
Seesaw quotes

author:Inside the shares

The general trend view and the time point cycle trend, I will not repeat too much, since the middle of this month, the market stocks and indices are basically seesaw market! That is, the main board index is strong, (such as Moutai Financial Bank is strong, 2020 hugging stocks) then the stocks are weak, they are collectively strong, then the stocks are basically generally falling, on the contrary, when the index is weak, the stocks are generally rising, that is, the stocks and the index are completely out of sync, and the middle is completely reflected! The only difference is that it is not continuous, at the end of 2020, the group of stocks is a continuous rebound, the stocks are continuously falling, and this position is spaced, there are 6 trading days before the Spring Festival, this seesaw market may not last long, and the market will eventually complete the synchronous rebound upwards!

Back to the market: today's several major index fluctuations are not large, but it is another index market, earning the index does not make money, because the market stocks generally fell, the big drop in stocks is more, there are more than 600 people with a decline of more than 5%, and the large weight is relatively strong, mainly last year's 21 years of relatively weak plates such as bank liquor real estate infrastructure construction, etc., giving people the feeling that the market style is turning, in fact, I personally think it is still a big rotation switching process, because this period of time the theme of individual stocks is particularly strong and prominent, doubling a lot, The process of switching high and low! This week's market gives people the feeling that the index did not fall stocks but fell a lot, I believe that most of the friends in the hands of stocks are basically the same, the index did not go to a new low, many stocks are lower than the price of index 3519! That is to say, this week's main board index is reversed, and many stocks are weakening! Although many oversold stocks have retraced this week, I believe that most oversold stocks are still a long way from the November low, and if the stocks in hand are close to the November low or fall below the November low, it is necessary to consider whether the stock in hand is oversold or whether it is a low bottom! Proper drawdown I personally think is still relatively normal, as long as it belongs to the oversold category I gave may only consume some time! In November, I talked about focusing on individual stocks and sectors in the concept of intelligence, and all the contents of the recent 14th Five-Year Plan basically include intelligent wisdom! These relevant information should not need me to interpret more, and will continue to introduce relevant policies in the future, continue to pay attention to attention! Today's market is relatively sluggish, mainly reflected in individual stocks, from some data point of view, there is no need to be too pessimistic, such as foreign capital net inflow of 12.5 billion (mainly the weight of the market)! The index is stable, then it is difficult for individual stocks to fall much, after all, the spring line is imperative, do not worry too much! Tomorrow Friday, I look at the index and individual stocks, and everyone can't help but guess the closing point before the Spring Festival!

Personally: I hold shares for the holiday, so everyone does not need to ask more, still heavy holdings to rise, short-term do not need to pay attention to market fluctuations, nonsense will not say more, continue next week!

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