go to school with his parents in other places, and the enrollment of kindergarten needs to be checked and registered!

Bazhou CDC tips: 0-6 years old children vaccination raiders are coming! Please check it out!

4. Can the vaccine be given twice at a time?

Some parents worry that two injections at a time will have so-called "side effects" and that children will not be able to hold on. In fact, don't worry too much, as long as you choose a suitable vaccine to vaccinate at the same time according to the requirements of national vaccination norms, it will not increase the probability of side effects. Moreover, now the vaccine is a trend, which is to reduce the number of children to get vaccinated, so although only one shot is given, it actually contains a variety of vaccines.

Will imported vaccines be better than domestic ones?

Whether it is a domestic vaccine or an imported vaccine, its safety and immune effect are basically the same.

Can I get vaccinated without getting sick?

While vaccination can help prevent disease in the vast majority of people, no vaccine claims 100 percent protection.


Editor: Feng Yilin

Editor-in-Chief: Yang Jianjian

Executive Producer: Yu Lu

Source: Bazhou Rong Media Center

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