
shock! The Stirring Classic Sentences of "Ordinary World" (I)

author:Erudite a classic every day

1. How much helplessness and regret are there in life, and what kind of sorrow and sentimentality are there? The loneliness and cangchu of rain and wind erosion must be water, quietly flowing through the days of youth struggle and touching the ideal years.

2. Time passes quietly. There are some people in the world who feel the heaviness of life because they are busy, and some people who live depressed because they are idle.

3. The real warriors in life have always been obscure, and the noisy ones are always a group of people who regard themselves as noble.

4. Love can bring a person to such an extent. An encounter, a fusion of eyes, is an eternal union, a covenant with God; even storms and thunder cannot break down this bonding of the heart.

5. Only when you treat others sincerely, others can treat you with sincerity.

6. How many good things have disappeared and been destroyed, and the world is still like nothing has happened. Yes, life goes on. However, everyone in life is constantly losing what is most precious to them.

shock! The Stirring Classic Sentences of "Ordinary World" (I)

7. This is the bitterness of life. In our short and long lives, we are struggling to find happiness in life, but happiness is often lost to us. When we spend precious youth for this, and wrinkles creep up the corners of our eyes, we may be able to understand a little bit what life actually means...

8. You always have to forgive sentient beings, no matter how bad he is, even if he has hurt you, you must let go in order to get true happiness.

9. Man's suffering can only be slowly dissipated in life and labor, but friends, there is no panacea that heals people's mental wounds more than labor.

10. What is life? Life is a never-ending struggle! Only when you have chosen a goal and feel that your efforts are not wasted in the struggle, such a life is full and the spirit will always be young!

11. The chain can lock the doors and windows, can lock the hands and feet, but can not lock the heart.

12. Man and society, the general outcome of all struggles may be moderation. Instead of being serious, it is better to pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely see the South Mountain. If you have money, you will find a drunk, if you have no money, you will find a sleep, and you will be at peace with your encounters.

13. Even if there is no moon, the heart is pure.

14. Unremitting pursuit of life, but do not dare to expect life to be too much reward and pampering, rational and sober to face reality.

15. Not all that is reasonable and good in this world can exist or be fulfilled according to one's wishes.

16. The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things. If you don't bother yourself, others will never be able to bother you. Because of your own heart, you can't put it down. Discipline yourself well and leave others alone.

17. You should truly live up to the love of all in the short period of time.

18. Every minute a new life is joyfully born into this world, while also sending others to the grave. There is no cloud here, and the sun is shining; there may be a sudden storm and a landslide. Not a day goes by that the world is at peace.

19. One can only find a lifelong partner on one's own terms.

shock! The Stirring Classic Sentences of "Ordinary World" (I)

20. In the most ordinary things, the greatness of a person's personality can be shown.

21. A middle school student should develop the habit of reading the newspaper every day in order to broaden his horizons; it is sad that a cultured person does not know what is happening in the country and the world!

22. People would rather care about the eating, drinking, and frivolous skins of a crappy movie actor than the turbulent inner world of an ordinary person...

23. You have opened the window to let me look out into the outside world; you have slapped off a body of yellow clay that I have brought from the country with your stiff hands, and you have imprinted your soot-smelling logo on me, and to be honest, you have not been able to slap the loess on me; but my body has indeed left your mark!

24. Even the life of a great man is full of so much hardship, what does an ordinary man gain by suffering a little?

25. Through a baptism of blood and fire, he believes that the honey of life he has brewed through all his hard work must be more delicious than where it came from easily!

26. They often fight with a tragic passion on one of the most difficult paths of their lives. They do not care about the rhetoric or cynicism of worrying about the fate of humanity. First of all, they must change their conditions of existence, and at the same time abandon the most important spiritual pursuits; they do not despise the worldly life of ordinary people, but they also strive to bring their understanding of life to a deeper level!

27. There is a kind of person in life who you despise and even insult him, who not only regards him as normal, but also admires you; if you treat him as an equal in personality, he will look down on you instead!

28. Only by working hard can we make people respected.

29. Have you lived like this for the rest of your life? Where is your final destination?!

shock! The Stirring Classic Sentences of "Ordinary World" (I)

30. Manhood should be an intrinsic quality, not something that can be revealed by makeup and performance!

31. You can suffer, which shows that you still have hope for life!

32. Man's life force is strengthened in the midst of suffering.

33. I will choke the throat of fate, and it will never be my complete submission.

34. A person's fate cannot be changed if he wants to, and as for ideals, he is only synonymous with the quality of his profession

35. When my Parthenon was built, I could feel his splendor from this distant place.

36. Black is beautiful, he was originally bright red as blood, containing infinite heat, dazzling light (coal is black, workers' blood is bright red, so black is beautiful, praise for coal workers, like it)

37. The unremitting pursuit of life, but do not dare to expect too much reward and pampering in life, but rationally and soberly face reality.

38. An ordinary and ordinary person will always feel overwhelmed by the great waves of life. Will you be overwhelmed? Unless you are willing to sink into it!!

39. Life! Why are you always so puzzling? Unimaginable?

40. Authority is erected with strength and wisdom!

41. He faintly heard a vibrant song blown out of a whistle echoing in Ruo's ear. It is a song of praise for youth and life.

42. From ancient times to the present, how many such yin and yang mistakes have been made in the human world!

43. Brothers must be friends first, and then brothers.

44. People should work hard while they are young, even if they die, they will not regret it.

45. The hot juice of youth stopped erupting, and in its place stood a solemn hill!

46. Outside the window is the eternal smile of the sun.

47. She is alive, she is alone in pain. If she died, it would bring pain to many of her relatives, so she lived in pain...

shock! The Stirring Classic Sentences of "Ordinary World" (I)

48. Sacrificing himself to support this poor family with all his strength was a belief that had been his life for many years.

49. To live, you must always be prepared to endure hardships!

50. She's not having a wedding. It was the funeral of her youth!

51. Come to think of it, everyone's life is also a world. Even the most ordinary man has to fight for the existence of his world.

52 True love is not egoistic, but should be altruistic.

53. Never tighten! He should also, as usual, jump into the carriage of life with great energy, sit in the driving position, tighten the muscles and nerves of his whole body, shout, scream, and continue to go forward.

54. Know that the roads of spring are still full of mud!

55. Only with endless tears can he pay homage to the love of his youth that will never return.

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