
This is the shandong | spring to spring and come again, the road is longer

author:China Shandong Net

The Spring Festival is approaching, the air is filled with the sweet smell of the New Year, and the most beautiful scenery in the world is not as good as the way home. On January 17, the Spring Festival arrived as scheduled. Data from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. shows that during the Spring Festival, the national railway is expected to send 280 million passengers, an increase of 28.5% year-on-year.

As the backbone of the national comprehensive transportation system, the railway is not only an important basic project for people's livelihood and the main artery of the national economy, but also one of the industries that are most closely related to people's livelihood and serve the masses most directly. To provide passengers with a safe, efficient and warm journey, so that hundreds of millions of naked children who are wandering abroad can ride the high-speed rail through thousands of rivers and mountains, which is the original intention and bullseye of the "people's railway for the people". Railway services are like a spring breeze, and the railway journey is warm and long. This Spring Festival is destined to be a safe Spring Festival, an orderly Spring Festival, and a warm Spring Festival.

Watch the railway lift its strength to guard the safe way home for passengers. This year's Railway Spring Festival will face multiple challenges such as accurate prevention and control of the epidemic and transportation service guarantee for the Beijing Winter Olympics, which can be said to be more complicated and the difficulty of transportation organization. In order to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the Spring Festival, and continuously enhance the sense of safety of passengers, the railway department strictly implements the temperature measurement code, increases the intensity of environmental disinfection in the passenger waiting area, ticket hall, platform and other areas, adopts more frequent preventive disinfection, and weaves a dense railway protective network. At the same time, we will combine transportation services with epidemic prevention and control, organize the operation of "point-to-point" special trains and "chartered carriages", promote contactless passenger room services, and take more powerful and all-round measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic through the railway.

Watch the railway accurately guard the passengers' orderly way home. As a nationwide population flow with high transportation pressure, the Spring Festival can be described as a big test for the railway department. Before the Spring Festival, through centralized renovation and preparation, with the greatest energy, the shortest time, planned, batch-by-batch, scientific investigation and filling of gaps, the transportation basic work will be done solidly, and the "main artery" will always be in the optimal state. After the start of the Spring Festival, according to the changes in passenger flow and ticket pre-sale, the "one day, one map" will be implemented more accurately, the capacity will be dynamically arranged and the passenger train will be launched, the necessary scale of the general speed train will be maintained, the non-passenger flow concentration direction of the train will be taken into account, and the public welfare "slow train" will be adhered to, and the railway capacity will be fully utilized to ensure that more passengers return home smoothly.

Watch the railway dedicated to guarding the warm way home for passengers. Going home for the New Year is a kind of happiness for us, but also a feeling. Let passengers go home with a sense of happiness and make the pace of going home more calmly, for the railway department, it is the direction of efforts and efforts from "walking" to "walking well". When the Spring Festival was in progress, passenger trains of the "Communist Youth League" in various places set off one after another, pasting window flowers, pasting Spring Festival, hanging Chinese knots, explaining knowledge, and holding various volunteer literary and artistic activities full of annual flavor, which were praised and praised by countless passengers; further extending the 12306 ticket sales and rebooking service time, providing temporary electronic ID card services to meet the emergency needs of some passengers for emergency transfer; preferential trains cover forward and reverse, EMUs and general speeds, and EMU trains continue to have a minimum of 5.5% discount, take the car that benefits the people, and enjoy the railway development dividend." The "humane" service is full of humanistic care for travelers.

Spring goes to spring and comes again, and the road is longer. In recent years, China, which is moving forward courageously, has ushered in the great development of transportation, and is committed to improving the ability to guarantee transportation services and creating a safer and more convenient travel environment for the people. The operating mileage of railways in the country exceeded 150,000 kilometers, of which high-speed rail exceeded 40,000 kilometers, which greatly shortened the time and space distance of people's travel and met the growing demand for beautiful travel of the people. "Moving trains into my hometown", Guangdong Heyuan, Henan Puyang, Shandong Heze and Jining and other cities have ended the history of different trains, the people's travel choices are more diverse, since then the mountains are no longer high, the road is no longer long.

We believe that the opening of the Spring Festival is a new starting point for the new year! The world's attention of China's railways is going all out to pave a prosperous and developed road to a strong country, which will continue to provide a powerful engine for the high-quality development of China's economy in the future, and draw a magnificent blueprint for the people's beautiful travel! (Text/Li Shuo)

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