
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

author:Bright Net

Aunt Xu, 68, of Beijing, has been buying collections since 2007 and has spent nearly 2 million yuan, and now, aunt Xu has not yet waited for the collection to appreciate, and she has begun to worry about sales.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

By chance, Aunt Xu received a call from an employee of a company, who said that she could help Aunt Xu sell the collection at a high price, provided that she needed to pay a membership fee of 40,000 yuan first.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

This side of the sales has not progressed, Aunt Xu received a call from another company, claiming to pay 20,000 membership fees, you can find a sales channel.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

Unexpectedly, soon after the money was paid, both companies closed their doors and ran away.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

Aunt Xu was not the only one who was deceived. Fengtai sub-bureau through combing similar reports found that the company is located in the South Fourth Ring Road, claiming to be able to help the owner sell the collection at a high price: the price is significantly higher than the market price, such as a grain stamp offered 10,000 yuan, a paper-cut painting offer of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan, the company proposed to pay membership fees, collection appraisal fees to help sell.

Many owners believed in this company in a hurry, and successively paid membership fees ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 yuan.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

Until June 2021, when the company ran away, the owner who paid the money did not sell a single collection, and the membership fee was also lost.

During the investigation, the special case team found a strange phenomenon, the criminal gang totaled seven people, which was a shot to change places. The seven people were divided into two groups one after another, and the unlucky Aunt Xu was deceived by two groups of suspects.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

After obtaining sufficient evidence, on the morning of December 30, 2021, the task force launched a network collection operation.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

On the same day, seven people, including the main offender, were arrested one after another. In this company, the reporter found that there are still many pennants hanging on the wall to fool the elderly, and there are tricks on the desk to deceive the elderly.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

The suspect confessed that the contact information of the elderly was bought from illegal sources at their expense.

Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost
Beijing strange case: the woman was fooled twice by the same fraud gang, and 2 million yuan was lost

At present, seven criminal suspects have been criminally detained by the Fengtai police on suspicion of fraud, and the case is under further investigation.

Reporter: Li Yue

Source: When the rule of law is in progress

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