
In fact, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves

author:Night reading psychology


Men and women in the world always firmly believe that men are not bad, women are not loved.

It seems to be thinking of a high-sounding reason for the "bad" of men.

But for girls, gentle as water, birds depend on people... It seems that this is the only way to get favored.

But thousands of people, the people of the world, are not commodities produced on the assembly line.

They have their own dispositions and their own preferences.

Every woman is a unique and unique existence, not only a "well-behaved woman".

Cruel women still play a pivotal role in love.

Moreover, for such women, few people can resist their charm.

The state of obedience does not necessarily allow men to always be by their side.

If love is a game, then a woman who is good at cruelty can laugh to the end.

They are never limited to how the chess game changes for a while and a half.

Every step is for the sake of the overall situation, and it is all for the final victory.

Such a woman can really have what she wants, and others can't understand it, but this is their rule.

It is not that a kitten-like woman can go all over the world, and sometimes, the more fierce a woman is, the more men love it.

In fact, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves


It is impossible to predict their prejudgment, but it arouses the interest of men.

In the past 2021 Olympic Games, badminton competitions were played;

Our athletes showed a "prejudged your prejudgment" play, which caught the other side off guard and won the next goal smoothly.

In fact, "prejudgment" is a very good technique.

Not only in playing, but also in love, good at prejudgment, but also attracting men's attention.

When they think that they have touched the woman thoroughly, all the movements cannot escape their eyeballs;

The surprise at this time can make them inseparable.

The so-called cruel women, their fierceness, stems from the accurate prediction of men, this kind of fierceness, is cruel to themselves.

I know that they like to go to the hall and the kitchen, even if they are not good at it, they force themselves to learn cooking...

Because of love, they constantly force themselves to become better people.

Because I know that love has a shelf life, I am trying to extend the shelf life of this feeling.

When men can't predict what a woman thinks;

The instinctive desire to conquer has made them more interested, and they can't leave these "fierce women".

In fact, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves


Not only "fierce" to yourself, but also "fierce" enough to treat love.

A woman who can hold love firmly in her hands is cruel enough to herself, and likewise, she is cruel enough to love.

They will not be entangled for a long time in a relationship that does not belong to them.

When broken, they will not stay in the mud for too long, this is their character.

People like to watch "big heroine" like film and television works, because such a plot does not drag.

When the heroine finds that the love is not suitable for her, she can decisively withdraw.

But when he found that the other party had betrayed him, he turned away without mercy.

Some people who deceive and frame themselves will also be rewarded with the same eyes, leaving no mercy at all.

In fact, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves

Such a dare to love and dare to hate, and treat feelings without dragging mud and water, only let the audience love this role more.

Women who are cruel enough to love, often, they are the winners who laugh to the end.

What they can't get is always in turmoil, and women who treat love fiercely, they know this truth very well.

Therefore, many times, their departure is a manifestation of "wanting to refuse to return".

Since you can't get it, it's better to let go and leave, such a relief, attitude, but more able to touch the heart of men.

After all, they are also secretly enjoying being liked and favored.

Therefore, you don't have to be afraid of being too cruel to love and not getting love.

Such a woman, there are very few men who are not unmoved.

In fact, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves

People are all strong, and only those who are cruel enough to themselves can become strong in love.

No one is a victorious general, and men and women in the world always have to find their own unique nemesis.

Perhaps, some people like to be weak and cannot take care of themselves;

But don't rush to deny yourself, more men, they favor women who are tough enough on themselves.

The bland life is too long, and men are willing to try something novel.

Gentle women see more, and cruel women have a different charm.

Therefore, there is no need to make changes, dare to love and dare to hate is their own attitude.

Believe that there will always be people who like this, after all, the more fierce a woman is, the more a man loves.

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